Skin sensitive to touch =CARBS?

Okay this may sound very weird but have you ever experienced something like a "skin pain" after you consumed too many carbs?
It feels like a bruise, like when you touch the skin even gently it hurts. I don't want any hugs or people touching me on those days after I "binged" on carbs.

I don't need more than 150gram Carbs a day and I would get this sensitivity and pain.

Has anyone ever had that? Do you know where this could come from? I read something about insulin resistance or sensitivity or inflammation that could be related to this phenomenon. Seems like doctors don't have an explanation for that (on the net) I have an appointment in two weeks however.
What if the doctor will tell me there is no clear answer to that?
Are there any experiences here?
Also what should I do?
Does it hurt because I am gaining weight? It feels like it only hurts at places where I gain weight easily (belly area, hips, upper arms)

Any answers out there?:flowerforyou:


  • loorita90
    loorita90 Posts: 21 Member
    Does no one know what I mean?
  • east2west14
    east2west14 Posts: 161 Member
    I know EXACTLY what you mean. Okay, few years ago I was 150 and fast forward to June of this year when my hips bumped slightly into the edge of my bed and that hurt me for days. Since that day any bumped would hurt for days. So I decided to buy a scale to weigh myself. I wasn't blind I knew that I had gained weight and I usually fluctuate in weight but this time it was a bit too much. I weighed 220 pounds. The biggest I have ever been. I quickly joined a gym and after 2 weeks of working out I stopped hurting.

    So I believe that this condition was brought on by weight gain and my sedentary lifestyle. This could be what you are experiencing and if so then start working out and start eating healthy.
  • priscillamelo333
    OH MY GOSH!! I have this exact same problem! After a vacation or holiday when I over do it with treats my tummy and hips get so sensitive!! I can’t find anyone or anything to explain it! No one else k owns what I’m talking about. It feels like my whole torso is bruised but none of it is visible
    I have no solution but I can’t beleive you have the same thing!
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    edited November 2018
    I sometimes get this on my face, not very often though. Only on the left side. Sometimes I also get it in my upper arms.

    Definitely not carb related though as I eat a fairly high carb diet and I get it what, 3, maybe 4 times a year. Less so for my arms.

    But I'm glad I'm not the only person, I've done some extensive googling and have never managed to find any answers for it.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I get pain if I get glutened, but I have celiac disease.
  • smolmaus
    smolmaus Posts: 442 Member
    I get pain if I get glutened, but I have celiac disease.

    Same. Also get it when I have the flu which makes sense if they're both times your immune system is going nuts. Usually it's mostly on my arms in particular but kinda all over.
  • VickiZei
    VickiZei Posts: 32 Member
    OMG, I’ve only told a couple people about this because people don’t get it and think I’m crazy. I feel sore when I press in many places on my body. The tips of my shoulders, my ribs, my shins, hips etc. It’s deeper than the skin but not as deep as muscle. I’ve always thought it was inflammation. Now I’ve list 25 lbs, have given up sugar, stick to less than 100 carbs per day and I think it is getting better. I’ve had a couple times since I started this way of eating where I had more carbs (free day) and my knees ache in the joints like they used to. I still have about 75 lbs to go so hopefully as I keep losing I will notice more improvement.
  • LeiLaura
    LeiLaura Posts: 238 Member
    I get this sometimes in my thighs. It feels exactly like a bruise. Never linked it to carbs, will pay more attention next time :) Could be an immune thing as I have an underactive thyroid, and I bruise VERY easily with that, but I'm definitely gluten intolerant and nevertheless used to binge on white flour-based carbs before this diet journey. Interesting to hear people's thoughts.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I can’t speak to the carbs issue, but when I have lupus flares my skin becomes very touch sensitive, and even a fan blowing on it can make me want to scream. In addition to being checked for blood glucose issues ask about a sed rate test and an anti-nuclear antibody test at your appointment to rule out immune issues.
  • kosseychick
    kosseychick Posts: 244 Member
    I get pain and stiffness in my hands in particular if I consume too many goodies with loads of sugar.. I stop for 2 days and my hands are back to normal.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    I'm not normally allergic to cats, but if I eat a ridiculous amount of ice cream, then I start reacting to cats.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm not normally allergic to cats, but if I eat a ridiculous amount of ice cream, then I start reacting to cats.

    They are experiencing legit symptoms and trying to figure it out. Why the rude??
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    I have this with grains in general - so it IS high carbs, but I've noticed I can get high carbs without this as long as it's not grains. Seems to be a reaction to the grains sets off something inflammatory.

    I have friends who have had foods (often carbs or grains) set off fibromyalgia flares that involved a lot of pain like you describe. I've had friends who have described similar who have various auto-immune disorders if inflammation was involved.

    I honestly believe, just from how people I know have described their own experiences, that there may just be some of us that have increased inflammation to certain foods, we just don't know why, yet, you know?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    edited September 2019
    I was going to say, the pain sounds a little like fibromyalgia pain, and eating wheat makes my fibromyalgia worse.
    Also, eating a lot of sugar makes my allergy symptoms worse. During my allergy season (tree pollen) I cut way back on desserts for a few days.