Need supportive friends who get it



  • Goal4Laura
    Goal4Laura Posts: 7 Member
    Completely understand. As you can see by my photo and profile "Yo-Yo No Mo!" I am in the same boat. This coming year I stop and really look at what I am doing to keep the weight on and make changes to get it off....for my next birthday in July. Feel free to add me. We can support each other during our weight loss journey.
  • vanessabeams
    vanessabeams Posts: 15 Member
    Hi You more than welcome to add me Im a long term yoyo dieter and happy to have support too :0:smile:
  • Jonesy45
    Jonesy45 Posts: 8
    I'll be there for you. Just one day at a time and if you need one meal at a time.
  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member
    I am starting again. Last summer was my first attempt. I had success but I fell off the wagon and lost my way. Gained back the weight plus a few. Feeling scared to fail again and I think it's keeping me from trying. I have decided to try again but am in need of supportive friends that I can be honest with. People that I don't have to feel judged by if I have a bad day. I so desperately need to do this. If you understand or feel like you've been at this low point and have made it thru, please feel free to give advice. I need to lose 150 lbs and I need support. I need to find the strength to do this, but am scared I don't have it. I would like to have some friends on here to help me find my strength again....I'm hoping it's still there. I know I sound horribly needy but I have just realized I can't do this alone and am too embarrassed to discuss with the people around me. If you would be willing to give advice or don't mind a new friend it would be greatly appreciated :-)
  • kbmourning
    kbmourning Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it! Most helpful advice I can give you:
    1. Take small steps, changing your lifestyle in small ways.
    2. Get rid of and don't eat any more processed food. If the container has more than 5 ingredients, don't buy it. If it has ingredients you can't pronounce or don't know what they are, don't buy it. It's all loaded with sugars and chemicals that will just make you want to buy more of it. Eat the real thing!!!
    3. Do the right thing for your body, even when you don't feel like it. Even when you really really don't want to. Because that urge to revert back to a bad habit will pass and you will feel so much more accomplished when you make a better choice.
    4. Don't dwell on "relapses" or one bad decision. Don't let it be an excuse to repeat a bad decision, either. Just accept and move on, knowing the next time you will do better.
    5. Remember that it takes at least a week to rid your body of sugar or carb cravings (if you decide to eliminate them), but months to develop new habits. Take it one day at time, one decision at a time.
  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member
    I am starting again. Last summer was my first attempt. I had success but I fell off the wagon and lost my way. Gained back the weight plus a few. Feeling scared to fail again and I think it's keeping me from trying. I have decided to try again but am in need of supportive friends that I can be honest with. People that I don't have to feel judged by if I have a bad day. I so desperately need to do this. If you understand or feel like you've been at this low point and have made it thru, please feel free to give advice. I need to lose 150 lbs and I need support. I need to find the strength to do this, but am scared I don't have it. I would like to have some friends on here to help me find my strength again....I'm hoping it's still there. I know I sound horribly needy but I have just realized I can't do this alone and am too embarrassed to discuss with the people around me. If you would be willing to give advice or don't mind a new friend it would be greatly appreciated :-)

    Hi, I know how you feel. I lost 100 lbs. 2 times and then 75 lbs. due to an illness, gaining most of that back. I thought I was hopeless. And gave up. It took me several years before I even thought about trying again. A friend of mine of mine who also has a lot to loose put a post on Facebook about this site. I thought why not give it a try, so I joined and here I am!

    I love this site because there are so many wonderful people who care and support me. The site itself has some much to offer. And I love how I can basically eat any food just in my calculated calories, cabs., fat, proteins, sodium & sugar limits.

    If you want to friend me, I'd love to have you as a friend. We can encourage each other.
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am at the same point as you right now, just a really low point and I'm slowly moving back to my healthy habits! Would love some support/to support you and share advice + tips :)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I sent you a request. I know that feeling of being afraid to fail, of wondering why I should even bother since it never seems to last anyway. I'm in a really good place right now in my journey so I'm happy to support you along yours, but I still have a long way to go so I can use all the support back that I can get too!
  • Hi there. I'm completely new here too, I just signed up like a few mins ago. I'm in somewhat of a similar situation as you, I can feel your words of the fear keeping you from going forward. I had to deal with the disappointment of falling off the wagon along with the depression from various things such as a horrible break-up, broken self-esteem, difficulties with my studies, being a failure. I turned to food for comfort and now I'm in a terrible place due to my bad decisions. I strongly need the motivation, funny thing is I'm much better at motivating others than offering words of comfort and support to myself. Do add me, I need friends whom I can support amd lean onto as well :)
  • illiana45
    illiana45 Posts: 3
    Hi! My name is Blanca.

    I have fallen off as well. The hardest for me is that I eat when I am depressed, blue, bored, or just anxious. I hate it! I have stayed pretty much within 1200 but I know I can do better. My exercise includes 4 to 5 times at the gym and once with a trainer to guide my routines. Even then I feel it is not fast enough and many days I feel discourage and think "what the hell all the work for" I try to stay positive but too many things have happened in the last two years; ex leaves, children off to college, end my education, mother died and youngest off to college in a month. Grieving has been interesting; one day I feel strong the next I am a total slug. But anyways, we keep trying, what else do I have to lose but gain my health and "feel good" hormones. I welcome anyone who wants to add me to your friend's list.
  • illiana45
    illiana45 Posts: 3
    wow congratulations on losing all that weight! How long did it take you?
  • 08kat
    08kat Posts: 51
    I know exactly how you feel. I fell off the wagon about a year ago, just recently jumped back on. Feel free to add me as a friend. I know we can both do this. :flowerforyou:
  • masi4
    masi4 Posts: 6
    New to this site and haven't figured it out yet, but add me too! I have fallen off the wagon & rolled down the hill! I've got 70 lbs to lose. . .support & advice would be fabulous!
  • heidibluegirl
    heidibluegirl Posts: 32 Member
    I felt the exact same way a month ago and have completely turned that thinking around! You can too! So much support here. Just hold yourself accountable and be here. I've lost 9 lbs in 4 weeks and feeling better already! Have about 140 to go! So started at the same place as you. And I also lost 96 lbs a few years ago and gained it all back and more. So yeah, I get that feeling of being tired and not feeling like you have the strength mentally, emotionally or physically to give it yet another go. But you do. And you will continue to until you get it right, or you will give up not knowing what your full potential truly is.
  • heidibluegirl
    heidibluegirl Posts: 32 Member
    Anyone struggling with large amounts of weight to lose or who have lost large amounts feel free to add me! Or anyone else for that matter!
  • heidibluegirl
    heidibluegirl Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to read my thread on how I felt a month ago and all the great advice I got!
  • jko42
    jko42 Posts: 1
  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    You can add me if you would like . I've been here a month and half faithfully every day . The weight is coming off slowly and I will be here a very long time :ohwell:
  • You are not needy at all. We have all felt like a failure in this weight loss journey. You just have to get into healthier habits & then it will be easier. What program are you going to do? I do low carb eating bc it is just easier for me. I don't like to log everything & count my calories, but whatever works for you is what you need to do. Take one day at a time & excercise everyday for at least 30 min. & build on that.
  • thenewoc
    thenewoc Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it.

    I've fallen off the bandwagon in the worst way and totally get it. It's a restart to myself. We're all here for each other