Need supportive friends who get it



  • Welcome back, as for myself I am a newbie at this site. I am serious about getting healthy and still have 185 lbs to go. I found for myself that each day, hour and sometimes mins. are important to stay focus and on task. This weight loss journey is in no way easy and you are doing Great to pick yourself up and begin again. I am here for you and hope that you to will be here for me, I understand those good days and the bad days when we just want something good which in most cases is high in calories and not good for our bodies. I started out at 364lbs and now weigh 321.8lbs. The weight is coming down slowly and so I focus on how my clothing is getting to big and I am able to walk a little farther. :smile:
  • You can do it! You are here and that's what matters :) small changes make the biggest difference ????
  • eileenm777
    eileenm777 Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me - we're all here for you! :)
  • SixFourTwo
    SixFourTwo Posts: 31 Member
    I get it.

    Think bunches of flowers - one dead head doesn't mean you need to throw the whole bunch away.

    Look at the long journey and think about learning new habits, new food, better choices - not "I'm on a diet I cant have this or that".
    Make sure one day a week you have a 'whatever' day - if you feel good then be good but it you don't, let it roll. Its just food at the end of the day.

    Always keep the long goal in mind - its OK to have the odd off day and just be careful you don't make excuses about today thinking you'll be better tomorrow.

    You are so in the right place for people who will understand and support you.
  • CaLaurie
    CaLaurie Posts: 178
    I've been known to fall off the wagon a time or two. Back at it now though- feel free to add me! :smile:
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    I fell off track due to injuries and family losses.
    I kept getting back up, even though it's taken

    goal! You are welcome to add me, I understand
    where you,re coming from .. you'll beat this! :)
  • wkrukow
    wkrukow Posts: 26 Member
    Hi there. I'm completely new here too, I just signed up like a few mins ago. I'm in somewhat of a similar situation as you, I can feel your words of the fear keeping you from going forward. I had to deal with the disappointment of falling off the wagon along with the depression from various things such as a horrible break-up, broken self-esteem, difficulties with my studies, being a failure. I turned to food for comfort and now I'm in a terrible place due to my bad decisions. I strongly need the motivation, funny thing is I'm much better at motivating others than offering words of comfort and support to myself. Do add me, I need friends whom I can support amd lean onto as well :)
    Trust me I get it. Be glad to have you as MVP friend:-)
  • wkrukow
    wkrukow Posts: 26 Member
    Stupid auto correct.....MFP friend
  • I too am back for second time I am also I need of supportive friends!!! Sending you a request.
  • RAEQ127
    RAEQ127 Posts: 106 Member
    I see you have a lot to lose (I do as well). The doubt always rolls around in my mind and it has taken me a long time to get to this point, but I figure I need to learn to deal with the present and small victories. My next goal is 22 lbs away. I would like to do that by the end of the year. Focus on 25 lbs at a time. Focus on small things, let it take years to lose all the weight. I think one of the biggest mistakes I see are people (and I've done it too) who go from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds. You can't run a mile the first day walking,and then eat 1200 calories of carrots and apples. That's not realistic. Making small positives changes that become ingrained in you over time is what will stick. Try starting out by monitoring what you eat the first month or 2. Get to know yourself. Try to add walking a little further. I think that would help more than anything.
  • I'm so glad to learn I'm not alone in this struggle. It's really great reading all these comments and posts :)
    However it's nagging me in the back of my mind that this time time around is much harder to lose weight. I've been dieting and exercising but my scales wouldn't budge, is it just me or are there others as well? Any responses would be much appreciated, thanks.
  • melissaamooney
    melissaamooney Posts: 22 Member
    Anything worthwhile is worth doing well. you are worth it. I sent you a friend request . You aren't alone in this.
  • KayaVice
    KayaVice Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me. I don't know how often I'll be on the community part of this website, but I'll do my best to encourage whoever needs it!

    Just remember that you are NOT ALONE in this battle. All of us on this site are trying to fight the same battle as you are. Strength is in numbers.

    I wish you all the best of luck in your weight loss journey!
  • KayaVice
    KayaVice Posts: 24 Member
    I'm so glad to learn I'm not alone in this struggle. It's really great reading all these comments and posts :)
    However it's nagging me in the back of my mind that this time time around is much harder to lose weight. I've been dieting and exercising but my scales wouldn't budge, is it just me or are there others as well? Any responses would be much appreciated, thanks.

    I think that if you've been on the weight loss journey long enough, you will hit a brick wall as you have from time to time. I think that's quite normal. I'm not sure what causes it.....maybe it's our bodies trying to adjust to all the change. In any case, don't get too discouraged, give it a little time, maybe add some extra exercise and/or cut back on 'cheat days.'

    Good luck to you!
  • briersting
    briersting Posts: 21
    Don't look at it as "falling off the wagon". You stepped off to take a washroom break lol. I did it last month. Went on a sugar bender (my weakness) and now I'm back on track. And you're definitely not needy. We're all here looking for support and advice. And you have the strength, you're here now right? That counts for a lot. You're already a success because you made the decision, and are now making the effort to make the change. With ya all the way! Feel free to add me.