Nintendo WII

Has anyone had any luck losing weight using games on the wii consistently... like wii fit and dancing games, along with a healthy diet?
whats your story?


  • nixxyj
    nixxyj Posts: 9 Member
    I use my wii for Zumba fitness 1&2 and the just dance games. It does work, you just have to do it regular.
    I get board of exercises so I switch between these, power walking and cycling and aim for an hour a day.
    I don't have a wii fit board incase I don't use it, but yes it does work.
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    Not with a Wii, but a couple of years ago I lost 46 lbs using EA Sports Active 2. A lot of those exercise games are actually really good workouts. You just need to do them consistently. Active and Active 2 are a bit better than most because they do incorporate strength training in addition to cardo--lots of body weight exercises and resistance band work (I started using weights instead of bands as my fitness and strength increased). I'm sure I'd have been able to meet my goals and keep the weight off had I not gotten pregnant ;).
  • kplogan
    kplogan Posts: 3
    I just started this week and with a diet and 30 min I have lost a pound. But if my schedule wasn't so busy I would have been able to work out longer each day. I also found, with Fit Plus, you can customize your routine. I found too, that more aerobics than "strengh"/yoga helps you break a sweat quicker. So I do more aerobics then strength at the end.
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    no and I think movement is not typical of the body - more elbow, wrist and shoulder repetition and not enough leg work
  • fbiwoman223
    I have been using my Wii for a while, and I've found it to be a very helpful tool. I alternate--one day I do exercises on the Wii fit, and the next day I dance with the Just Dance games. They really get your heart rate up and are a lot of fun!
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    I started with WII Zumba 2 and LOVED it while having success with it. The calorie burn, just FYI, was always super high for me, but I only counted HALF of the calories for my burn vs. what they posted burned. I found the WII Fit Board was really only good for yoga because I wasn't able to burn enough calories within a reasonable (to me) amount of time.
  • eikito
    eikito Posts: 114 Member
    ME! I managed to lose around 20kg (44lbs) through a combination of healthy eating and the Wii Fit, along with a mini stepping machine. I was very... well extremely unfit and morbidly obese and started with the normal aerobics and muscle exercises of the Wii, I slowly progressed to using weights and raisers for the Wii board to do stepping exercises. I rarely use it now as I've got a gym membership (one year later); I kinda miss it actually, it was fun! I recommend it. Good luck!
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    I've used the Just Dance games as work outs. You just have to push yourself to move your feet and arms to get yourself sweating.

    I did that for a whole month while I was home from school one time because I didn't have a gym membership. Kept the holiday weight off.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    I don't use my wii to exercise, but I do weigh it on it every week, probably a really expensive weighing thing but its nice cause it has graphs and stuff....

    Have the games used to play them don't now....
  • strawberriekt24
    strawberriekt24 Posts: 61 Member
    I started with Wii Fit, moved to Wii Fit Plus, and I still use that to weigh (and occasionally step when I want to workout and watch TV). I currently use Zumba Core for Wii and I LOVE it.
  • cindy326
    cindy326 Posts: 70 Member
    I use my wii fit and just dance alot. Ive lost 42 lbs so far. I also walk 4.5 miles a day weather permitting. Wii FIT has cardio and strength trainning.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    ChildrenCryinNCoffee Posts: 477 Member
    I've lost 10 pounds in the last 4 weeks from walking, strength training and playing Wii Zumba & Just Dance 3 & 4 for four days a week, playing the "Just Sweat" and "Classes" on the games.
  • eryquem
    eryquem Posts: 66 Member
    I've had a wii for a few years, and was able to get a fairly heart pumping working with it. But a few months ago I got a PS3 with move controllers, and that's an entirely different beast.

    In the past I've played racquetball, tennis, and done powerwalking with 10 lbs weights in each hand as well as jogging and elliptical - Even a few Jillian Michaels DVDs. None of these "real" exercises have worked me over like 45 minutes of boxing with Sports Champions 2 or The Fight: Lights out. I also have Move: Fitness, which really makes you move. It engages your whole body - legs, core, and arms. After twenty minutes, I'm ready to collapse, and I've burned off over 300 calories.

    What I really like about boxing, tennis and sports games is that since you're trying to achieve a goal, it doesn't get monotonous like just trudging away on an elliptical or doing the same cardio DVD day after day. With those, I'm counting the minutes until I'm done. But with the PS3, I'll go over an hour without even thinking about it. I actually look forward to my workouts, instead of forcing myself to do it.
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    Hi - I started in Sept. 2012 weighing 180 lbs. I am 5'4.5" and was 55 y.o at the time. I was just placed on high blood pressure meds that got me to seriously evaluate how I looked, what I ate, and how much I exercised. I had my family buy me WII Fit Plus for my birthday in August. I started using it Sept. 2nd and had a BMI of 30.77 I began doing free step and some of the other aerobic games - yet primarily did the free step getting up to 50 minutes. I tended to do more than they allotted by increasing my pace - usually working up to 6,800+ steps for the 50 minutes. I also increased my walking - 30 to 40 minutes almost daily as well. From Sept to Thanksgiving I went from 180 to 140 lbs. I then started running as well as continuing with the Wii Fit Plus. By Christmas I was down to 135 lbs and met my goal of 129 lbs. in February. I did however use the WW online point system to track my food until I found out about MFP in January. I am now about 121 lbs (20.70 BMI) primarily maintaining it by running 5K distances and walking 2-4 miles. I do pull out my Wii Fit board for weight checks and check my wii fit age which makes me laugh!!! When I do the Wii free step now - I place something under the board to increase its distance from the floor. I also use the Zumba program - yet my mirroring capabilities are strongly lacking!!

    Hope this helps in determining whether this type of program works - for me it was a springboard to a healthier life. I am off BP meds and feel the benefits of lost weight!
  • kaylynbrooks1234
    Wow, it's cool to hear of so many people having results from such a thing. I was looking at the Jillian Micheals 30 day slim program on youtube, and I latterly did 8 minutes into it and could barely breathe. Mind you I haven't exercised in .... well years really anddd I smoke. I do have zumbas for my wii and wii fit plus...and just dance... maybe Ill give them a try for awhile before going back to the Jillian Micheals lol.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Yep - I'm one who recommends Wii for fitness.

    I had my knees replaced early in 2012 and it was the step programs in the Wii Fit that got me moving again, and starting to lose weight again. You can certainly just play, but it is what you make of it and you can get some good workouts if you work t it.

    And - there's nothing wrong with having fun while you're working out!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I had a wii last year that died and my husband recently bought me a brand new wii.:love:

    At the end of January 2012, I was 260lbs. I'm 5'4.5", so that put my bmi at about 44.6. :embarassed: I had a wii that I'd had since about the time they first came out, so I went out and bought wii fit. Shortly after I found EA Sports Active 2.0 for the wii, walmart had it on clearance for $10. As I started losing weight, I decided the Just Dance games looked like fun and my husband stumbled across a cardio boxing game by Golds Gym. So by the end of February 2012, I had Wii Fit Plus, EA Sports Active 2.0, Golds Gym Cardio Workout, Just Dance, and Just Dance Greatest Hits.

    A typical week for me would be: (I would work out for 30 mins than take a 30min - 2 hour break before working out again.)
    - Wii fit : roughly 30 mins daily
    - Just Dance : 40 mins daily
    - EA Sports active 2 : unknown time (followed its workout program) 4 days a week...this incorporates strength and cardio
    - Golds Gym Cardio: at least 20 mins 3 days a week
    - 2 hour walks on a trail by my apartment : 2 - 3 days a week depending on weather

    Food for a typical week was:
    This is probably the worst part of what I did. I didn't count calories, so I can't see only eat XXXX amount. I will say I was probably eating close to 2000 calories if not over that. At the time I wasn't worried about counting calories.

    - Taco Bell 4 to 5 days a week (Volcano Burrito - rice, 2 Soft Supreme tacos....roughly 1100 calories)
    - Grilled chicken breasts 7 days a week, 3 to 4 times a day (sometimes eating 2 in the same meal)
    - Salad 7 days a week, 2 to 3 times a day.....salads would vary, sometimes I put grilled chicken on them, but they always included:
    Raspberry vinaigrette
    Shredded Mozzarella
    dried fruit (cranberries, apples, ect)
    - Subway 2 days a month (Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki on whatever bread I felt like)
    - Protein shakes before first work out daily (can't remember the brand, but walmart sells the powder)

    Now taking all that into consideration.
    May 2012 - 205lbs
    June 2012 - 198lbs

    July is when my wii died. I did manage to keep the weight off by just walking for a few months after it died, but as it got colder, I went on fewer and fewer walks. By September I was back to eating unhealthy foods and not working out. By the time the holidays were over I had gained back about 20lbs due to lack of exercise and bad eating habits.


    I didn't start actually using MFP until March 13, 2013. I weight 218lbs that day. Today, I'm 182lbs. I still have a way to go but I'm getting there.

    Exercise Now:

    - Wii Fit Plus: completely random, although I do the step thing mostly for the longest time setting it allows.
    - Gold's Gym Cardio Workout: 2 times a week for 20 - 30 mins
    - Dance Central 2 (xbox kinect): 1+ times a week for 20-40 mins (usually do this in place of a walk, when the weather is bad)
    - EA Sports Active 2.0 (xbox kinect version): 4 times a week for 20 - 30 mins (only when I decide to do a program. Finished the Cardio kick start in May I think and havent used it since...Plan to start the 9 week program on friday)
    - Walks: 1+ times a week for 3-5 miles (depends on weather)
    - Zombies,Run 5k training: I really want to get into this. I have done it twice, but so far haven't managed to be able to do it the 3 times a week that your supposed to.

    I was doing Stronglifts 5x5 until my husband decided to sell our weight bench. He wants to get a gym membership at a gym downtown that has free weights and a bunch of other stuff.

    Food Now:

    I use a scale to measure all food that I eat at home. I use a fitbit to help me figure out how many calories I can eat in a given day. I have fitbit and MFP set to 1lb per week loss (although I'm losing at an average of right around 2lbs per week). I eat what I feel like eating just in moderation. Some days I eat as little as 1400 calories and others I get close to 2500. I think doing it this way is going to be easier for me to keep up with since my food varies by day and it will be easier to make it through the holidays (hopefully without gaining this time).

    Good luck on your journey.