Hi my name Is Jacqueline i'm 22 from Scotland I weigh 335lbs i'm 5 foot 7 inches tall and I am miserable. I have tried so many diets before and have gotten no where because I can't say no to food I consumed 4523 calories today and I am utterly ashamed of it. So I have decided my new life starts right now and I would love to make some new friends on here to help me through. When I was 7 my uncle who was my best friend passed away and since then I have been comfort eating and I was also bullied really badly in school which made me eat more and then my parents split up and my dad got cancer (he survived) so I ended up eating more and more and I have recently been diagnosed with epilepsy which is making me scared and miserable. My 12 year old sister looks up to me but what kind of a role model am I if I am this big at the rate i'm going I wont live to see her 18th birthday. Please help me with support and motivation thank you.


  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    I can't begin to understand the issues that you are dealing with. All I will say is that you have a lot to live for and you are taking a important first step. I also suggest that given your medical issues, you may want to ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietician. This will be a long road, but you can do it.
  • JacquelineW1991
    The main problem is that i'm from a small island community and there is no registered dietitian but I do have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow to discuss the matter. I am hoping that with the support of family and friends and the people on here that I will reach my goals.
  • Internistella
    Internistella Posts: 67 Member
    Hang in there! You have already taken a big step in admitting that you need to change and that you want to do this for yourself. Welcome to MFP, you will find lots of great resources here. I hope your visit to the doctor is helpful!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    95% of this is psychological. Once you accept that you only need XXXX amount of food per day, everything else above that is done for psychological reasons. You are very wise to have recognized this in yourself.

    There are a lot of good books about emotional eating, why not read a few of them?

    I wish you much success. Save your life, woman. You're the only one who can.

    If hunger isn't the problem, food isn't the solution.
  • JacquelineW1991
    Thank you. :smile: :smile:
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    I would try going in baby steps. Try eating more fruits and vegetables and healthy foods. Seeing a regular doctor is definitely a good idea. You might want to concentrate on your eating habits first and then when you are more accustomed to eating less, try a non strenuous form of exercise such as walking or swimming. Good luck!
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I can understand your pain and the use of food for comfort as I too have ate outta comfort on and off the last 15 yrs of my life. Please feel free to friend request me I am here daily and very supportive friend.
  • Dainty59
    Dainty59 Posts: 39 Member
    Fell to add me
  • prettykitty1012
    prettykitty1012 Posts: 4 Member
    Girl as long as you are making this change for you, then nothing and no one can stop you. Set a goal for yourself and make it work!! I have been struggling for years but now is my time too! Together, let's kick weight loss in the face! What do you think? =) Keep in mind change does not happen over night. It is easy to get discouraged but if you find an outlet that works for you (other than eating of course) you will succeed! I tend to eat when I'm emotional too but I found that I really like kick boxing and shopping. Rewarding yourself and celebrating the little things is a great way to stay motivated too! Stay strong girl! Great things will happen for you. =)
  • rose_mortem
    rose_mortem Posts: 147 Member
    Serving size is a problem for me... I'll eat the whole package of macaroni, ice cream, chips, or whatever I'm eating. Try eating one serving instead of 2. Also, you can easily replace snacks with fruits, vegetables, or whole grain crackers. Low fat dairy is also helpful.

    Good luck, and congratulations on starting :flowerforyou:

    I cannot understand everything you've been through, but I can support your quest for better health! I sent a friend request. :smile:
  • wugegoodwin
    I agree. Start with the psychology part to identify why you reach for food and be kind to yourself. Focus on the good - the days you did meet your goals and not the negative. And set simple moderate goals - eating more fruits and vegtables and complex cards and walking 30 minutes? Slowly when you focus on the positive, more positive will happen. Set goals on what to do, not what not do do. Example: go for a walk when I reach to eat but don't feel hungry. Drink a glass of water with every meal. Sit down to eat with no distractsion. See what I mean. Not Don't eat frenchfries, don't watch 3 hours of TV...
  • Myweightlossdiary
    Myweightlossdiary Posts: 185 Member
    I am in a very similar boat as you and can empathize with what you are saying. I lost my brother in 2005 and have been on an emotional eating roller coaster ride ever since. I didn't realize it until recently that I've been comfort eating and it mostly happens when I get depressed or nervous about something. I too am looking for friends to provide motivational support with. Feel free to add me and maybe we can help support each other?

    Recently, I decided to try to conscientiously think before just shoving food in my mouth, but it's hard at times because it's out of habit. I don't even realize how much I've eaten until later I try to get some of whatever I was eating only to find out there were just crumbs in the bag. That's when the horrible feeling sinks in and sometimes I try and justify it to myself saying things like "well it could have been worse if you had eaten X, Y, or Z". I agree that most of weight loss is psychological, but I find battling with your own mindset is quite possibly, the hardest thing to do! I am a very stubborn person!!

    Good luck in your journey. This has been a great support group for me and I know it will be for you as well. If you have a smartphone or tablet, I would definitely suggest downloading this app to that device because when I have to constantly see it, I'm reminded to get moving.
  • Christinebell65
    Welcome! Feel free to "friend" me.
  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    I feel for you I am in the same boat as you and its very frustrating feel free to add me I would love the support
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am 5' 7'' also, and I started at 338 pounds. So I can honestly say I have been there! I also was miserable, and I thought I would just always be like that. But then one day I decided enough was enough, and that I had to make some serious changes. I was 41 years old, and I knew if I continued on the path I was on, that chances were I would end up with serious health issues. I have 4 kids and a lot to live for, so I decided I had to get healthy.

    That was in March 2012, and so far I have lost 121 pounds. I feel so much better, it has been so worth it. When you have a lot to lose, and you are just starting out it can seem really overwhelming, But the pounds lost add up quicker than you would think. Just keep the resolve that you have right now, and you can get there. It is not an easy journey, and slips will be made. But you can do it!
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    I will be happy to friend you, I provide motivation and answer questions as best I can. I do not, however, give pitty and tend to provide tough love, so I can be your best friend, but if you start making bad excuses or the like expect me to kick your butt and tell you what you need to hear.

    Anyone can feel free to join me up, I will be starting back lifting today, and getting back on track from the CRAZY last month, which I will now call my break month ;P I think I gained 2 lbs... ouch.
  • drkrx
    drkrx Posts: 2
    Congratulations on making the decision to make a change. Remember to start withs smaller goals like log my food every day. then add another goal like eat one apple a day and just keep building. before you know it the weight will be gone. And don't beat yourself up if you have an off day. It is OK.
  • PoisonedCursed
    You're not alone, and I can feel your pain and frustration. By deciding that you're going to change, hey that's one hell of a big step you took today, I'm here with you all the way, and I've already added you as friend. Feel free to talk to me anytime you want. I believe you can be the person you set out to be, and you would be an excellent role model to your sister. I'm sure you'll make her so proud of you,
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Hey, Congrats on taking that first step to being awesome.

    Here is a hint. Don't diet, diets are stupid and most (95%) of people just fail at them.

    Pretty much just change your entire life, well forever. Life-style changes are going to be a better way to go. start counting calories, Figure out your BMR, TDEE, Macros, etc. Should take you about a week or so to figure this out, but you will be fine.

    Figure out some sort of exercise to do as well. I enjoy running (c25k) and lifting, if you have gym access.
  • dmspenc
    dmspenc Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome to mfp. Feel free to add me as a friend.