Runners, I need your help! EMERGENCY!!!

A really quick about me...mother of 2 who aspires to be a Sheriff's Deputy. I began running several months back to make life easier when I finally do get hired on and go to POST school (Police Academy). The required run time for a female of my age to get into POST is 1.5 miles in 15:05. I have reached that goal....ran it in 13:45 the other day. Recently a new Sheriff was elected and a couple of weeks ago I got an interview for a correctional officer position (I expected I would probably have to start in the jail), and during that interview I was pretty much offered the job pending the outcome of my polygraph (which I take tomorrow) and a PT test. I was thinking, "No problem, I've got that run in the bag". Then they handed me the paper....the new Sheriff has changed the requirements!!!!! I now have to run it in 14:15!!! The interviewing officer also advised me that if I wasn't used to running on a track I should probably try it out a few times. Of course I took his advice this morning and OMG, I ran it in 14:45 and was dying! I have to get my time down fast! My PT test is scheduled for Thursday the 25th, less than 2 weeks away! So here is my plan, I think.

Run 2 miles every other day as fast as I can manage on the track I will be testing on, and then run the stadiums a few times.
Also try to get in some interval training (also on the track) every other day (alternating with the 2 mile days) Then on Monday, I'm going to do a 1.5 mile run and pray I'm where I need to be. Then take 2 days off prior to the test day. What do y'all think? What would you do? I am open to any and all suggestions! My husband suggested running either with one of those weighted vests or with a backpack with weights in it...which sounds kinda scary but if it will work then I'm game. I want this soo bad! I need to cut at least a minute off, preferably more! Please help me!


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Two things:

    1) don't mess with nutrition right now. Eat with NO DEFICIT. Tell MFP you want to maintain your weight and then eat those calories. You'll need them.

    2) Warm-up beforehand with a light jog or quick walk for 10 minutes prior. Get your heart rate up before testing. Don't make the first few minutes of your run your warmup.

    Otherwise your plan sounds fine. I think you'll be fine. If today was the first day you tried it, you'll be faster next time by virtue of knowing what it's going to feel like.

    You'll do fine, but it's just 2 weeks. Eat at maintenance if you aren't already.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Thank you, I will definitely bump the cals up but I haven't been super strict lately because I've been trying to build muscle. I wm definitly going to cut myself some slack in that department while still trying to eat foods that don't make me feel like crap lol
  • trin8ty75
    trin8ty75 Posts: 60 Member
    I have no advice other than what you've already planned. I just wanted to lend my support and say that I KNOW that you'll be able to do this. You're determined and fearless - it's in the bag! Congratulations on the job offer. I know you've been waiting on this for a while. Keep us updated
  • bettepower
    bettepower Posts: 73 Member
    No advice, but good luck! You can do it. :heart:
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Good luck - knowing you need to pass will help with your motivation that day!

    Just a word on running with a vest. Unless you have to run with it for the actual test, it may not help you get faster. Running with the extra weight every time may actually slow you down. Research it...

    Keep on running and make sure your muscles also get rest when they need it. You CAN do it!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    If you can do some hill work, add that in (can be in place of a track interval run), and do squats/lunges/core exercises. Make sure you stretch really well afterwards - you don't want to risk a preventable injury. And as someone else said, before your timed run(s), warm up with some light jogging (seems counter-intuitive to run more before a big 'race' but it actually warms your muscles and cardiovascular system up so your real run is faster, because it usually takes 5-10 minutes to hit your optimal pace).
  • Run_Forever
    Run_Forever Posts: 147 Member
    I would suggest do no running at all 3 days prior to your test. Make sure you get lots of sleep leading up to the test and do not limit your calories. You are going to be running your fastest so you want a good amount of stored carbs.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Two things:

    1) don't mess with nutrition right now. Eat with NO DEFICIT. Tell MFP you want to maintain your weight and then eat those calories. You'll need them.

    2) Warm-up beforehand with a light jog or quick walk for 10 minutes prior. Get your heart rate up before testing. Don't make the first few minutes of your run your warmup.

    Otherwise your plan sounds fine. I think you'll be fine. If today was the first day you tried it, you'll be faster next time by virtue of knowing what it's going to feel like.

    You'll do fine, but it's just 2 weeks. Eat at maintenance if you aren't already.

    all of THIS ^^^

    and stay as hydrated as you possibly can, especially if you are running this in unforgiving heat and humidity. also, try and run the circuit or track where you will do the actual run.
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    i don't have any advice :(. but i really hope you get the position!!!!!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Once you become a deputy, I doubt you will play as fast and loose with the word "emergency".

    I agree with the hill work suggestion. Good luck!
  • debbiepa
    debbiepa Posts: 45
    Do some trial runs with a fast runner who can help pace you. Also, rest a least 2 days prior to the test. Good luck!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Just here to cheer you on! Others have posted some great advice! Good luck!
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    The adrenaline will also help with your speed. Sounds weird, but it's true. The rush and excitement of needing to get the time will actually help you with speed.
  • Tann19
    Tann19 Posts: 94 Member
    My thoughts:

    Unless you have been running as much as you are planning the next 2 weeks I would not recommend that you start doing that much now, too much stress on the body too soon significantly increases your chance of injury.

    Intervals are "one of" the fastest ways to increase your speed so that's a good idea, just don't over do it.

    Good idea to do most of your running on the track, train like you will compete.

    I personally would not take off 3 days completely, but would do an easy 1 mile on the 2 day.

    Apart from decreasing your time, a main concern should be staying injury free.

    Outside of that, just like others have suggested eat enough and keep hydrated, you'll do great!
  • ironmanwannabe
    ironmanwannabe Posts: 81 Member
    To become faster you have to run faster, but it doesnt need to be for the entire duration of the run. I would work in a moderate pace and do 1min intervals with a 1-2 min recovery (where you get your heart rate back down). Do a google on interval runs. Good luck!
  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    Stop worrying! You can do it!!!
  • ms_c_06
    ms_c_06 Posts: 6
    Dixie, congrats on the upcoming test and potential career. I work in the same career for over 10 years climbing the ladders and I understand the pressure of being successful in this line of work. From a recruiters view point in the same profession, I would encourage you to continue to work hard at the plan you outlined. If the recruiters score your run pass/fail (each State varies), most departments take in consideration your determination not to mention the other areas of the hiring process i.e. polygraph or oral boards. Every cadets will receive a total overall score and potentially offered a position in the academy.
    Don't let the time of the run cause stress, I have seen it over and over people coming to the test and anxiety gets the best of them. Practice your run and relax your mind. You will do great. Good Luck!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Get a motivating pacer, and skip the weighted pack. I'm in the Air Force, and we have to do a 1.5 mile run as part of our fitness test, and there is really no easy answer to give in the short amount of time you have (lots of our people wait around to the last minute to prepare and have absolutely no base). I would strongly recommend a warmup mile - jog or walk briskly - so you get warmed up and "in the zone." Best of luck!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Thank you everyone for the ideas and motivational support! I have been running for several months now and just gradually getting to where I thought I needed to be with my runs and had plans to continue running and getting better. Looking back I wish I would have trained harder...I really thought I was prepared. Very disappointing but I'm a tough cookie. Lots of great advice, thanks so much! I'm just going to train hard, rest up, and leave everything I've got on the track.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Thank you everyone for the ideas and motivational support! I have been running for several months now and just gradually getting to where I thought I needed to be with my runs and had plans to continue running and getting better. Looking back I wish I would have trained harder...I really thought I was prepared. Very disappointing but I'm a tough cookie. Lots of great advice, thanks so much! I'm just going to train hard, rest up, and leave everything I've got on the track.

    You'll be surprised at what you can muster up when it's showtime :)