Taking a break from the scale

I've become obsessed with the scale, weighing myself 2-3 times a day, everyday. I decided on Aug 30th I wanted to be done with my obsession so decided to lock my scale in a safe and only my husband knows where the key is. I will get it back out on October 1st. 1 whole month without weighing in. It might sound strange but I found myself gaining 5-7lbs (water I'm sure) then losing it in a day or 2. Then I'd tell myself, sure eat whatever you want because you will lose it in a day or 2. I'm sure this is ok for maintaining but I am no where near maintaining my weight. So I hope to focus this month on eating right, exercise and not being a slave to my scale. Come October I hope to resume weekly weigh ins, even if it means locking the scale up for a week.


  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    I weigh in every Friday morning, unless I've plateaued. Then I take a break completely so I don't get frustrated and off track. As long as you exercise and stay within your calories / sodium etc for the day, you'll lose weight. Great idea to take a beak. :flowerforyou:
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    That's great! I struggle with that too!
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78
    Mornin Jamie,

    That X@&$!&! scale! It deserves to be locked away! :happy:

    Our weight fluctuates so much throughout the day with food and water intake, and even during the week if we workout everyday or every other day and begin to build up our muscles again. Muscles are more dense than fat and the scale can deliver small gains even when we're dieting and exercising.

    The scale can be motivating or the scale can be discouraging - it's a double-edged sword. I have had that impulse to weigh weigh weigh myself but have learned that it is better to believe in yourself, in the knowledge that you have watched your calorie intake and you have also burned calories through exercise.

    And the scale doesn't measure those sometimes hidden inches we have lost, so its a good idea to also put more "weight" (no pun intended) on how you feel in your clothes. Sometimes changes are more visible to the eye than to the scale.

    So There Scale!

    Best wishes to you for your October goals.

    Yours in the quest,
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    I was thinking of locking mine up too! I weight at least every morning, then 1 or 2 times in the evening. I know better too... I know water weight makes it go up and down. OK, I'm doing it! Tonight when I get home, I'm putting the stupid thing away in the closet and under something. (don't have a husband or even a roommate, so I'm on my own)
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    Good plan, if you still feel the need to track something, take your measurements once a week, waist, hips, thighs, arms, neck, body fat percentage, etc. I find those measurements are way more encouraging than the numbers on the scale anyway!
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    Good plan, if you still feel the need to track something, take your measurements once a week, waist, hips, thighs, arms, neck, body fat percentage, etc. I find those measurements are way more encouraging than the numbers on the scale anyway!

    yep, that's what I'm gonna do!
  • jamie_savage
    Good plan, if you still feel the need to track something, take your measurements once a week, waist, hips, thighs, arms, neck, body fat percentage, etc. I find those measurements are way more encouraging than the numbers on the scale anyway!

    I should do this.

    Thanks everyone for the support. My husband doesn't get it but I'm already having withdrawls. Its crazy. Im hoping on October 1st I'll have a big surprise, maybe get under 200! Lol....thats to much for a month though.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Good luck Jamie! That's a great way to not get on the scale! I can't wait to see how you've done come October 1.
  • bloblynda
    bloblynda Posts: 99 Member
    What a good idea! I'm usually quite disciplined and limit myself to once a week ......but lately I've been feeling the urge to jump on more often. I think I'll hide my scales too!:happy:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When I first started dieting, I got to a point where I had to put my scale in a closet and weigh only once a month. My obsession with it was hindering my efforts.

    Now, I'm much more sane about it.
  • chriscuts
    thats a brilliant idea, and I wish I could do the same! I need to see the number every day on the scale, up or down, and I know I need to break from it! I'm gonna lose this last 13lbs, and then re assess... good luck and keep in touch with the results!
  • jamie_savage
    When I first started dieting, I got to a point where I had to put my scale in a closet and weigh only once a month. My obsession with it was hindering my efforts.

    Now, I'm much more sane about it.

    Im glad to see it helped someone! I hope it helps me. I am afraid it will do the opposite but day 2 going strong. We'll see where I'm at on Day 7
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I am glad you posted this. I thought something was wrong with me. When I read other posts about people weighing in everyday some 2-3 times a day that was normal.

    I used to weigh once a week but I found that I was obsessing and it was stressing me out so bad. I was constantly thinking about my weight and if I didnt lose I would eat what I wanted out of depression. If I lost weight I would eat because in my mind I was thinking "Ok I can lose it"

    It became such stress factor. I just threw the scale in the closet and committed myself to weigh once a month. This helps me to stay on track the entire month without stressing about my weight.


  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I am in the same spot you are in. I have my husband hide my scale too. It gives me a piece of mind that's for sure!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I had to throw mine out for awhile and I used the gym scale only on Mondays. I have since bought a new one but I have a strict Monday only policy, when I get tempted I just say to myself if it isn't Monday it doesn't count. Why Monday? because it forces me to stay good on the weekends! :wink:
  • Hey Jamie, I was becoming obsessesd with the scale too. I now weigh myself once a month as of August 17 - next weigh in is September 17th. I also found that it keeps me accounted more, because of when the month gets closer to my weigh in, I don't want the scale to remain the same. I also found that I like it better this way, than weighing myself once a week. Its not as bad as I thought it would be.
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    I'm obsessess with my scale also. I was weighing my self every morning (three times in a row, just to make sure it was right) and every night to see how much damage I did for the day. I put the scale up yesterday and said I would only weigh in 1 time per week (every Tuesday). I'm hoping this works. I feel now, I have to be more accountable, but now, I find that I don't want to eat as much cause I don't want my weigh in to be bad. I will see what happens Tuesday. Good Luck!
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    did it! it is now in the closet under some stuff!

    So, to prove the scale doesn't give the whole picture... in August I only lost 0.6 pounds, but lost about 4 inches!!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    did it! it is now in the closet under some stuff!

    So, to prove the scale doesn't give the whole picture... in August I only lost 0.6 pounds, but lost about 4 inches!!

    I highly recommend that everyone take their measurements once per month, it is so nice to see that you may not have lost weight but you are changing for the better........yay muscle :drinker:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I have been pretty good with the new scale I bought. My official weigh in is tomorrow but I weighed myself this morning (not going to say what the weight was cuz it's not official till tomorrow). If I get obsessed, I will bring it to my neighbors house and ask him for it once a week.

    This morning though I almost freaked out. I weighed myself and it said I had GAINED a pound. I cleared the scale and weighed myself again and it gave a different weight. So I stepped on 3 more times and it gave the different weight. I will see what it says "officially" tomorrow at 6:45 am.