Weight Watchers anyone?



  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    I remember my mom doing WW several years ago and lost nearly 120lbs. She never went to the meetings, but had all of the little booklets and what not. That on top of working out 6 days a week, she did an amazing job. I'd recommend it to anyone. :)
  • adchill
    adchill Posts: 51 Member
    I am doing ww but I am find it different right now. I need to know more nutritional about the foods. I also find it very annoying that 90% of the food I have to use the ww scanner and then I have to add. I use MFP and they have about 95% of the food already in the database. I am trying to get back in motivation mode.
  • Trisha_Nijs
    Trisha_Nijs Posts: 6 Member
    I started Weight Watchers years ago to lose weight after my daughter was born, and I loved it! I could eat what I wanted and still lose weight, I learned to adapt my diet to have that chocolate or glass of wine.. I attended every weekly meeting and the weight came off steadily.

    I have been doing MFP for a couple of months and to me it's the same principle of WW - you are tracking your food and can manipulate your diet to suit your lifestyle, but it's easier with MFP in that you have the calorie value listed on foods (no ww points). I have not been so successful...

    I realised that what I did miss from WW, was the weekly weigh-ins and meetings, it made me accountable and I love seeing the ladies and motivating each other. I re-joined on Saturday and I am tracking my calories on MFP and forgetting about the WW tracker.

    I am on 1200 cal / day and on WW I am on 20 points... 1 point = 60 calories.

    Are you considering doing both?
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    I follow WW alongside tracking calories on here for everything, including fruit and vegetables. I find most days including zero pointed items I am just below the 1450 calories I have set on here however I do cook mostly from scratch which I find makes your points last longer. I used to go to class but now I use an android app that I paid under £2.00 for which is better than the official Weight Watchers Android app and my losses are small and steady- 0.5 to 2 lbs per week. I look at it more as a lifestyle change so I'm happy with the slow and steady route while still eating tasty and 'naughty' things.
  • caviggia
    caviggia Posts: 63 Member
    I have followed WW for 9 years and it has definitely changed my perspective on food... I see everything as points lol EVERYTHING!!! But I also lost weight 9 years ago, went up and down about 5-10 pounds over time, lost more weight from 3 years ago, and have now been on the last part of my weight loss journey losing the final 14 (9lbs in).

    I LOVE WEIGHT WATCHERS. It helps you keep yourself in check and allows you to eat whatever you crave, as long as it's a smaller portion and fits for the day. AND you can get creative once you figure out how it works for you and your body.

    I have come to really understand my body and have adapted to the plan to fit my needs. For example, I will eat at about 20-24 points each day and then on Saturdays I splurge and ignore points in general. In general, I drop about 1-2 pounds a week when I do this, however, now that I am so close to my goal, I have had a few weeks in which I platued and a few weeks where I had 2-3 days of indulging and would just even out weight wise by the end of theweek.

    I also learned how many points my body takes when maintaining my goal weight (35-40) and that my weight range fluctuates 1-5 pounds depending on the day (like after a vacation or a weekend of parties) but then evens back out after a week or two and usually involves eating a few days at a calorie/point deficit 20-24 points.

    Hope this helps!
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    for me i cant do WW or any other plan that gives me what food to eat every day.. im just not gonna follow thier plan. i want to eat what i want, easier that way.. so for me, its too disciplined for me. i'd rather just grab fruit, cereal and milk, rather than them tell me I have to eat: 1/2 scrambled egg with 1 tsp butter substitute, and 1/2 cup skim milk, and 1 half tiny banana, and 3/4 cup whole weat cereal. too much work!

    WW doesn't tell you what to eat, yes they do recommend how much diary one should have, but that is normal just like a Doctor would tell you how many Calories you should eat and how much exercise to do a day and where your Heart Rate should be. I follow WW and sometimes never have the 3 diary or ever the 2 healthy oils a day.....I use it in conjunction with MFP and think it is working fine.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    :flowerforyou: I agree. WW is a good way to eat for the rest of your life. No magic. I use eTools and MFP. It's working for me.:blushing:
  • tommyswoman
    I love WW too. I have had great success with it but wish they didn't change to Pro Points. That's why I ended up trying MFP, because I just couldn't get used to the new system. I liked Weight Watches Success or 123 (can't remember what it was called exactly) - the program where you counted your fruits but not your veg (apart from peas and other starchy veg). So yep, I use the same principles.....am eating 23 points roughly....1350 calories a day. WW is really the best with regards to learning about portion size just by looking at the food item, as some others have already mentioned. I'm off to look for a WW group now : -)
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    I've done WW on and off for several years. As with any diet that creates a deficit, it definitely works to lose weight. What I liked about WW personally:

    You can eat whatever you want, but you learn to eat foods in moderation so they still fit within your budget.
    I still stick with their guidelines for healthy eating habits every day (fruits, veggies, water, fat, calcium).
    It's easy to follow, no complicated rules. You can get back into it any time.

    WW has definitely helped me to keep my weight from getting out of control. I haven't reached a healthy BMI on WW, because I would always get stuck when I got close and then gave up. But on the other hand, I didn't let myself regain all the weight I had lost in 2009. Because I had the tools and the knowledge, it was easier to step in and go back on program.

    The downside of WW is that it's expensive. I only recently cancelled my online subscription, after 4 years of membership. It adds up! Of course your health is worth it in the long run. But I don't think I could've let go of WW ever if I hadn't found MFP as an alternative.

    Another downside is that IMO they don't do enough to promote exercise. Over the years I have lost (and gained) weight, but I never exercised much. I didn't need to, I was losing the weight anyway right? I started exercising this year, hiking and running. It has made a huge difference in my body.

    And last, I was honestly shocked to find out how little calories I was eating on WW. I'm short so I got the minimum daily points. Turns out it adds up to about 1050-1100 kcal. I logged last week on WW and MFP to compare. I ate an average of 1500kcal a day (includes exercise cals). According to WW, in less than 5 days I spent my entire weekly budget. And I never even used half of my weeklies when I was on program. I have been feeling tired for a long time, and I'm starting to think it's because I ate too little calories for such a long period of time.
    The thing is, I visited the WW forums in my country quite a bit, and even though there are women who eat their dailies + weeklies and lose weight, there are also plenty of women who are afraid to even touch their weeklies, so they are really eating way too little cals using only their dailies. I think that's definitely something to be aware of, make sure you meet your minimum cal needs.