Suggestions for a person with PCOS?

Hey guys,

Just kind of getting back into the diet thing more seriously. Had a bit of a plateau/lazy period, but I'm ready to tackle it again! I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago, and have heard a great approach to this struggle is to follow a diabetic's diet. Low carb, very low sugars, etc. Can anyone offer any tips/tricks/recipes, and what works well for you? My routine's really just been calorie counting, I try to walk two miles at least every other day, and I am currently not on any medications. I have an appointment to meet with my gynecologist in a month and possibly be put on something to help.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!


  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Hi there, I have PCOS, Buy the book The G.I. Diet, it's better than just a low g.i. diet because it's low g.i. and low carb, there is also a G.I. Cookbook as well. I've found that doing this and intense exercise is the only way that I can lose weight. Good luck!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I have PCOS, diabetes, and thyroid problems. Best advice: don't let these stop you! Tell yourself it's all in your head and just go for it. No one but you can tell you that you can't do something, SO DO IT ALL! Our bodies are amazing machines and you'd be surprised what a beating they can take. Eat right, and bring it on!
  • candacepainter
    I have pcos too and have lost 100 lbs just exercising counting calories and eating low carbs.
  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    I have pcos too and have lost 100 lbs just exercising counting calories and eating low carbs.

    Congrats. I also have PCOS and have lost almost 60 pounds so far doing the same thing. Being consistent in my daily exercise, and alot of counting calories and keeping away from high sodium., high sugar items.
  • michellegskinner
    I had reached a breaking point in January of this year. I've had PCOS for years and had a baby over a year ago. Had some lab work done that showed that I was in a Metabolic Syndrome. (overweight, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, blood sugar problems)-which is all related to the PCOS. This scared think that all the complications that PCOS causes were happening to me at the age of 30! Yikes! That was my kick in the pants to get healthy. I think that everyone has to reach some kind of "bottom" before they have enough will power to get better and this was my rock bottom. Since then I am eating healthy exercise daily and the weight is coming off. Great website for low cal foods is Every recipe tells you how many cals/serving and great alternatives to fatty food items used in every day cooking.
    PS Glocaphage is a common medication used for PCOS because you are at risk for Diabetes. This will help maintain your bloodsugar which will also help with weight loss.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I have pcos too and have lost 100 lbs just exercising counting calories and eating low carbs.

    good for you! :)

    i'm another pcos-er in favor of being low carb, low sugar. you can do it and there is a ton of support if you want it!
  • rosemary10
    Been reading a book lately titled "The Hormone Diet" by Natasha Turner ND. She mentions your problem and her diet ends up being low glycemic/mediterranean. She also has all sorts of tips, exercise and recipes in it. best to you all.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I was diagnosed PCOS a few years ago, along with endometriosis. I don't do low carb. In fact, I do high carb (70+% carbs) and haven't had any pain or problems in at least 3 years. For me, it is all about exercise. The more I exercise, the better I feel. So, I lift heavy and do lots of cardio.
  • grrl77
    grrl77 Posts: 108
    You guys are all wonderful! Very excited to have such a strong resource. :) Look forward to sharing my progress with you!
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    I was diagnosed in May, I would love the support of others trying to get a grip on pcos, and if you would like to add me it would be great. I am not getting really any support form family or friends and it I feel alone, my bf of two years is trying his best to understand, but I feel alone. thanks