Busy moms with kids? Tell me your secret!

I have 4 kids. I'm busy. waaaaah! lol I need to make time for myself, I need to make myself a priority and lose weight to be healthy for myself, healthy for them and I want to be a hot mom! haha I'm always worried my kids will be embarrassed of me. I've made the decision to START making myself a priority! I'm looking for friends who have similar issues that can share some of their secrets with me or just offer some support and motivation. :smile:


  • sueclare38
    sueclare38 Posts: 125
    busy mum of 6, adding you, welcome :0)
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    Have 2 little kids and work full time...feel like I never stop! I am certainly busy, and this is my biggest battle. I would love to share our journey. I've really only been back at this for a couple of weeks, but I have found that I just have to plan plan plan and stick to the plan! I've been working out at lunch because its the only time I have (and have the energy) by myself.

    I will add you and we can support each other :)
  • theepervette
    theepervette Posts: 638 Member
    its tuff being a mom trying to lose weight with kids

    but it can be done! i would fit my workouts in before he woke up early moring, during his nap or while he ate lunch and watched some cartoons.

    im not gonna lie, sometimes he would still attempt getting my attention by grabbing me, jumping on me, just getting in my way of. working out.. id get frustrated but just keep going.