Opinions please



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Agreed. I wouldn't say anything unless I was 100% sure, and even then I'm not sure if I would. I've been through this sort of situation with a friend of mine who confessed she messed around with another guy. Her hubs was a good friend of mine too so I felt bad for him and was mad at her for betraying his trust but at the same time I'd promised her I wouldn't tell so I couldn't. When I finally called her to tell her I couldn't be friends with her anymore (after weeks of agonizing about the situation), she told me the whole things was none of my business. At first that ticked me off because she made it my business by telling me but after a fashion, I realized she was right. What goes on between spouses in any marriage is between them and really no one else's business. There are lots of unknown things that go on behind the closed doors in a marriage and even if they're made public, that doesn't necessarily mean it's ok to stick your nose in or gossip about it.

    The only exception I'd make to that is spousal abuse - no one should put up with that and a good friend would, of course, try to convince their friend to leave that harmful toxic situation. But even then there's only so much you can do...
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Just curious, why was your best friend sitting next to your husband when you weren't there?

    I did think that, but wasn't brave enough to go there.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    I'm amazed that so many people wouldn't tell their friends :noway:. Isn't that what friends are for?

    I would rather tell my friend that I had reasons to believe/evidence that her partner was cheating and risk our friendship being damaged. Rather than her finding out later that not only was her partner having an affair but her friend knew about it! Surely that's more damaging to any friendship?!

    It's obvious you have never been the person that goes and tells your friend that you have SUSPICIONS about their SO cheating. It was then found out that you were wrong. So not only did you ruin their relationship, but you lost your best friend.
  • CarlaRG
    CarlaRG Posts: 264
    Just curious, why was your best friend sitting next to your husband when you weren't there?

    My husband was sitting with my friend and her husband. We are all friends and hang out together. I wasn't there simply because I didn't want to go. We have quite a few couple friends and none of us would have a problem sitting in public with the spouse of a friend.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I would immediately try to hide a pic on my phone of my wife's *kitten* in panties if sent to me when I was with other people too...has nothing to do with being faithful and everything to do with some things are private.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You know... this thread makes me kind of sad.

    I don't know the details of all that has happened in your marriage, but it still sounds like you and your husband have a pretty good relationship.

    My opinion is that you really should try to work things out.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It cannot be that bad of a relationship if you are sending him butt shots, just saying.
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    Just curious, why was your best friend sitting next to your husband when you weren't there?

    My husband was sitting with my friend and her husband. We are all friends and hang out together. I wasn't there simply because I didn't want to go. We have quite a few couple friends and none of us would have a problem sitting in public with the spouse of a friend.
    Ok, it just helps to know the dynamics and any possible agenda. :flowerforyou:
  • KatieBee8
    KatieBee8 Posts: 61
    I'm amazed that so many people wouldn't tell their friends :noway:. Isn't that what friends are for?

    I would rather tell my friend that I had reasons to believe/evidence that her partner was cheating and risk our friendship being damaged. Rather than her finding out later that not only was her partner having an affair but her friend knew about it! Surely that's more damaging to any friendship?!

    It's obvious you have never been the person that goes and tells your friend that you have SUSPICIONS about their SO cheating. It was then found out that you were wrong. So not only did you ruin their relationship, but you lost your best friend.

    Incorrect, but thanks for the wild assumption. I have been the person on both ends. I have had to inform a friend that her other half was cheating (we're still close friends and he's gone) and I have also been the one cheated on. Unfortunately no-one thought to tell me and I found out 9 months later. Perhaps I have friends like the people in this thread who wouldn't think to inform me. I honestly wish they had.

    Saying all of that, I can completely understand how it can ruin friendships if false accusations are made. I'd still rather risk it.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I'm with the only if I was 100% sure crew because you don't know who is sending the picture (as in this instance) AND you were being nosy enough to snoop and look at someones phone.

    My husband receives racy pictures from mutual female friends that we have and I'd be a little mad if another friend came running to me telling me about some picture she saw him opening and looking at assuming that he is cheating when he is clearly not. My thoughts would be:

    1) Who are you to assume anything? You don't know what my relationship is nor do you know whether or not it was me in the pictures


    2) Why were you looking over my husbands shoulder at his personal property?

    Perhaps the reason the OP's soon-to-be ex was "hiding" the picture was because he thought it rude for said friend to be breathing down his neck looking at something that is not her business.
  • legreene515
    legreene515 Posts: 276 Member
    bringing up things that you aren't sure of can create problems that aren't there.

    I agree with this. I would tell my friend if I was 100% sure her husband was cheating, but that is IT.

    My husband and I were having problems about a year ago. Serious problems, and we were on the verge of divorce. I stuck it out (mainly for the kids), but my husband caused a rift in my relationship with my parents by talking to them about OUR problems for 6 months behind my back. He told them I was CHEATING (I was not), and he told them I wasn't there for our kids (I WAS). He painted himself as the victim and me as the one ruining the relationship. All during this time, he was struggling with major addiction problems (which my parents knew). They chose to support him over me, and that HURT me. My Dad thinks that cheating is the WORST thing in the world, and because of what my husband put into his head he does not think of me the same.

    So UNLESS you are 100% sure then NO. You are getting in other people's business and there could be serious repercussions.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    bringing up things that you aren't sure of can create problems that aren't there.

    I agree with this. I would tell my friend if I was 100% sure her husband was cheating, but that is IT.

    My husband and I were having problems about a year ago. Serious problems, and we were on the verge of divorce. I stuck it out (mainly for the kids), but my husband caused a rift in my relationship with my parents by talking to them about OUR problems for 6 months behind my back. He told them I was CHEATING (I was not), and he told them I wasn't there for our kids (I WAS). He painted himself as the victim and me as the one ruining the relationship. All during this time, he was struggling with major addiction problems (which my parents knew). They chose to support him over me, and that HURT me. My Dad thinks that cheating is the WORST thing in the world, and because of what my husband put into his head he does not think of me the same.

    So UNLESS you are 100% sure then NO. You are getting in other people's business and there could be serious repercussions.

    SHAME on your parents. They should have known better since you are their daughter. At least they could have quietly talked to you about what he was saying. You're a strong woman. Keep smiling! :flowerforyou:
  • legreene515
    legreene515 Posts: 276 Member
    bringing up things that you aren't sure of can create problems that aren't there.

    I agree with this. I would tell my friend if I was 100% sure her husband was cheating, but that is IT.

    My husband and I were having problems about a year ago. Serious problems, and we were on the verge of divorce. I stuck it out (mainly for the kids), but my husband caused a rift in my relationship with my parents by talking to them about OUR problems for 6 months behind my back. He told them I was CHEATING (I was not), and he told them I wasn't there for our kids (I WAS). He painted himself as the victim and me as the one ruining the relationship. All during this time, he was struggling with major addiction problems (which my parents knew). They chose to support him over me, and that HURT me. My Dad thinks that cheating is the WORST thing in the world, and because of what my husband put into his head he does not think of me the same.

    So UNLESS you are 100% sure then NO. You are getting in other people's business and there could be serious repercussions.

    SHAME on your parents. They should have known better since you are their daughter. At least they could have quietly talked to you about what he was saying. You're a strong woman. Keep smiling! :flowerforyou:

    I am slowly re-building my relationship with them. I have a very close sister who supported me the whole time.

    I told my parents I didn't want to talk to them about my relationship, because my husband I needed to talk it through.

    My husband and I have come SO far in the last three months. We've really rebuilt things. He changed a lot for the better, just by finding out he was self medicating and not facing up to his problems. I'm super proud of him, and I'm happy I stuck through the bad times. Sometimes such horrible things happen, and you get through them and things are better than they've ever been on the other side!
  • PattyJane167
    PattyJane167 Posts: 94 Member
    if I was on the verge of divorcing my husband, I wouldn't be sending him pics of myself, let alone in my underwear, then I would be questioning the best friend...
    But as far as the cheating issue, I wouldn't tell, karma is a *****!!
  • crnacrn07
    crnacrn07 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with other posts. Only if I was absolutely certain and had proof.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I am slowly re-building my relationship with them. I have a very close sister who supported me the whole time.

    I told my parents I didn't want to talk to them about my relationship, because my husband I needed to talk it through.

    My husband and I have come SO far in the last three months. We've really rebuilt things. He changed a lot for the better, just by finding out he was self medicating and not facing up to his problems. I'm super proud of him, and I'm happy I stuck through the bad times. Sometimes such horrible things happen, and you get through them and things are better than they've ever been on the other side!

    I truly hope that as he recovers he admits to your parents that he lied and made up stories about you. I come from a *****y back stabbing family (I've disowned them all because of this, it's vicious) and it does so much harm. Virtual hug to you. :smile:
  • legreene515
    legreene515 Posts: 276 Member

    I truly hope that as he recovers he admits to your parents that he lied and made up stories about you. I come from a *****y back stabbing family (I've disowned them all because of this, it's vicious) and it does so much harm. Virtual hug to you. :smile:

    Thanks. He is not the type to say he is sorry. I realize this, and there's nothing I can do to change him (people can only change themselves). Luckily, I know I'm not guilty and all I can do is live my life and show my parents through my actions that I'm not that type of person. They'll come around. I'm lucky to have a great sister and brother who really supported me and did not feed into my husband's manipulation. We were both to blame in the disintegration of our relationship, and both of us have to put it back together right now. We're doing it, and we're learning how to communicate, to live and love again, despite each of our flaws.