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Weighing every day !

Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
Does anyone find it really hard staying away from the scales?

I know some plans tell you to weigh yourself every day, and some say wait as long as every 2 weeks. But ideally Id like to be able to be more casual about it. Problem is I cant help myself.

I've been bobbing around 8 stone for about 3 days now. Ranging from just under to just above, and its starting to get me a little upset. But I realise this is water and other factors. So I decided yesterday to leave the scales for at least 2 days.

But its the only thing on my mind. Rather obsession like, dont you think?

Anyone else had this issue?

PS: As I stupidly changed my goals yesterday, my profile is saying I've only lost 4lbs so far. Since late June I've actually lost 7lbs. ( hoorah! )


  • tomich54
    tomich54 Posts: 99 Member
    I make myself crazy - I'm on that thing like it's my job!:grumble:
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    Well surely you know that being the same weight for 3 whole days isn't the end of the world. Usually it takes a good week or so of logging and working out to see a weight change.

    That being said... I do weigh myself everyday lol I know I shouldn't because I just discourage myself but I can't help it. Mostly I do it to monitor my water weight gain and to reassure myself "its ok... just get a good sweaty workout in... drink more water tomorrow and it will drop off". However, I also measure every few weeks and take pictures. I have seen greater results in my measurements than my weight loss.

    Good luck!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I was weighing every day! I always want to know, but it's more of a motivator to me, or had been, the last week or two since getting back to my routine it's been a little frustrating, but I'm turning it back into a motivating factor for me. Plus reminding myself that I didn't put this weight on in a week...it won't go away that quick either!
  • professorhuggins
    professorhuggins Posts: 72 Member
    if you will write it down (or log it in) every day, then you can look at your overall trend in weight loss over a long period of time and then maybe the days when you are up one or two won't freak you out as much, because you'll see that it happens over and over and then settles back down. then instead of feeling like you are obsessed, you are using the data that you want to take everyday anyway.
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm learning to let go of the scale and use other ways to put a face to my success. In four weeks, I've lost 4 inches overall and 1.3% body fat but my scale has just traded back and forth the same two or so pounds. I'm stronger, I look better in clothes, I have more energy. If the scale wants to be a stubborn b*tch, so can I so I just keep doing what I'm doing and finding other ways to feel good about the work I'm doing.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I weigh as much as several times a day. BUT (and it is a big but) I don't let it make me crazy. I just use the data to help me.

    Once you know your fluctuations, you can use the weights to let yourself know if you are proceeding on the right path.

    I don't recommend this for everyone, just for you control freaks, like me.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I've gone through several "cycles" with the scale. Where I am currently....I weigh myself daily or almost daily, but record my weight only on Fridays. I know the things that affect "scale weight" and that "scale weight" does not always accurately reflect fat loss. So if my Saturday weigh-in is higher than my official Friday weigh-in, I don't fret about it. I know water retention causes big fluctuations. I just like to gauge things so I currently weigh myself daily.

    Folks shouldn't weigh themselves daily if they don't understand why the scale could be 3 pounds higher on Tuesday than it was on Monday (when Monday was a day where you made excellent health choices). Its not worth the stress. Its counter productive to your mindset....and will do you more harm than good.
  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    I like weighing every day, because I learn from it how my body works - I've learned that, indeed, weight loss is only visible after 1 - 1.5 week, that salt is a big factor in retaining weight - which is only temporary so no problem, I noticed that I lose weight after drinking a lot of water - I think because it helps to flush out the system. The last 10 days I had no weight loss, I was on a plateau so to speak, but now I suddenly lost 2 kg in a few days. So, I conclude that I was losing fat the last 10 days, but that it was not visible because of other variables.

    So, it keeps me interested and motivated. I would have a hard time if I judged myself by this number, but I don't do that because it makes no sense to me - there are too many things that I can't control. I trust that if I just follow my method, I will keep on losing weight and so far that has worked for 6 months.

    Other ways I track my weight is by making a stack of cast iron weights that I have at home. I've lost 13.5 kg now, so it's quite heavy already. I love lifting the stack to feel the difference between then and now!

    And my belt is also nice - I love punching new holes in it. So far I've made two (the holes are about an inch apart), and I was using the second last in my belt. I am close to making a third, so I've lost 3-4 inch.

    And the fact that clothing in general is fitting better and better is also encouraging. And of course that my volume itself is clearly shrinking is visible, my muscles are appearing all around my body.

    Things that are less encouraging are the places where there's still more fat - apparently not all places lose fat equally. I trust that these will follow and don't concern myself about this.

    My point - use indicators that motivate you, and ignore the things that discourage you. If weighing is not helpful, it would indeed be a good idea to do this only once or twice per week. The other days are only helpful if you ignore the constant ups and downs. I think most days (about 60% or so) I gained weight, but in the long run I lost a lot of weight because there were some days that I lost a kilo at once - so if you see 'success' as 'always a lower number on your scale', you need to weigh once per week at most - and even then you may get higher numbers caused by natural fluctuations.
  • Bigjuicyhog
    Bigjuicyhog Posts: 61 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but it is mainly just to see what effect certain foods have on me.

    I have had times when I had a large meal, was up a couple of pounds, and then a few days later, I am down 5 pounds.
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    I like weighing everyday. I weigh right when I wake up. I record the numbers, and I can see how my weight fluctuates and how certain foods make me retain water. I also can see that I retain water right before my period. I expect these fluctuations, so it's not like I'm going to panic. If I only weighed once a week, it might happen to fall during a time I'm holding water weight, but I wouldn't know because I haven't tracked my weight frequently enough to know I weighed 2 pounds less the day before. It's also a nice motivator for me. If I keep weighing in at the same weight, or if it goes up, then it encourages me to work a little harder. Weight gain sneaks up on me when I'm not paying attention, so I need to know when I'm gaining, so I can reverse it before I gain too much.
  • Normacurrie
    Normacurrie Posts: 19 Member
    Ahhh.. yeah.. the scales.. on em like I`m getting paid by the pound! lol I do it every morning... ummmm. and afternoon... and before bed! It either makes me feel good or makes me strive to do better. But I guess your only suppose to weigh in once a week or more. But if you are a weight watcher, don`t let it wreck your day if it`s up a bit, us wonderful women tend to hold our water. :)
  • lb_song
    lb_song Posts: 12 Member
    I weigh very irregularly, usually going 3-4 weeks between getting on the scale. Our gym has a system that measures water, lean mass, and fat, as well as body fat percentage, etc... So I just plug along and then check in occasionally. They also measure every other weigh-in, which I find a lot more informative. As long as I'm losing 1.5 lbs/week or so when I check in, I'm fine. Weighing every day would mess with my mind too much!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I did at first, and honestly I think it helped me. It's nice to see the pattern day after day and be able to see and analyze how you lose weight. Sometimes you gain, sometimes you lose. Honestly if I hadn't done it I would probably go crazy when I weigh myself after 3 weeks and don't see a change. Or when I gain 2 lbs in a week... But by doing it every day I can see that it changes a lot, and I can predict exactly when I'm going to gain or lose weight (I know I only lose every 3 weeks so it's pointless to weigh myself in the meantime, for example). So far I've been pretty much correct, although ANY DAY now thanks lol.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Wow what a lot of great replies that I didn't see coming! Thank you all very much.

    I've been 8 stone since Saturday. However, it wasn't until Sunday that my trainers started rubbing against my ankles - causing massive blisters on both ankles! So I figure my trainers are looser around my Cankles ( haha ) meaning I've lost some weight on my legs. Regardless of what the scales say.

    My work trousers fell down today! Another clue that I've lost an inch or two. But I suppose I rely too heavily on the scales to tell me what's going on when in fact...that might not be the case.

    After phoning my boyfriend, he's suggested I buy us both a proper tailors measure, so we can accurately measure what inches we lose, rather than rely on the scale. So it sounds like he's got the same idea that all of you clever cookies have.

    I think I'll continue to weigh, but use the information and actually log it on here dailly. Then I'll know ( like many have said ) that some days we hold more water than others, and I'll realise in more detail how my body works.

    Thank you all very much. Glad I'm not alone.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    And another thing: The moment I made this thread I caved and weighed. Exactly 8 stone. haha
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    weighing yourself everyday is fine, as long as you dont obsess over it.

    Scale goes up .5 lbs, then you starve yourself. Thats not a good idea. alot of factors make your weight fluctuate daily.

    Water, bathroom visits, density of food you've eaten.

    I weigh myself everyday, but as long as its down after a week or so, i know my diet is still on track.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    I log my weight once a week, same day, same time. But I step on the scale several times a week. I think it's good to see the normal fluctuations, how long it takes for the water weight to come off after a big night out, etc.
    I'm glad you're going to start taking measurements, I find it is a better indicator of your progress. I'd also recommend taking pictures of yourself so you can visually track the progress that you may not be able to see day to day. I measure and take pictures monthly.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I often weigh myself several times a day, but I don't think it's a problem. If I see a scale, I typically step on it. I weigh at home, at work, at friends' houses, even in the drugstore if they have one of those free machines.
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    At 56 and weighing myself everyday since then.........just something I do in the morning. My sister who has always been a runner since High School told me your weight can fluctuate 3 lbs normally. Also, high blood pressure with a tendancy to retain fluid adds to this. My dad has CHF and must weigh daily. The best time for me is when I first wake up. I try not to fret at the doctors since the scale will show several pounds more anyways.
  • sourmash1973
    sourmash1973 Posts: 149 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. I'm a little obsessive about it. I almost always know what I'm going to weigh before I step on the scale.