P90X - Need Education on this...

So I am looking up P90X and I need more info. I know a lot of you have done this. I am mainly wondering the following:

How long per day does it take to do the workouts?

What equipment do you need to carry this out?

For those of you who may be familiar with the Body for Life eating plan - Is it similar?

Thanks a bunch!


  • marjaso
    It is an hour to an hour and 15 min depending on the day...you need a pullup bar and one heavier set of weights and one set of lower weights...I use 25 and 12 lbs. I really like the workouts. they are exhausting but fun, and the great thing abou tthe program is that it doesn't matter how good of shape you are in to start, it is all about progress and improving each time...setting goals and meeting them...I just started the program again and have lost 8 lbs in the first week...you also feel very strong on it...the food is good and filling which is important to me...let me know if you have any questions.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The workouts range from 55 to 90 minutes (yoga is 90 min)
    For equipment you can have dumbbells of various size or ones you can adjust the weight and a pull up bar or you can use resistance bands instead of both, you will just need a door mount for the bands.

    The meal plan is 3 phases, first phase high protein low carb, second phase moderate carb still pretty high protein, the final phase is high carbs and moderate protein (still more than the 15% MFP defaults too)
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    as above
  • superdave123
    Yes, it definitely works! Teambeachbody is a great way to join others doing the program just like you!