Car journey and low kcal eating

Hey guys. I'm off on a long car journey (has taken us between 9-13 hours in past). Normally we pick at sweets, chocolate, crisps, sandwiches, sausage rolls... You name it and its there. I want to try and be healthier this time (keeping to MFP as much as possible) and I was wondering if anyone had any good munch ideas? I still want to pick as everyone else will be but just healthier stuff (makes me feel less travel sick when I pick). We are leaving straight from my work so I will not have a break and will have my dinner in car - again to keep healthy I was thinking a proper dinner and maybe cous cous with roasted veg would be nice. Any ideas on picky enjoyable food that will keep in cars? Thanks already :).


  • raichhype
    raichhype Posts: 74 Member
    Some healthy filling wraps, fruit, ryvita? :) that kinda thing!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Cut up some vegetables and fruits.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,588 Member
    freeze dried fruit (they have a cinnamon apple one), nuts, sugar free gum or gummy snacks you can chew on for a while (they keep me from munching too much), maybe some high fiber cereal to nibble, jerky.
    If you take a cooler wraps are easy or lean proteins (chicken or turkey maybe) that you can keep cold.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    The bottom line is that it's only 9-13 hours and even if you choose to eat 'unhealthy' food, it's not going to sabotage your weight loss. If you really want to control what you're eating on the trip buy your snacks and divide them into snack size zip lock bags ahead of time for portion control. Play car games and only have snacks after each game has been completed (or set some sort of 'rule' for when you get snacks to keep you from munching constantly). Some ideas for snacks:

    Hummus and veggies
    PB2 on whole wheat bread (cut sandwich into quarters so you don't pig out on a whole sandwich)
    PB2 w/ graham crackers (don't put the PB2 on the crackers ahead of time, they get soggy)
    Homemade low fat granola (google recipes)
    Homemade granola bars (google recipes)
    Low fat cheese
    Nuts (in moderation)

    Keep in mind that constantly munching on these items adds up in calories just like chips and candy, just not quite as quickly.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Add homemade trailmix and homemade graham crackers. I also pack the squeeze fruit applesauce for the kids. Have fun, we are on our way on Friday for our 16 hour roadtrip!
  • ashleachrysafis
    I know it won't sabotage it much but I'm very all or nothing so just trying to stay on the all side of things =). I thought of fruit but my partner will only stop the car once lol - will it go bad / smell once eaten (skin, core etc). Whats PB2? Sorry I dunno if thats an american thing or just me being silly? I thought about cooking cous cous and roasted veg as we are going straight from my work place so I could have that in the car for dinner and have bought some cracker and snack a jacks. Are gummy sweets high in calories / hard boiled sweets? Thanks guys
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Your couscous and veg sounds nice, you can put it into separate containers and just eat it from there - maybe with some plastic forks or whatever. Some things that I normally will take on road trips for munching..
    -cheese cubes (or you can also get the individually wrapped ones but I just cut my own)
    -vegetable sticks (things like carrots and celery stay crunchy for a while in a car)
    -Persian cucumber (the little whole cucumbers)
    -cherry tomatoes
    -wraps (cream seasoned cheese with ham is good and wont get soggy)
    -granola bars

    I normally don't bring things like crackers or nuts because they encourage me to eat more. If you are going to bring those things then pack them in pre-portioned bags (same with candies)
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    I go on a lot of road trips and do not have "proper dinners" unless I stop at a restaurant.

    I eat cottage cheese in individual containers, nuts, whole wheat crackers, cut up veggies and fruit. I also pack buns, cheese, deli meat, lettuce and tomatoes to make sandwiches on the way. I pack crisps and chocolate IIFYM.

    I think your roasted veg and couscous or quinoa is an awesome idea!!!!

    Oh, and you should take twiglets just because I almost never eat them here in Canada<3
  • ashleachrysafis

    Sounds like very good ideas... I think I may just do the whole portion things out thing! Thats a great idea. I may also pre-log everything on here so I know exactly what I can eat =). Some little gummy sweets or something will be a nice treat =D. Maybe just have to starve throughout the day so I can pick more lol.
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    always easy to have veggies and fruits, water and such and be sure to get out and stretch on a regular basis. We just got back from a road trip. I had sugar snap peas as part of our snacks....easy to eat, and quite refreshing. I just wash and prep ahead of time....Have fun !!!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Bring a small cooler to keep things fresh. Stock it with cold fruit, cut-up veggies with hummus, cheese sticks, sandwiches, nuts and dried fruit (modest amount of this), salads, jerky, yogurt or yogurt/oat parfait...pretty much anything you like, really - especially if you're not the one driving (you can eat with two hands, and can use utensils). Bring a ziplock baggie to put scraps like fruit peels and other garbage to reduce the smell (and keep the baggie in the cooler too). Bring a few bottles of water and a couple cans of diet soda. Plan and pack it the night before the trip so you're not rushing or making rash choices, and pre-log your snacks so you have a plan for the day and stick to your goals.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member

    Sounds like very good ideas... I think I may just do the whole portion things out thing! Thats a great idea. I may also pre-log everything on here so I know exactly what I can eat =). Some little gummy sweets or something will be a nice treat =D. Maybe just have to starve throughout the day so I can pick more lol.

    If it fits your macros. And gummy sweets don't have a high calorie count. You should be able to fit them in:)

    I usually pack too much food.
  • ashleachrysafis
    I go on a lot of road trips and do not have "proper dinners" unless I stop at a restaurant.

    I eat cottage cheese in individual containers, nuts, whole wheat crackers, cut up veggies and fruit. I also pack buns, cheese, deli meat, lettuce and tomatoes to make sandwiches on the way. I pack crisps and chocolate IIFYM.

    I think your roasted veg and couscous or quinoa is an awesome idea!!!!

    Oh, and you should take twiglets just because I almost never eat them here in Canada<3

    IIFYM?? OMG twiglets are most definitely the best!! Can't believe you don't eat them over there... thats awful lol.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    IIFYM - If It Fits Your Macros.

    Eat what you like as long as you're hitting your protein, fat, carb (and possibly fibre) goals, AND staying near your calorie goal. There's no harm at all in having sweets or other yummy snacks if they fit your day. Planning your meals makes this a lot easier!
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    I go on a lot of road trips and do not have "proper dinners" unless I stop at a restaurant.

    I eat cottage cheese in individual containers, nuts, whole wheat crackers, cut up veggies and fruit. I also pack buns, cheese, deli meat, lettuce and tomatoes to make sandwiches on the way. I pack crisps and chocolate IIFYM.

    I think your roasted veg and couscous or quinoa is an awesome idea!!!!

    Oh, and you should take twiglets just because I almost never eat them here in Canada<3

    IIFYM?? OMG twiglets are most definitely the best!! Can't believe you don't eat them over there... thats awful lol.

    Marmite too, although I can buy it at the grocery store. No one in my family likes it! Weird eh?
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    i like to bring my own snacks when i travel too, especially at the airport. it saves calories and money! i usually bring fruit and veggies, beef jerky, and some almonds (pre-portioned out so i don't go crazy) along with a few pieces of dark chocolate. if i were taking a trip in a car, i'd definitely pack a cooler with some lunch meat and some thin slices of cheese, more fruit and veggies, and maybe some air popped popcorn too. unsweetened applesauce is a good idea too! i'd try to pre-portion most things out, just so it's easier to grab and you won't have to count or measure anything. and don't forget LOTS of water!

    oh and PB2 is a powdered peanut butter (you add a bit of water to it) with 45 cal/2 T instead of 190 cal like regular PB. i like PB2 to add into shakes and stuff for the flavor, without the calories and fat. it does have some sugar added. i still eat regular PB a lot, i don't mind the calories and the fat is good fat.
  • ashleachrysafis
    Oooo definitely sounding doable... will definitely pre-plan / log and work the rest of the day around my journey and snacks. I am working all day so have no choice other than get it all ready night before so thats handy. Looking forward to getting my munch on now lol.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If its after work, won't you just need supper and maybe a snack and some water/ fluids? Just eat as much as you would at home. No need to eat the entire car ride? I would eat your pre prepared dinner and then have a snack. Fruits or veggies and you can put the peel core etc in a bag and tie it. You must have to stop to use the bathroom? Then throw the garbage away. If you need sweets then one serving candy and gum or something?
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    Veggies, peanut butter, hummus, whole wheat crisps, homemade oatmeal squares, veggie crisps, jerky.

    Keep it easy and light. Although i saw some people from above say a cooler and pack food that way which is a fantastic idea.

    Hope that helps!