URGH......Not loosing yet! Working out 3 wks now! :(



  • To be honest I am eyeing it out when it comes to food portions. That was my initial issue I am NOT a food junky...however I will eat a LOT in one sitting. So maybe I should measure the foods? and as for increasing the calories.. I like that idea....lol!
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    To be honest I am eyeing it out when it comes to food portions. That was my initial issue I am NOT a food junky...however I will eat a LOT in one sitting. So maybe I should measure the foods? and as for increasing the calories.. I like that idea....lol!
    Accurate measuring and logging are the basic first steps you need to take. If you don't know how mnay calories you are eating, there's no way to accurately figure out how much to NOT eat.

    Get a food scale and start weighing EVERYTHING - I bet it will be an eye opener for you. :)
  • I am going to up my calories then... it just makes it hard bc I think...ohh yeah more food to eat (which in terms means MORE food to eat, if that makes sense.) But i will try that and go from there. I think you guys know what you are talking about so I will change it up!
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    I am going to up my calories then... it just makes it hard bc I think...ohh yeah more food to eat (which in terms means MORE food to eat, if that makes sense.) But i will try that and go from there. I think you guys know what you are talking about so I will change it up!

    Just give it some time. Eating more grams of food will make your body store extra waste and you'll naturally be getting more sodium, which can make you store water weight, don't freak out if you gain a little, it's temporary and not fat.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    To be honest I am eyeing it out when it comes to food portions. That was my initial issue I am NOT a food junky...however I will eat a LOT in one sitting. So maybe I should measure the foods? and as for increasing the calories.. I like that idea....lol!
    Accurate measuring and logging are the basic first steps you need to take. If you don't know how mnay calories you are eating, there's no way to accurately figure out how much to NOT eat.

    Get a food scale and start weighing EVERYTHING - I bet it will be an eye opener for you. :)

    Agree. Don't increase your calories yet. Start weighing everything to see if your eyeballing is even close. If you're weighing everything and really are eating less than 1200, then by all means increase.
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    I was in the same situation. I kept losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for months and it wasn't until lately that my weight finally started dropping consistently. It took me 105 days to lose 10 pounds.

    Eat a reasonable amount of calories from good food and get active. Other than that, it's patience.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    First and foremost: PATIENCE. 3 weeks is not long enough to see progress.

    Secondly, watch what you're eating more closely.
    Third, Run OUTSIDE not on a treadmill. Run 2 minute, walk 1 for at least 30 minute 3 times a week and that's plenty.
    Fourth, lift weights at least twice a week.

    That's all you need for success.

    Stick to it.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I can tell by looking at your diary that you aren't eating enough. 1200-1300 is too little for you. try to aim for 1500 and you should start losing. Invest in a food scale. that really helped me.
  • dailytammy
    dailytammy Posts: 49 Member
    looked at your diary try eating clean, less sugar and carbs and more protein and make sure your reaching the calorie goals :)
  • I went from 1200 and bumped it to 1500-1650 (sometimes 1850) and started losing weight. 1200 was too little for me and I have been steadily dropping. Can't drive a car without gas do remember you're body will hold onto all the fat if it thinks you are starving yourself. I learned the hard way. Don't make my mistake!
  • I am going to up a little bit my calories...but (hate to have to ask...embarrassing), lol....How and Where do I change my calorie intake on this website...I looked everywhere I can't find it. Loving all the suggestions. Thanks a ton!
  • jenjen828
    jenjen828 Posts: 58 Member
    I found out when I got my food scale that my idea of what a table spoon of peanut butter and what the weight for a tablespoon of peanut butter was totally different, and guess who was getting way more calories. I weigh everything. My cereal in the morning is 2/3 c or 27 grams. I opt to weigh instead of trust the measuring cup--because I tend to make my servings heaping rather than level--and you can get several more calories that way.

    A big problem for me is water weight and sodium. I have been known to gain 5 pounds from salt intake. You may want to look at the amount of sodium you have gotten over the last week or so. When I am up and not that wonderful time of the month, I can usually pinpoint it to getting too much salt and not enough water to flush it out.

    I also found out that a different harder workout or working out with weights can cause a temporary jump on the scale because muscle holds in water as it repairs itself. Protein helps repair and build muscle. I bought some soy protein powder this weekend and have been using it the last couple of days to help with muscle recovery. Whey protein is supposed to be absorbed quicker, but it was more expensive. I use it as breakfast and it has kept me satisfied. We will see if this helps in the next few days. LOL

    Just some ideas. You may also want to up your calories a bit. If I do not eat enough, my scale will come to a grinding halt.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    It took me some time to start dropping the pounds, but I lost almost as many inches as I've dropped pounds already. It does take time - it's not a quick fix Band-Aid approach.

    I agree with other posters - eat at your calorie goal plus eat back a portion of your exercise calories.

    Another thing to note - make sure to consistently eat breakfast. Your body may be going into starvation mode if it's not being fueled regularly.
  • jascar7
    jascar7 Posts: 5 Member
    I'd buy a food scale and consistently measure first before upping calories--it's hard to really estimate how much things are by eying it or even by measuring cups
  • crazebeck
    crazebeck Posts: 70 Member
    Looks like from your diary you are not getting enough fuel for your body. You have to eat to lose. Try small meals throughout the day to help you meet your calorie goal.

    Did MFP suggest your calorie intake to be that low?

    Also, dont rely on the scales, measurements once a week or month should give you more information than a scale can.

    Hang in there! You've got this!
  • Thank you...I think yes MFP suggested that many calories. I want to change ot but seem to have forgotten how. Help!
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    I am going to up my calories then... it just makes it hard bc I think...ohh yeah more food to eat (which in terms means MORE food to eat, if that makes sense.) But i will try that and go from there. I think you guys know what you are talking about so I will change it up!

    Just give it some time. Eating more grams of food will make your body store extra waste and you'll naturally be getting more sodium, which can make you store water weight, don't freak out if you gain a little, it's temporary and not fat.

    This and OP... MORE food still means MEASURE it all and stay w/in your BMR + (at least some of) your exercise calories) :)
    Good luck!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I'd buy a food scale and consistently measure first before upping calories--it's hard to really estimate how much things are by eying it or even by measuring cups

    Quoting this because it's worth repeating...
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Hi there!

    I'm not seeing much fruit or veggies in a weeks worth of your diary. I also see A LOT of high sodium days, which can result in bloating and water retention. Also, some days it seems like you aren't eating enough. Consistency is key! You go from one 750 calorie day, to a 1,500 calorie day(which is good!) but overdoing it on the sodium intake.

    Some quick tips/words of advice

    *Lower the amount of sodium you intake daily
    *Portion control and moderation is key
    *Change up your exercise routine every 4-5 workouts(if your body knows what physical activity is coming it's way, it won't have to work as hard. Changing up your workout will always keep your body guessing!)
    *Try to add half cup-1 cup of fruit and/or veggies to at least 2 meals a day
    *Take measurements. Inches count for great losses as well!
    *Educate yourself on true portions sizes. Invest in a food scale if you can but they are not a necessity
    *Try to eat at least your MFP goal and half of your exericse cals back

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    I am running at 4.5 (mpg?) is that how to say it?...lol Anyways..

    Your a car!? lol had to laugh at that one! :happy:

    I would like to suggest to you cycling your calories, the zig zag method. Some days low some days high some days very low and so on. heres a good link http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm

    good luck and dont give up we all lose in our own way. :smile: