URGH......Not loosing yet! Working out 3 wks now! :(



  • Swehl
    Swehl Posts: 138 Member
    Tons of great comments in this post!! :) One thing that I haven't seen mentioned though is water. Drink lots and lots of water!! Then drink more!! With you working out your muscles are holding water, and it might sound strange, but you need to take in water to cleanse your body of the water weight. Years ago I saw a nutritionist weekly, and she said that you cannot count drinking carbonated or flavored water as part of your water intake. Just drink plain and simple water. Apparently, plain water flushes the toxins and waste out of your body significantly better than flavored or carbonated water. Good luck!! You can do it :)
  • byrd725
    byrd725 Posts: 3 Member
    I noticed from your diary most days you only eat 1 or 2 meals and some snacks and typically you stay under 1000 calories before you exercise you need to try and eat at least 3 meals per day and maybe a snack or two of fruits and nuts. you also seem to be low on protein your muscles need protein to function properly and watch you fats and sugars the fruits and nuts will give you the sugars and fats that are good for you. Try and eat 1300 to 1500 total per day. It takes time but you can do it and it will be worth it.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    You can change it under 'goals' in your home page - look to see if it's set for 1 pound or 2 pounds/week and adjust there. But I think weighing / measuring your food is more important than adjusting your calories up or down.
  • Yes...I am majorly guilty of NOT eating breakfast. I just hate it (unless it is at a later time) But I have to make sure I do eat it more. And as for my Sodium, I was hoping no one would notice it..lol> Yes, I will be changing that as well. Thanks.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Yes...I am majorly guilty of NOT eating breakfast. I just hate it (unless it is at a later time) But I have to make sure I do eat it more. And as for my Sodium, I was hoping no one would notice it..lol> Yes, I will be changing that as well. Thanks.

    Meal timing has no bearing on weight loss. If you're not a breakfast eater there's no reason to start. Hit your calorie goal and you'll be fine.
  • rosnnj
    rosnnj Posts: 25 Member
    I hate breakfast too but you can drink your calories by having a protein shake to get your metabolism going. And I get caught in the high sodium levels too but soemone told me to drink a gallon of water a day and especially in the evening where your meals have the most sodium. I have a 24oz cup that I drink 6 cups a day... I know it is a lot but I drink one before and after every main meal. After the 3rd day you get used to it.
  • JillMarie529
    JillMarie529 Posts: 3 Member
    This might seem like a ridiculous question but I just want to clarify, When it comes to daily caloric intake goals, we want to focus on the "net" calories correct?
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    This might seem like a ridiculous question but I just want to clarify, When it comes to daily caloric intake goals, we want to focus on the "net" calories correct?

    Depends on whether someone is using MFPs method (yes) or TDEE-20% (no).
  • My bad...lol, I have been eating between 1200 to 1300 calories!

    i think you are eating way too little! it seems wrong, but eating so little really doesn't work for weight loss. i started at 150lbs, worked out every day, and consumed 1200 calories/day (didn't eat back what i burned) and didn't lose a single pound for a month! then, i saw all the posts on here about eating more to lose, and i started eating between 1400-1500 calories per day, and the weight has pretty much fallen off. 1200 was just too low, and my body was going into starvation mode. since i switched to 1400, i've consistently lost between 1-2 lbs/week and am at my weight goal. you should at least give bumping up your calories a try! even if you just try for a couple weeks, you don't really have anything to lose by giving it a shot. ;)

    oh and about breakfast- i never eat it. i usually have a small snack before working out at noon and save my calories for later. i KNOW i snack all night, so i like to save my calories to eat a normal dinner with my fiance and then snack during the evening. :) i usually drink a full glass of water in the morning, but for me i eat way more throughout the day when i have breakfast so i've stopped trying to force it.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    This might seem like a ridiculous question but I just want to clarify, When it comes to daily caloric intake goals, we want to focus on the "net" calories correct?

    That's up to you. Alot of people eat back exercise calories, alot don't.
  • Thank you...I think yes MFP suggested that many calories. I want to change ot but seem to have forgotten how. Help!

    if you click on "settings" in the top right of the page, then click on "goals" it will give you the option to change it. it's different using the app on your phone, but i think you find it with the same general tabs. :)
  • Thanks. All these suggestions Will make a huge difference! Now I feel better and ready to go for it even more than before! :)
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    a lot has been said already but i also noticed you only been logging your food for roughly a week give it more time and buy a food scale most people underestimate the amount of food they eat :smile: