Egg whites for breakfast?

BryKate Posts: 74 Member
So I have an instagram and twitter page and follow a lot of "fitness" and "diet accounts." Whenever I see someone post a photo with the caption "BREAKFAST" then open it to find a photo of scrambled egg whites, half a tomato and a few mushrooms I'm left feeling like the greediest person in the world. Their whole breakfast is under breakfast usually consists of
40g rolled oats - 120 cals
1 scoop of protein powder- 100 cals
Whichever piece of fruit I fancy that day so anything from another 50-80cals
Sometimes go crazy and stir in some PB2! another 40 cals.
Also stir in an egg white or two just for added protein.

I also sometimes make protein pancakes using oat flour/coconut flour/quinoa flour etc and banana and eggs and top them with some yogurt and berries.

So erm..yeah..quite a difference!! I just don't get how egg whites and a tomato give people enough energy for the day especially those who workout straight after breakfast like I do!! I think if I wasn't working out I could live on scrambled eggs and veg for breakie but when I'm lifting heavy weights and doing HIIT 1 hour after breakfast the thought of doing that on 100 cals makes me feel a bit nauseous!


  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Well... I eat egg whites cooked with shredded mozzarella for breakfast and I never really feel hungry at lunch. I usually have about 250g or 1 cup of egg whites with 1/4 cup partly skimmed shredded mozzarella, that pretty well fills a soup bowl almost the whole way with food and I love eating just that over anything but my special toast overload. (That's 2 slices of ancient grain bread with 1 tbsp of wow butter spread on each + 1/2 tbsp of cherry jelly spread on each with 1/3 of a medium banana sliced and placed on each, ends up around 800 - 900 calories if I remember right... but so freaking good).
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    So erm..yeah..quite a difference!! I just don't get how egg whites and a tomato give people enough energy for the day especially those who workout straight after breakfast like I do!! I think if I wasn't working out I could live on scrambled eggs and veg for breakie but when I'm lifting heavy weights and doing HIIT 1 hour after breakfast the thought of doing that on 100 cals makes me feel a bit nauseous!

    Some people don't even eat breakfast and still manage through their workouts. Read up on Intermittent fasting (IF)

    Mind = blown
  • kaseyAnne425
    kaseyAnne425 Posts: 230
    You do realize that egg whites don't contain as much protein as a whole egg, right? You're cutting the protein in half by eliminating the yolk, which holds most of the nutrients. Many people believe that the yolk contributes to high cholesterol, however in moderation, whole eggs are very healthy for you. I like egg whites, but sometimes, I'll mix it up and have a whole egg for the added protein.
  • BryKate
    BryKate Posts: 74 Member
    I know and I often eat the whole egg just having a whole egg mixed in with oatmeal would make it taste too, well, eggy.
  • BryKate
    BryKate Posts: 74 Member
    Fasted cardio I understand. But there is no way you can be lifting heavy weights fasted. I've done a lot of research on the topic. Compare a weights session between breakfast and no breakfast and I guarantee you won't be able to lift as heavy on no breakfast
  • kaseyAnne425
    kaseyAnne425 Posts: 230
    I know and I often eat the whole egg just having a whole egg mixed in with oatmeal would make it taste too, well, eggy.

    Gross haha.
  • BryKate
    BryKate Posts: 74 Member
    I know and I often eat the whole egg just having a whole egg mixed in with oatmeal would make it taste too, well, eggy.

    Gross haha.

    hahah exactly :) you cant even taste the egg whites once they're mixed in. I know its not as much protein but its a little extra plus I always add protein powder to the oats.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I eat 2 breakfasts every day - one before my workout and one after. Usually before my workout I eat a couple of egg whites with a little cheese, but after I eat a yogurt parfait or an egg sandwich on an English muffin, or sometimes I eat pancakes or waffles. I have to eat a substantial breakfast or I'm hungry all day!
  • HeartlessHarlot
    HeartlessHarlot Posts: 65 Member
    I did really well with a 100 cal english muffin, two egg whites, two strips of turkey bacon and 1/2 of a 100 cal guac packet. Really good and I wasn't hungry until lunch. Not 100 cals, but around 200/250.
  • BryKate
    BryKate Posts: 74 Member
    I did really well with a 100 cal english muffin, two egg whites, two strips of turkey bacon and 1/2 of a 100 cal guac packet. Really good and I wasn't hungry until lunch. Not 100 cals, but around 200/250.

    what time of day were you working out? I could cope fine on that if my workout was until later in which case I'd load up on some carbs before my workout (so have brown rice with lunch or something) but since I Workout right after breakfast I don't think I'd have enough energy at all to lift!!
  • doowop713
    doowop713 Posts: 268 Member
    :huh: :laugh: :happy: ......And then there is me and my breakfast, which usually consists of two whole large eggs over easy, a whole "healthy start" English muffin with real butter, a cup of black coffee, a cup of coconut milk, and if my bf feels like cooking it, some scrapple or bacon. I've never wasted a yolk to eat the whites. The yolks are full of great stuff and they are great to soak up with toast or an English muffin!

    edit: no offense to those of you who eat super low-cal stuff or are watching carbs and stuff. :flowerforyou:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Fasted cardio I understand. But there is no way you can be lifting heavy weights fasted. I've done a lot of research on the topic. Compare a weights session between breakfast and no breakfast and I guarantee you won't be able to lift as heavy on no breakfast

    For me it depends on my intake the day prior to lifting. Eating a huge surplus one day always gives me a great workout the next day.

    I don't IF but I know people that do and would workout during the fasted period, but break PR's consistently, most likely from the effect of eating so much the night before.
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    My breakfast consists of the following:

    2 oz frozen diced potatoes
    2 T corn salsa
    1/4 C Egg Beaters
    2 T Pico de Gallo

    Fried in 1 tsp of Smart Balance Omega Blend oil then wrapped in 1 Ole Mexican Foods Xtreme Wellness High Fiber/Low Carb Tortilla

    Grand total of about 240 calories, 5g fat, 13g protein, 31g carb and 10g fiber. You could add some mozzarella cheese for 80 calories/6g fat.

    Keeps me full all morning. I must say that I EAT THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY...I never get tired of it. :smile:

    ETA: I work out in the early morning on the days I don't work. I typically eat this after my workout. Before I workout, I have to eat something light like a banana. But regardless, I eat this breakfast every day.
  • doowop713
    doowop713 Posts: 268 Member
    My breakfast consists of the following:

    2 oz frozen diced potatoes
    2 T corn salsa
    1/4 C Egg Beaters
    2 T Pico de Gallo

    Fried in 1 tsp of Smart Balance Omega Blend oil then wrapped in 1 Ole Mexican Foods Xtreme Wellness High Fiber/Low Carb Tortilla

    Grand total of about 240 calories, 5g fat, 13g protein, 31g carb and 10g fiber. You could add some mozzarella cheese for 80 calories/6g fat.

    Keeps me full all morning. I must say that I EAT THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY...I never get tired of it. :smile:

    ETA: I work out in the early morning on the days I don't work. I typically eat this after my workout. Before I workout, I have to eat something light like a banana. But regardless, I eat this breakfast every day.

    That sounds great! I'd add bacon or sausage and use whole eggs, but yummy! Thanks for the idea!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I eat breakfast at 4am, sometimes earlier. Most days it consists of egg white, mushroom and maybe an English muffin. At that hour, I couldn't care less. By 7am. I will have a protein bar, Greek yogurt/cottage cheese and fruit or overnight oats. By 10am, peanut butter/nutella, toast or oatmeal (again). So yeah, I have a low cal breakfast , but I still get 700-1,000 calories in before lunchtime.
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    I usually have 1 egg, 1/2 cup egg whites and some cheese or an egg white whole wheat muffin. I'm full until about 1:30pm if I need to go that long without eating but I usually don't as I have my snack at about 11am. I don't work out until about 7pm though.
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    I'm not much of a morning exerciser, but if I do, I eat two breakfasts. One light (fruit) before and one heavier afterward.

    I hate egg whites and I struggle enough with my protein intake that taking the yolk out would be overkill. So I usually have two scrambled eggs, mixed with onion, mushroom, spinach, a slice of turkey bacon, and a little sprinkle of cheese on the top. It's filling. Not five hours until lunch filling, but I snack. I like the idea of wrapping it in a corn tortilla with some pico. Might try that tomorrow!
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member

  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I eat 2 breakfasts every day - one before my workout and one after.

    Me too. I've usually downed at least 1000 calories by mid-morning by the time my breakfasts are done. I love breakfasts. Especially ones that include 2-3 whole eggs! :love:
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I hate anything that screams 'I follow a fad diet' at me

    There is nothing wrong with eating the WHOLE egg. In fact, it's more nutritious to eat the egg as a whole
    I had someone de-friend me a few weeks ago because I refused to eat egg whites only... that's how mental the egg white people are :laugh:

    Eggs are low calorie, high protein, nutritious foods, you do not need to break them apart unless you are baking. It's obsessive and unhealthy to pick at your food to that degree... in my opinion

    If I'm not having the yolk, I don't want the egg, Tastes like crap without it.

    If you're eating sensibly most of the time and exercising regularly then I don't see the problem... with anything.... egg yolks, eating out, beer, chocolate, ice cream... etc etc.... I hate obsessions and food fads... they breed eating disorders

    Everything in moderation ... and... A little of what you fancy does you good

    Cliches.... but true every time