Frustrated...ready to give up!



  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    #1 - You haven't given it enough time. you need to stick with it a little longer. You didn't gain all the weight overnight, you can't expect it to drop off after a couple weeks. It takes time and effort.

    #2 - When you first start, your body goes into shock and retains water to protect your muscles (which seems like you aren't losing weight, but you are). You should start seeing better results soon, once your body gets used to you exercising.

    #3- Only you can decide if you want to do this or not. If you want to go back to eating Sundaes and laying on the couch all day, do it. If you want to change, you are the only one who can be responsible for that.

    #4- You don't need to completely cut out things from your diet (alcohol, sugar, etc) If you like drinking wine, drink wine, just fit it into your calories. Trying to stop eating/drinking all your favorite things right out of the gate will make you miserable. Just slow it down, watch portion size, and stick to your goals, but be happy.

    Good luck!
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    the weight didn't come on over night- it's not going to leave over night.

    You literally have had a month... and a pound of a week is 4 lbs... and that's pretty normal.

    Relax- it's going to take time.

    I seriously do not understand why people think this **** happens over night. What happens when you face real adversity in your life? Are you going to just give up because it's to hard?

    You have to fight for this. It takes time but you have to fight for it. Every step for days on end- it's not a 1-2 month process... it's literally MONTHS and MONTHS and years of work. Relax. It will come.
    *golf clap * due to truth
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Your expectations are jacked. Losing 1-2 Lbs per week is solid, sustainable, and healthy weight loss. Four Lbs in 3 weeks is great...your expectations are not.
  • Chakrachic7
    Chakrachic7 Posts: 4 Member
    I started my weight loss journey on May 5, 2012. As of today I am down 63 lbs from my highest weight ever of 251.8 back in 2007. I have been following weight watchers since May 5th and was just told about this app! and website...I LOVE IT!! I am 46yrs old and have been strugglling with my weight my entire life. But.....I am working on the NEW healthy me that I was never able to become until now. It is a long journey so make yourself little 5lb goals instead of looking at the big picture. It will amaze you how later down the road you will have said goodbye to 25, 35, 50lbs + and it won't even seem like it was that hard. Just don't give did not go on overnight and it will not come off that fast you don't want it to come off that fast cause it won't stay off.

    Don't focus on just what the scale shows....truly concentrate on making little changes every day and I promise you the tough days will pass and the good days will make up for all the struggle!! Drop me a line anytime....we all have frustrating days but they will pass. Life is here to stay so grab on and enjoy the ride!
  • sirius951
    sirius951 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, not scientifically proven or anything but I think that the slower i lose weight the longer I am likely to keep it off afterwards 'cos it means I have made changes small enough to more easily be able to maintain the diet long term and when I want to stop dieting it won't mean the difference is so great I'll blimp out fast. Also have you ever looked at a pound of lard in the supermarket. When you think of 4 of those strapped to your belly you'll realise it's a lot! Imagine shoving 4lb of lard down your tightest fitting jeans! I think you're doing great. :-) :-) x
  • sirius951
    sirius951 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, not scientifically proven or anything but I think that the slower i lose weight the longer I am likely to keep it off afterwards 'cos it means I have made changes small enough to more easily be able to maintain the diet long term and when I want to stop dieting it won't mean the difference is so great I'll blimp out fast. Also have you ever looked at a pound of lard in the supermarket. When you think of 4 of those strapped to your belly you'll realise it's a lot! Imagine shoving 4lb of lard down your tightest fitting jeans! I think you're doing great. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: x
  • sirius951
    sirius951 Posts: 10 Member
    oops - sorry for posting twice :embarassed:
  • Hey OP,
    You're doing great!

    Losing 4 Lbs in less than a month is great. I started P90x at the beginning of February and finished it at the end of April. Having lost 15 Lbs and building lean muscle in the process. The whole program lasts about 14 weeks. As You can see, I only lost about an average of 1 lb per week, but it shows. You'll feel better, be more energetic, and want to live a more active lifestyle regardless of working out. As Tony says "Rome wasn't built in a night" and that couldn't be more true for weight loss. If you stick with it, You'll get results. I just started P90x2 about a month ago and have lost another 3 lbs. You need to realize that your scale won't always reflect your progress as your water weight fluctuates. Muscle weighing more than fat also is a major factor as P90X is an intense program that builds all of the major muscle groups and you'll find yourself losing less weight later in the program due to the fact that you're building more muscle. Be sure to check out the nutrition program that comes with P90X as well as that can give you some suggestions on healthier foods to eat that will also help you lose weight quicker.
    Remember to believe in yourself. Decide, Commit, and Succeed.

    Keep Up the Good Work,
  • bump..thanks for all encouragement.:smooched: