Stay at home mommys!



  • Sarahkoolkatkitty
    Sarahkoolkatkitty Posts: 109 Member
    Hello! I'm a stay at home and homeschool mom to 4, ages 13, 12, 10, and 3. Feel free to add me anyone and I'll send a FR to the OP!
  • KayaVice
    KayaVice Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a SAHM too. :) I just have one, a teenager, but we homeschool so life is always busy. :) I'm new here (3 days strong.)

    I'm a SAHM too. I'm in the beginning journey of homeschooling! I have a 3 year old (turning 4 in Sept), 2 yr old and 8 mo old
  • amandabrooke17
    amandabrooke17 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a SAHM to a 2yr & 4yr - I'm almost to maintenance and am training for some races this Fall & a half-Marathon in 2014. Please feel free to add :)
  • imhisdream
    Hello Everyone, My name is JEVEEN , I am a 23 year old wife and a SAHM to a beautiful 5 year old Princess!! I have been on here on and off for a while now and just wanting to start fresh again and stay 100% committed to my goals this time around.. Aside from a couple issues that make it harder for me to loss I can no longer keep making EXCUSES for weight free to add. I could use some motivation:)!!
  • bgirls2
    bgirls2 Posts: 4
    SAHM of a 7yr old and a almost 5yr old. Feel free to add me!
  • dream_to_skinny
    dream_to_skinny Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there!
    I have 2 bubbas, one 2 and a half year old and one 9 month old. I have "almost" lost all my baby weight and have set myself new weight goals. Add me for motivation, my diary is open so you can see what I'm scoffing and I'm always on myfitnesspal :)
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I'm a mommy of 3 and I am always happy to add active friends. add me if you want mamas :)
  • aharper84
    aharper84 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm a SAHM to three, ages 8, 4, and 2. My husband is currently deployed, so I'm going at it alone. I'm pretty lean and fit. I'm just looking forward to lowering my body fat percentage, and I hoping that my thighs will like my jeans a little more in the end.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I have five boys (ages 7-17). I have a home gym, so I pop in there several times a day for small workouts (the kids can live without me for 20 minutes at a time, right? Although interruptions still happen). Adjusting to the summer schedule now (sleeping in, having the kids around all the time, summer activities ... but no homework or carpools or school activities).

    I've had a Fitbit for years now, but I recently got one for my 14-year old (the 17-year old wanted a Flex, we've ordered one but it's backordered). It's pretty fun to "compete" with the boys. My 14-year old did recently overtake me in average steps, he was pretty happy about that.

    I've been on MFP since May - gone from 180 to 166 ... still a little ways to go (150 to get out of "overweight" category, goal 135, which I did hit back in 2006).
  • shana0609
    shana0609 Posts: 18
    I'm a SAHM of 2 lil girls 6 & 4. I'm here trying to find the motivation to stick with losing weight and keeping it off.
    PLease add me. So we can cheer each other on throughout our journey.
  • anndisme2
    anndisme2 Posts: 15 Member
    Me too! Would love some SAHM friends. I have 3 yo boy/girl twins and a 10 month old. Best of luck to all you wonderful mommies!
  • melifairy
    melifairy Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm also a SAHM of two little ones. My daughter is 2 1/2 years and my son is 7 1/2 months. I'm struggling to get rid of the baby weight and previous weight that I had gained. I am looking for other motivated mommies who would like to keep each other motivated. I also have interests in sewing and drawing. Feel free to add me if you'd like! ^_~
  • nilleah
    nilleah Posts: 177
    SAHM reporting. I just turned 40 on July 6th. Oi! I'm the mother of a beautiful 4 year old daughter named Cara. I'm working my behind off, literally, so I can be in shape to keep up with her endless energy!

    After having her I all of a sudden became seriously ill with all sorts of things from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, CFS, got but by a tick and want treated correctly so I ended up with chronic Lyme Disease and that's just naming a few so that along with added pounds makes for a very slow/sickly Mommy. I'm hoping through diet changes and what exercise I can manage I can relieve some of that on my own but I can't do it alone! I need encouragement. I need motivation. I need friends to cheer me on and keep me in line! lol

    In return I offer the same. :) Feel free to add me if you would like to have a kick *kitten* friend who is not afraid to tell you the truth, can make you laugh, and lends a pretty damn good ear when needed! <3
  • Peachee_6
    Peachee_6 Posts: 14
    I'm a stay at home mom too. I have 6 but the oldest two have grown & left. Would love to support any of you :) Feel free to add me!!