I'm on my way to a success story

If I want to be honest with myself, I think for a good time now (a good month) I’ve been emotionally unhappy with my weight loss journey. I’ve stalled, the scale has been up and down the same couple of pounds and I was just not accurately logging anymore and binged a lot more frequent than ever before. And all the information weight loss can get SO overwhelming.
I started to feel fat, unworthy and unhappy again. And to no surprise, I’d shut it up with all the food in sight. Naturally, I gained a couple pounds.

I began seriously thinking I had an issue because as I saw friends and family and received the “WOW YOU GOT THIN MRS. MODEL” compliments, I never really took them as a compliment. I took it as them just comparing me to the fatty I was before. I never heard “You look great!” I heard “You look great…compared to what you were” (How sickening?! I’ve never been one for compliments, though but this was clearly a problem) I read up on Body Dysmorphic Disorder and though I related to SOME of it, I didn’t fully relate to all of it. I mean, what girl doesn’t have a slight self image concern?

Then yesterday, I saw a friend that I haven’t seen in well over a year. And she said she noticed in my FB pictures that I lost weight, but now that she saw me in person, it was a lot more noticeable. But she didn’t make a scene. She just mentioned it nonchalantly. I think that helped me. I told her how it’s hard for me to notice it at times, she simply said “but it is clearly noticeable” So I left it at that and just said “Thanks” I really like that fact that it wasn’t all “OMMGGGG YOU LOOOK GREAT” It was just natural, and it felt more genuine and the subject was dropped.

Then, we went to the mall. Long story short:

I was able to walk into stores I never did before.
I wasn’t their biggest size. I was average.
My friend kept telling me “I think that’s too big for you” and I’d reply “but that one is too small” So off to the fitting rooms I went. And the “too small” fit me.

This kept going on throughout the day. I don’t even think she did it on purpose, but she yesterday, she made me realize and have an epiphany that I have changed and that I am a success story (in progress) damnit!

I may not be where I want to be. But, I am currently the most fit, healthiest and lightest I have ever been in my entire life.

It was just what I needed to hit that reset button and get back to my healthy lifestyle. I need to thank this friend, because she unknowingly helped me realize how far I have come.

It's not about thin, it's about being healthy and I feel great!


  • deedzzz
    deedzzz Posts: 220 Member
    Great story!
    You have been doing a great job and should be proud of yourself!
    Hope that your brain will soon catch up with your body! I also sometimes feel like nothing's changed and think my efforts are going to waste!

    Glad to know you have good support and motivational friends and family!
    Keep it up!
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    You should only look back to appreciate how far you have come! You're doing great, this is a lifestyle change and there should be no time limits, that is what I struggled to realize until recently. Because life happens and we all stumble, but as long as you get back on track... you will be just fine! :flowerforyou:
  • vgirl21
    vgirl21 Posts: 37
    I love this story!!!! I relate to you in so many ways. But my problem is, I hate receiving compliments and have people say to me, "You look fine, don't lose anymore weight". That really upsets me because I am not at the weight I want to be. I am capable of being so much more. Plus it puts the idea in my head that I can cheat. But then I don't realize that I am eating too many calories and I am not losing any weight! Than I feel depressed. I think I might have a Body Dismorphic Disorder also. And the sad thing is, I wouldn't mind it if I did. But like "you" I don't relate to all of it, but most of it. And I do agree that everyone has a self image problem.

    I want to be where you are. Where I can go into the store and not have to look for the largest size there. That would be my success story...Soon :) Awesome job and don't let anyone make you believe you should be a certain size. As long as you feel good about yourself and you are not dangerous to your health, you will be fine. Good Luck!!!
  • tomii13
    tomii13 Posts: 105 Member
    I love this story!!!! I relate to you in so many ways. But my problem is, I hate receiving compliments and have people say to me, "You look fine, don't lose anymore weight". That really upsets me because I am not at the weight I want to be. I am capable of being so much more. Plus it puts the idea in my head that I can cheat. But then I don't realize that I am eating too many calories and I am not losing any weight! Than I feel depressed. I think I might have a Body Dismorphic Disorder also. And the sad thing is, I wouldn't mind it if I did. But like "you" I don't relate to all of it, but most of it. And I do agree that everyone has a self image problem.

    I want to be where you are. Where I can go into the store and not have to look for the largest size there. That would be my success story...Soon :) Awesome job and don't let anyone make you believe you should be a certain size. As long as you feel good about yourself and you are not dangerous to your health, you will be fine. Good Luck!!!

    It honestly takes the mind longer to catch up to your body. You will get there. Don't focus on when. Just maintain a healthy lifestyle and mindset. It WILL all fall into place xoxo