Focus t25 people... is that all your doing?

I'm starting the Focus T25 work outs in a little over a week and i'm just curious if people who are doing it are also running or weight lifting or if your just sticking to the video and that's all? I would think since it's only 25 minutes that your body wont be as burnt out as insanity?
I have done a round of insanity and i found I wanted to do other things but couldn't fit the time in or just flat out was to damn tired after 90 minutes of digging deep!


  • sumer_13
    sumer_13 Posts: 81 Member
    Just T25, cz i wanted to find out if it worked by itself! yep it does.
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    T25 and I'm still running.
    With t25 only being 25 minutes, I still have plenty of gas in the tank for other stuff.
  • Shrinkmeslowly
    Shrinkmeslowly Posts: 42 Member
    I usually do a pretty intense Yoga practice 5 days a week.
    It's good to hear that i'll be able to do other things if I choose to!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I haven't gotten my discs yet, but I am hoping to have the energy to stack on a couple of JMBR weights workouts a week - I've worked really hard to build to a certain strength level I don't want to lose.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I just started last Tuesday and it is all I have done but I'm hoping to throw in some Chalean Extreme strength workouts twice a week if I can handle it, just not on a lower focus day, that would be too much for my legs.
  • amayaasn
    amayaasn Posts: 28 Member
    I'm finishing up Turbofire, and I left my discs at my moms over the last few days so I got my T25 out and I've done 4 workouts so far. I def think doing T25 alone is going to work, I am so sore. Maybe just using different muscles, idk. I completed 2 rounds of insanity too. Im def a work in progress but listen to your body and if you feel like you need more, then do more. I def dont think its going to be necessary though.
  • rgarling
    rgarling Posts: 1
    I'm adding 2 days worth of Les Mills Pump each week because I want to keep building my muscles. i'm doing pump on Thursdays and Sundays. I'm still leaving Saturdays as rest. I previewed all of the month 1 workouts last week while I was waiting for my challenge group to start. Totally feasible to add another workout or two in if you wanted, but, remember that Fridays we double up!
  • Doing FocusT25 with running and BodyBeast. Some people don't have time to exercise a lot but I can't exercise just 25 minutes a day. I simply need more than that.
  • Shrinkmeslowly
    Shrinkmeslowly Posts: 42 Member
    My life has been crazy busy the last while, summer is when I usually work 2 or 3 jobs so its good to hear that if I do only have time for the 25 minutes it will be enough to feel something.
    thank -you all so much for your feedback!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The whole reason for T25 is for people who can only squeeze in a 25 minute workout a day. If you can spare more time there are other programs you should be looking into instead.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Doing FocusT25 with running and BodyBeast. Some people don't have time to exercise a lot but I can't exercise just 25 minutes a day. I simply need more than that.

    Body Beast is a hypertrophy based program. There's a very specific reason it only has you working each muscle group once per week. There is an extreme importance placed on resting the muscles in between workouts when the goal is hypertrophy. If you're combining it with an additional program that isn't allowing that rest in between workouts, such as T25, which trains your fully body daily, you are totally defeating the purpose of doing Body Beast and actually are making yourself more injury prone in the long run. When you do weight training in that format, you are causing damage to the muscles. Strengthening occurs when the muscles rest and repair themselves after a workout. Not allowing them rest means all you're doing is damaging them, then damaging them some more, then damaging them some more, etc...

    Over on Teambeachbody's website there is a guide written by Tony Horton himself on guidelines to follow when combining programs. I suggest you go check it out otherwise you could be doing more harm than good.

    EDIT: It is best that you let go of the idea that because a workout isn't long enough, that it isn't enough. Crossfit workouts typically only last 20 minutes a day, if that, 3-4 days a week, max. And they get better results than any Beachbody program. Falling into this pattern of thinking can lead to self destructive exercise habits.
  • Shrinkmeslowly
    Shrinkmeslowly Posts: 42 Member
    I have done other programs and find that with the amount of work I do they don't make me feel energized but burnt out. I also teach yoga several times a week so It can be a lot with my regular 9-5 and whatever extra I pick up.
  • Thanks for the advice, fitness professional but I've been doing it since the beginning of the year and my runs have actually improved.

    I'm quite happy working out 2 hours a day and I'm doing just fine doing it. Know plenty of women who are marathoners and doing BodyBeast just like me (have been doing it longer, closer to when it was released), and they too are getting results like me. If a person is short on time, good for them...I'm not. I'm doing what works for me. No injuries here. Nothing but improvements. If I see fit to stop working out as much, but she asked for an opinion...I gave it. No need to rain on my parade.
    Doing FocusT25 with running and BodyBeast. Some people don't have time to exercise a lot but I can't exercise just 25 minutes a day. I simply need more than that.

    Body Beast is a hypertrophy based program. There's a very specific reason it only has you working each muscle group once per week. There is an extreme importance placed on resting the muscles in between workouts when the goal is hypertrophy. If you're combining it with an additional program that isn't allowing that rest in between workouts, such as T25, which trains your fully body daily, you are totally defeating the purpose of doing Body Beast and actually are making yourself more injury prone in the long run. When you do weight training in that format, you are causing damage to the muscles. Strengthening occurs when the muscles rest and repair themselves after a workout. Not allowing them rest means all you're doing is damaging them, then damaging them some more, then damaging them some more, etc...

    Over on Teambeachbody's website there is a guide written by Tony Horton himself on guidelines to follow when combining programs. I suggest you go check it out otherwise you could be doing more harm than good.

    EDIT: It is best that you let go of the idea that because a workout isn't long enough, that it isn't enough. Crossfit workouts typically only last 20 minutes a day, if that, 3-4 days a week, max. And they get better results than any Beachbody program. Falling into this pattern of thinking can lead to self destructive exercise habits.
  • shirleylmartin
    shirleylmartin Posts: 68 Member
    T25 kicks my butt every day. Some days I feel like I want to add in an upper body exercise, but I haven't yet. I've lost 5 lbs and 9.5" in the past 2.5 weeks - it's definitely working!
  • sumgrl
    sumgrl Posts: 8 Member
    at the moment I only have time for t 25 but a few of my friends are also riding bikes and running, I plan on riding my bike as well since it is really nice outside I may as well do something extra
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm committed to consistency with T25, but I do it in the morning so if I feel the urge to do something in the evening, I can. Tonight I just went for a casual walk before dinner. I'd like to at least get in a couple of yoga classes each week to help with my (lack of) flexibility. And probably Zumba on the weekend, just because I really like the class.

  • Body Beast is a hypertrophy based program. There's a very specific reason it only has you working each muscle group once per week. There is an extreme importance placed on resting the muscles in between workouts when the goal is hypertrophy. If you're combining it with an additional program that isn't allowing that rest in between workouts, such as T25, which trains your fully body daily, you are totally defeating the purpose of doing Body Beast and actually are making yourself more injury prone in the long run. When you do weight training in that format, you are causing damage to the muscles. Strengthening occurs when the muscles rest and repair themselves after a workout. Not allowing them rest means all you're doing is damaging them, then damaging them some more, then damaging them some more, etc...

    Over on Teambeachbody's website there is a guide written by Tony Horton himself on guidelines to follow when combining programs. I suggest you go check it out otherwise you could be doing more harm than good.

    EDIT: It is best that you let go of the idea that because a workout isn't long enough, that it isn't enough. Crossfit workouts typically only last 20 minutes a day, if that, 3-4 days a week, max. And they get better results than any Beachbody program. Falling into this pattern of thinking can lead to self destructive exercise habits.

    Thanks for the information. My husband was looking into doing Body Beast along with T25. I will be checking out the Tony Horton guidelines that you mentioned as well. I agree with you that workouts can be short and render results. :D
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I'm starting the Focus T25 work outs in a little over a week and i'm just curious if people who are doing it are also running or weight lifting or if your just sticking to the video and that's all? I would think since it's only 25 minutes that your body wont be as burnt out as insanity?
    I have done a round of insanity and i found I wanted to do other things but couldn't fit the time in or just flat out was to damn tired after 90 minutes of digging deep!
    Though not familiar with the program.... I clicked on your profile and you amaze me! I'm so proud of all your hard work thus far... you inspire me to push harder, get more focused and "quit lying to myself". THAT statement really hit home... Thank you for that... your words mean more than you know.:flowerforyou: :heart:

  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    Yup T25 is all I am doing. And I did day 1 yesterday and it is no joke. Shaun T isn't lying when he says it is an hour workout packed into 25 minutes. I loved it.
  • Dedicated and committed to Focus T25 (currently week 2 of Alpha phase). I am sore & I love it. Besides that I do yoga and walking.

    P.S. The title of this topic, I can't help but notice this, being a grammar nazi * you're