No motivation

I want to begin today so I am looking for people to support me. I just can't find motivation.


  • kittikatkitty
    kittikatkitty Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome!!! We are all in the same bought! You got to find it within. Plus we will help! Add me and I am here if you have any questions. We can DO this!
  • add me ; )
  • I just joined and I am one who needs some motivation as well. People to help remind me of my goals and to push me on those days that aren't as good as the others! I am here to help you!
  • elainemorris1982
    elainemorris1982 Posts: 104 Member
    I've just added you. I;m 5 weeks in and loving the changes. Have a look through my friends I have great support. Today is start of your journey, one day at a time xx
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    One step at a time, and be your own motivation :flowerforyou:
  • billievoyle
    billievoyle Posts: 8 Member
    Today is the first day where i have filled out my forms tommorow i am going to make a an effort last time i tried to lose weight i use to walk for 45 minutes every day it lasted only bout 3 weeks i felt skinnier and healthier but my weight did not change so i got discouraged. How many times does everyone exercise i.e. go for a walk per week??? I want to make it this time i am happy on the inside i just need to be happy on the outside. Any advice or reccomendations would be kindly appreciated
  • taniiagirl
    taniiagirl Posts: 47
    hey there we all need to start somewhere :) feel free to add I will try and motivate you and support you
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    Today is the first day where i have filled out my forms tommorow i am going to make a an effort last time i tried to lose weight i use to walk for 45 minutes every day it lasted only bout 3 weeks i felt skinnier and healthier but my weight did not change so i got discouraged. How many times does everyone exercise i.e. go for a walk per week??? I want to make it this time i am happy on the inside i just need to be happy on the outside. Any advice or reccomendations would be kindly appreciated

    Calories out (TDEE) > Calories in (Your food)
    So basically eat the calories MFP gives you, assuming you set it up correctly.

    Start with focusing on that, and add the exercise you are comfortable with along the way. If its heavy exercise you will need to eat the calories back.

    Personally started with 30min/day of eliptical, moved to elliptical + 30day shred (so ca 50min/day) ...and now you dont want to know my schedule ;) But thats because I have fitness goals in mind as well as weightloss.
  • billievoyle
    billievoyle Posts: 8 Member
    thanks for that ladys how do i add people
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    thanks for that ladys how do i add people

    Go to someone's profile > choose "add as friend" > wait for them to accept

    or if someone sent you an invitation
    Go to (little guy next to the mail on top of the page) > and accept those you want to accept.
  • NathanielUK
    NathanielUK Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome!!! We are all in the same bought!


    Dont worry youll get there.
  • Hi, I have just joined too.. I have been doing 30 day squat challenge.. has really got me motivated.. I would recommend it just to get you motivated
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Coming on here in the first place is a good step - you're admitting you need to lose weight and you're looking for support to help keep you on track!

    You can make it as easy or complicated as you like, but my top tips are:

    1. Log everything - a square of chocolate, slice of birthday cake, even oddments tidied up from kids plates, serving dishes etc. If you're eating it then it has calories (even if you can't see a lable :wink: )
    2. weigh everything - that 75g serving of dry pasta is probably 150g, that 30g cornflakes is at least 45g.
    3. Don't go mad with exercise start with something you are comfortable with and work up. Signing up for 5 classes a week is only going to put you off! Do a bit of something every day - walk one day, DVD workout the next, and slowly add extra bits each day.
    4. Eat back exercise calories (unless you're set as very active because of your job). You do need the energy and it helps you add in more treats without cheating.
    5. Set your goals to lose 1lb a week (unless you have a huge amount to lose) and don't over-estimate your activity, or the intensity of any exercise - are you really walking 4mph or just out of breath because you're unfit and need to lose weight?

    Start with the basics for 4-6 weeks and then see if you need to tweak anything. Happy to accept friend requests if I can help you!
  • HarleyQuinn26
    HarleyQuinn26 Posts: 158 Member
    I know the feeling of no motivation. I just got through the no motivation thing. For me I had to hit rock bottom to find my motivation again and I am glad I found it. Feel free to add me anybody! I always try to keep my pals motivated and comment on their exercises and diaries.
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    If you truly believe you have "no motivation" what are you looking for here? Unless you believe in the "fake it 'till you make it" concept, no one can really "read" you to know how or why you can make the help here "your own".

    At least we know you've made your initial post, so YOU take a minute and figure out what led you to type that first letter in that first post, and let's take it from there.

    You will find a huge body of help/encouragement here- just take the challenge and figure out what you need......

    ADDING- what RocknVamp said.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    Hi there!
    You can do this! Just remember to take it one step at a time and focus on one change at a time. If you decide that you have to eliminate all yummy foods immediately and exercise a crazy amount each day, you will burn yourself out quickly. Baby steps work, trust me. As for motivation, add several friends here on MFP. Feel free to add me. Write down a list of reasons why you want to lose weight/ get healthier and place it where you can see it often. And the biggest motivator of all? Just start. Whether that be by taking a walk around the neighborhood, choosing carrots and hummus over the chocolate chip muffin, whatever. Just start. There are many here who will help cheer you on to victory. :smile: