weigh in daily/ weekly/morning/evening?



  • dentedcan
    dentedcan Posts: 29
    I weigh in every morning, but only because I can do so without freaking out about daily fluctuations, and it keeps me motivated.

    The cutie across the street weighs in daily too... at least I think she does. Some mornings the blinds are closed and it's hard to see in from the tree in her front yard. /s
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    I weigh myself every morning after I get up. Usually half clothed...I only record once a week though and that's if there is a change...(which lately there hasn't been much :( )
  • TattedInStilettos
    TattedInStilettos Posts: 331 Member
    I weigh myself everyday always in the morning before I exercise... but I record my weight on Wednesday and Sunday...
  • bigjoost
    bigjoost Posts: 53
    I weigh almost every morning after I wake up with as few clothes as possible, but saturday is for the official count. Also in the morning and without clothes.
  • EnviousDan
    EnviousDan Posts: 107 Member
    Once a week on Monday morning just moments before I hop in the showers. Seems to be the best way to get a consistent progress check without checking it too much.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I weigh everyday in the morning right after i pee and take everything off . I weigh everyday but only record once a week on Wednesdays. This helps me stay on track throughout the week. Every night I am exactly 3 pounds more than in the morning. For me, its not an obsession, i just like to know where I stand. Everyone is different though.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    I don't have a scale at home. I'd drive myself even crazier than I am if I did. I tend to obsess. What works for me is my weekly WW meeting. I get weighed there and I'm fine with that. Otherwise, I don't deal with it, just focus on the day to day living. :smile:
  • Mareebzz
    Mareebzz Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh daily, right as soon as I wake up, wearing only a smile. I only log losses. I don't let the daily weight fluctuations bug me too much. It works for me to keep me in check. If I stay away from the scale too long, I begin to fear getting on it. At least this way, I know I can eat a few less calories for a few days and the weight comes off easily if I gain a lb or 2. Might sound a little obsessive, but I don't care. It works for me.
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh in Friday mornings after my workout, shower, etc but before I have my breakfast. I must admit though, I do jump on the scales out of curiosity every couple of days......sometimes it's the only thing that can keep me focused
  • treesa101
    treesa101 Posts: 26
    I weigh every morning and every night no clothing ......people down scales but for me its a must ive been on here 3/4 year have lost nor gained nothing .....professional maintainer
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    Daily in the morning, I only log once a week usually sunday or monday.
  • tsimblist
    tsimblist Posts: 206 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning when I get up wearing just my boxers. And I weigh myself last thing in the evening just before crawling into bed, again in just my boxers.

    I use a Withings scale that estimates body fat percentage and automatically logs the readings via WiFi. The frequent weighing gives me plenty of data points for plotting a smoothed curve like you see here: https://trendweight.com/u/58f4f9e97f3740/
  • hpilon27
    hpilon27 Posts: 43
    Twice a day! Morning and night. I have been maintaining for 6 months now and I'm always within a 3 lb range. I like to predict the number before I step on, based on how I feel. I'm usually pretty accurate. Weighing myself keeps me in check and I like to know the affects of my food choices and exercise.
  • waltzingaround11
    waltzingaround11 Posts: 20 Member
    I've been weighing in daily in the mornings AND even sometimes at night for comparison. For one thing, my weeks went by so slow and the scale was just taunting me when I just weighed in once a week. But by doing this I'm learning so much more about what sodium, drinking extra water and really good workouts can actually do to the scale. Its also teaching me how crazy the numbers on the scale really are and not to take it so personal. For example, just last night I was up 8lbs but knew not to get upset. Then I thought about it and remembered that from Sunday-Monday I did a 5k (plus all the walking to and from the course and the dancing at the end of the course), 50 minutes of zumba, ate out a mexican restaurant and then ate those leftovers.
    Thats what works for me. Oh, I'm also thinking about my weight as "low-mid-high" instead of exact. For example, when my husband asks about my progress I say I'm around the high 220's now.
  • nicolemarthacraig
    nicolemarthacraig Posts: 20 Member
    Personally, I think weighing yourself everyday is crazy! Everyone's weight fluctuates so much each day! I would only check it every two weeks? People become obsessed about weighing themselves, I think it can actually ruin your progress doing it this way.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    I weigh myself a couple of times a day just for ****s and grins. I've gotten pretty damned good at guessing what its going to be based upon what I've had to eat and drink during the course of the day. Normally I'll be either completely au natural or in my briefs. But like I said, this is for amusement purpsoes only. My official weigh-in is on Saturday mornings at the gym with my trainer so I can't cheat, I can't lie, I have a witness. It is always in pretty much the same thing. gym short, tops and socks. That's it. That is the official number. But even that I don't freak out about. If it doesn't change over a couple of weeks, I might stress, but over a single reading? Nope. Not in the least.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I used to weigh in on Saturday mornings, well because I started tracking with MFP on a Saturday. I found that Friday mornings were better. If I were to have a drink or go a bit off plan it tends to be on a Friday night so my numbers were never very good on a Saturday morning. Fridays on the other hand showed the results of the hard work I've done all week without any false water weight from indulgences. :-)
  • LyndaMRou
    LyndaMRou Posts: 54 Member
    Monday mornings as soon as I wake, tends to be the same sort of time due to alarm clock. Weekly, no clothes. Basically morning as you haven't eaten and your body has had the night to digest, weekly as your weight will fluctuate daily and this could discourage if you see it going up and down from one day to the next.

    ^^^ This. It's exactly what I do. I do sometimes "peek" mid week if I'm concerned, but generally try to keep it to once a week.
  • mustapekka
    mustapekka Posts: 59
    I know that many recommend against it, but I weigh myself daily. In the morning w/o clothes. I feel it keeps my motivation up to do it daily.
  • brucecarey750
    brucecarey750 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback! You people are awesome!!:happy: