Measuring tape VS. weighing yourself - help appreciated :)

Do you guy's prefer to use a tape measure to measure out your body or weigh yourself?

I'm in the middle of maintaining my weight after losing around 44lbs/20kg butwhenever I weigh myself and the weight seems a little heavier than usual then I go in panic mode and start worrying if its just fluctuations or i've actually gained weight. However when I measure myself using a tape measure, my measurements are still the same..

Is tape measuring more reliable to keep track of maintaining weight than scales?


  • sourmash1973
    sourmash1973 Posts: 149 Member
    If you want to stay accurate, use all tools. But I see what you're saying about the scale. Use it but don't sweat small fluctuations. especially if measurements are the same.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I use both. I weigh myself daily mainly to see how my weight varies, and officially log it weekly (if there is a change as I am also currently at maintenance). I measure monthly.

    I tend to use the tape measure more for keeping track of my overall progress, though. For example, at one point I had been on a BP medication (a diuretic) and when I was taken off, the scale went up 4-5 lbs. as my body adjusted. The tape measure didn't budge. If I had just been going by the scale I might have freaked out about it.

    Edited for clarity (hopefully) :wink:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't use the tape but really because I'm horrible at it. I can never get a consistent number.
  • codgrl
    codgrl Posts: 3 Member
    I have been using both too but everything has stayed the same and I'm still needing to lose...a lot! Not motivating at all! :)