diabetic breakfast

Hello everyone!
I am a diabetic needing some good food choices for breakfast that are low sugar and low carb. Suggestions PLEASE???


  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Bacon + eggs
    Plain yogurt + sweetner + flax + raspberries
    Quest Bars

    Those are my go tos
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    you should be asking your doctor and nutritionist, no?

    basically stick with proteins and low carb veg - eggs, cheese, chicken, etc., and veg like tomato, cucumber, lettuce.
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm a t2 diabetic and my go-to breakfast nearly every day is eggs, bacon and coffee with heavy cream. If I have time, sometimes I'll make an omlette with whatever veggies are in the fridge...spinach, fresh tomatoes, onions, salsa, peppers, etc....topped with sour cream.
  • I've been a T2 diabetic for about 3 years and have been very frustrated when trying to lose weight.I've tried various fad diets but could never stick to them. I've realized that my problem is portion control so starting MFP has been a very positive experience for me. I used to eat a bowl of cereal with a chopped banana and low-fat milk for breakfast. I used a big bowl and filled it up. Now, I use a small bowl and it seems like I'm eating just as much but I'm eating less than half and feeling more than satisfied.

    My breakfast usually consists of
    1 cup coffee with a tiny scoop of organic stevia and a TBSP of soy milk creamer
    6 fresh blueberries
    1/2 cup of Puffins cereal
    1/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk.
    Occasionally I will add a couple of tablespoons of wheat germ or hulled hemp seeds.

    This really fills me up and I may have a mid morning snack of 1 hard boiled egg or 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds.

    I tend to eat more often during the day with MFP but much smaller meals and snacks than I used to eat.
    Sometimes I have to add something because I am way below my calorie allotment for the day. I have also been able to stay below my sugar and carb allotments almost every day.

    I also make sure I get some exercise during the day, even if it is just 1/2 hour on the exercise bike.

    I've lost 4.4 lbs since I started 9 days ago. I know that will slow down a great deal soon but it's a great incentive.
  • slim wich bread/bagle/roll @ 100 calories toasted (some of the low carb breads are as low as 30 calories a slice) , 1 slice of brick or munster cheese, 1 tablespoon fruit spread. Delicious and the closest we can get to a morning danish! = 1 carb, 1 protien, and fruit spread is negligible

  • mlrodgers381
    mlrodgers381 Posts: 71 Member
    Another idea I saw on a recipe site before was to take a muffin pan, spray with non-stick spray, add eggs and whatever meat or veggies you want, and bake until done. You can then freeze individual portions for later consumption. If you don't want to eat a whole egg, this also works with egg whites...you can use lean meats like reduced fat turkey sausage or ham, etc...You can also add a little bit of cheese (if you want) whether it's a full fat, light or fat free option, doesn't matter.

    I think it was like 350 degrees for 20 minutes, but just keep an eye on it.

    Another idea. (For more of a "treat" day, since avocado's are higher in fat)
    Take 1/2 an avocado, remove pit, scoop out some of the insides so that it will hold one egg, crack one egg add, add whatever spices you would like, sprinkle a little cheese on top, then bake at 300 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, but check on it often to make sure it reaches your desired doneness, because ovens temps can vary.
  • strick1982
    strick1982 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm an oatmeal kind of person. Oatmeal, flax, and cinnamon. Green tea to wash it down with. I'll add a hard boiled egg white and I'm set.
  • BayBay1956
    BayBay1956 Posts: 37 Member
    1/2 cup oatmeal whole wheat
    with/ 1 small box of raisings, 1/4c. walnuts, a sprinkle of cinnamon
    1 c of coffe with 2 packets of truvia and 2 tsp of halzenut creamer.

    This usually last for about two hours and then I will eat a celery and natural PB snack.

    T2 diabetic for 4 years.
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    oatmeal....i am going to try the fridge oatmeal smootie things next week. I think they might work for you, but I am not diabetic so not sure....here is the link for them though

  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    My mom is a diabetic and controls it with diet and exercise. She has a whole wheat English muffin with cheddar cheese every morning. It's really about learning how to combine your carbs and protein. Usually the local health department or hospital has classes for diabetes. You may want to look into taking some to learn about diet etc.
  • DiabetesCooking
    DiabetesCooking Posts: 5 Member
    get yourself a good diabetic cookbook.
    That will give you a starting point and then you are able to mix and match as you gain more knowledge.
    An option would be the Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook:

    or else head on over to Amazon or B&N for more options.
