Green tea vs. water

A friend recommended an exercise plan to me and I'm going to give it a try this week. She had success counting calories and following the exercise plan - she said she skipped the diet included in the book. I'm planning on doing the same - tracking calories here and doing the exercise plan only. That being said, I flipped through the diet plan last night and one thing really jumped out at me. It recommends drinking 4-6 cups of water a day AND 4-6 cups of green tea. Is there any benefit from drinking lots of green tea, or would I be better off sticking to water? THANKS!


  • chai_masala
    chai_masala Posts: 51 Member
    If you don't like green tea, I'd say stick with water. You want a plan that works for you, after all. The plan probably recommends green tea because it may help curb appetite or speed metabolism, but those effects are not proven. The antioxidants can't hurt though!

    It can also help lower cholesterol and blood pressure according to this study:
  • eliza46142
    eliza46142 Posts: 26 Member
    If you don't like green tea, I'd say stick with water. You want a plan that works for you, after all. The plan probably recommends green tea because it may help curb appetite or speed metabolism, but those effects are not proven. The antioxidants can't hurt though!

    It can also help lower cholesterol and blood pressure according to this study:

    I agree! Green tea has some benefits, but I wouldn't make myself drink it if I didn't like it. I drink a couple cups a day, but that's all.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    The benefits of drinking green tea come from anti-oxidants, and because they claim it speeds up metabolism/curb appetite. But , let's be honest, drinking lots and lot of liquids help in general.

    I try to drink a lot of water (think 12+ glasses a day) in water, water with lemon, water with sugar free enhancers, tea if I want it. I always recommend more water!
  • dshamilt
    dshamilt Posts: 2 Member
    Instead of green tea and its caffeine, I use fresh herbs to infuse a "tea". Oregano, sage, mint, and thyme make tasty and healthy teas. I add a packet of Stevia. I have now eliminated even decaf coffee from my routine and feel much better!
  • kaleena1983
    kaleena1983 Posts: 64 Member
    Green tea is really good for you. It contains flavonoids that can help with cancer prevention, etc. It can help with weight loss, regulating glucose levels, lowering blood pressure, reducing bad cholesterol, etc, etc, etc. If you don't like it plain, just add in some soymilk or something similar. I drink tea all day with 1/4 cup of light vanilla soymilk.
  • mandles82
    mandles82 Posts: 31
    I love green tea, I drink it daily, but I have seen NO benefits in the way of weight loss or a change in my metabolism. I actually questioned in a different forum about green tea vs water as well, when they say drink 8 glasses of water, can I count green tea or does it need to be plain?