Need Encouragement!

estatitra Posts: 80 Member
I have started my diet 2 weeks ago, and my will power is depleting! i need encouragement. I have bad cravings, specially for sweets.. I am afraid I am going to fall off the wagon soon! Please share your tips to cut the cravings. Thanks!


  • amieleighmac84
    amieleighmac84 Posts: 40 Member
    You need to add some friends to help you out! Feel free to add me! :D
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I would like to tell you that there is some magic way to do this. There's not. My best advice to you is to start looking at this as a complete life change. Do small things - start eating healthy, start moving more, find people on here to support you. Don't demonize foods that you love. Learn to live within your calorie budget. It's a challenge, but it is being done every day by some pretty awesome "losers".

    The main thing that finally clicked for me was: There is no finish line. This is what I will do for myself for the rest of my life. I'm in for a year + on MFP. It's just habit now. Best of luck!
  • Angelad1173
    Angelad1173 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I new here but you can add me if you like!
  • lisagtate
    lisagtate Posts: 1
    Starting off on a diet or how I like to phrase it, eating healthy is start by drinking plenty of water. When the cravings come around especially for sweets that's when you need to really start drinking water to fill you up or eat fresh fruit. Sometimes water gets a little boring so I will either drink Crystal Light or make a gallon of water w/mint leaves, raspberry and lime slices, add a little splenda for flavoring (it's also a detox drink). It's tough at times but you have to get through those difficult cravings and move on. Good luck!
  • estatitra
    estatitra Posts: 80 Member
    Wow. it is nice to see people reply so quickly. it helps already! Thanks for your tips.
  • patti_lee
    patti_lee Posts: 20 Member
    Hello! Don't feel bad, I also have a huge sweet tooth and it is difficult for me to diet when I have to give up dessert! If you feel hungry during the day, pop a Met-Rx Minis Protein Snack Bar (found in health food stores and drugstores). They're only 140 cals, come in flavors such as Super Cookie Crunch and Chocolate Almond, and there is enough protein in them to fill you up until you exercise or eat your next meal. And they're sweet enough to satisfy those sugar urges.

    Also, feel free to add me! :D
  • Chunkilious
    Your not alone!
    Well first of all - Well done for doing so very well thus far. We are all here for the same reasons, to weigh less or tone up or feel better about ourselves. Take one day at a time. Drink plenty of water - I drink no sugar very diluted cordial. Reward yourself for good behaviour, maybe a facial or a new top? Believe in yourself. You can do it. Maybe not all at once but you will do great - We are all here for you, anytime you like - Good luck
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Light yogurt is my new sweet treat. If my cravings get really stupid bad I'll do some push ups. Sounds odd I know but it reminds me why I am fighting the foods and doing the fitness.
  • Kcarro11
    Kcarro11 Posts: 18 Member
    I find that what helps me with my sweet tooth cravings is to carry a bag of fruits around with a bottle of water. Sometimes I also take the Welch's fruit snacks with me. The natural fruits help with the natural craving for sweets. Before I leave for the day I pack either a snack baggie or sandwich size baggie and put it in my purse. When I get a craving I just take them out and eat them. It's more mental than anything so it helps. If I'm still craving I just carry around chewing gum in bubble gum flavor. It works a lot!
  • kenzie0884
    kenzie0884 Posts: 66 Member
    Eat something sweet, but healthy when you have a sweet tooth. Speaking from experience, you will have less and less bad cravings the more you eat healthy. Some ideas for sweets- bananas, cuties, grapes, mangos, any type of fruit really, yogurt, peanut butter, cereal, oat meal, cinnamon toast with stevia (not the healthiest, but if you're eating well all day, you can afford to indulge a little).

    Good luck, and if you'd like you are more than welcome to add me.
  • cameronwheeler
    if your craving something sweet, go for some watermelon, or grapes. Or even sugar free jello! (10 calorie jello very healthy)

    stick to it. At first its very challenging to keep with a diet. i have done approx. 10 different diets and i'm only 19. I finally found one that works for me. Its just staying strong. Post a picture of yourself on your refrigerator that way it will remind you everytime you grab something bad for you out that you were at the size you were not happy with yourself at.

    And go for walks 30-60 minutes a day
  • NSMustanggirl
    NSMustanggirl Posts: 70 Member
    One of the best tips that I read was to go drink some water and wait 15 mins. If you still have that craving, then sub something healthy for it! It's worked for me so far! Most of the time, I can overcome that craving! :)

    Feel free to add if you'd like!
  • Korkor90
    Korkor90 Posts: 13 Member
    Well i personally dont think you should deprive yourself...there is DIE in diet. Think of it more as a lifestyle change. Just make overall healthier decisions and all room for some treats. UNLESS you are like and lack self control. ONly then should it be completely elminate it. Moderation is the key. I hope that helps.
  • J_Schmelz
    J_Schmelz Posts: 11 Member
    I weight myself every day. I started out at 190 with a goal of 185. Once I reached 185 i set my goal to 180. Once I reached 180 I set my goal to 175. I use the app "WeightRecord" and it is very easy to use and has useful features. I log my weight into MFP once a week. Tracking your weight every day will help you lose weight and provide motivation to stick to your routine and diet. Weigh yourself in the morning, when you're lightest, and set a realistic goal. You will reach it. Once you reach that goal, set another. Continue the process and the results will come.

    Remember, losing weight is a process and it takes time, but you will get there!! You never regret a workout and you ALWAYS regret eating junk food, keep that in mind.

    Best of luck, and feel free to add me.
