For the 20-somethings - peer pressure?

Hey everyone,

So next week I'm going away on a three week university course training program. A couple of my really good friends are going and I know it's going to be a ton of fun. However, I know we're going to be super busy and eating out a lot. On top of that, we're going to want to have a good time, i.e party. It's like a vacation for us so I know that there will be temptation all around. As if saying no to my own temptation to eat unhealthy and drink a lot, I sometimes feel pressure from those around me to party and drink. Or worse, I get suspected of having an eating disorder when I try to be discreet about my own healthy choices.

The reason I'm directing this at the 20-somethings in particular is that I feel like this it's especially hard when I'm this young and everyone expects you to 'go hard because you can'. Has anyone dealt with this or can anyone help me out? with both resisting my own temptation while on vacation, and resisting peer pressure?


  • Firestar98
    Firestar98 Posts: 30 Member
    I try to limit myself, or I budget my calorie intake accordingly. I have a "friend date" on Thursday (it's a friends with benefits thing she and I do) and we'll be hitting up a martini bar where the dessert martinis are on sale. My normal goal is around 1400-1500 calories per day, most coming from protein. What I'll do instead is assume each drink is around 200 calories. Right or wrong I'm budgeting for it, at least, so I'm going to assume I'll have 2-3 of those drinks. With my morning protein shake and my afternoon protein shake that leaves me looking like this:

    Morning Protein Shake - 130 calories
    Afternoon Protein Shake - 170 calories
    Dinner - ?
    Drinks - 600 calories
    130 + 170 + 600 = 900
    1500 - 900 = 600 calories

    With those last 600 calories I intend to pack them full of protein--I already have the turkey tenderloins picked out and sitting in my refrigerator. 1 pound of turkey tenderloin is around 400 calories, the ones in my fridge weigh about 23 ounces, so that's my last 600! :)

    TL;DR: Adjust your calories accordingly, and if you are still short on calories for drinking consider shooting for maintenance instead of weight loss for the week. Do NOT "go wild" or try to redefine "cheat day" to "cheat week"! You'll feel terrible afterwards!