Attn. Cheaters!!



  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    Just do not overdue it....your walking and doing some type of exercise golfing and I am sure your downing that water. Just be careful, and do not overdue it:) Nothing wrong with having a cheat day!!
  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    Don't even like the word.
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    I'm with you - I eat what I want - and walk more to burn it off.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    How often do you allow yourself to cheat? And how bad do you cheat?
    I don't call it "cheating" but always eat and drink more on the weekends. I just eat lighter during the week to offset it. On holidays and at parties I often don't worry about calories, but I don't stuff myself like a madman either. These occasions show a small gain, but it disappears quickly once I get back to my normal routine.
    My question is whether you think that will set me back big time or not?
    This depends on how much you go over. If you go on a crazy 5000 caloris a day binge for a week, then yeah, expect a pretty big set back. If you typically have a 500 calorie deficit and you go over goal by 800 calories, then you still only have a 300 surplus so even if you do it for a week you should gain < 1 lb of fat (though you may also have temporary water weight gain).

    Enjoy yourself but don't go crazy. You'll be fine. Life is more enjoyable if you get to "cheat" now and then.
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    I am also one who eats what I want everyday - just work it into my calorie goals. I do allow myself a splurge day once/week where I dont intentionally go over calorie goals, but if I do I dont sweat it! Its one day and hasnt hurt my progress. I will say that I dont have a problem with binging, so this works for me whereas it may not work for someone who struggles with binging.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I'm not even sure. I guess it depends on what cheating is. I eat like a normal person, but I stay on the careful side. I avoid "bad" food and watch portions like a hawk.

    But what is cheating? Is it pizza? Is it Doritos? I've done both of those in the past week. But in moderation.

    If cheating is completely blowing it for the day? That happens rarely. Maybe once a month. If cheating is allowing myself something I want (but in moderation), then that happens several times a week.
  • daniellerusbult1
    Cheating for me is either as small as allowing myself more sodium than I should have for the day (which happens more often), not calories... or it'll be these weekends where I eat brats, burgers, coleslaw, a bag of chips... those types of foods. Not all in one meal though! I don't stuff myself! Oh and drinking lol
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    By cheat do you mean over eat compared to calorie goal or just eat nice food?

    I eat whatever I want as long as i'm within my macros and calorie goal - that's not 'cheating' that's good sense. I think it's next to impossible to stick to a 'diet' if it's all about abstaining from anything you want to eat...
  • daniellerusbult1
    By cheat do you mean over eat compared to calorie goal or just eat nice food?

    I eat whatever I want as long as i'm within my macros and calorie goal - that's not 'cheating' that's good sense. I think it's next to impossible to stick to a 'diet' if it's all about abstaining from anything you want to eat...

    For me, it's not a diet so much because that's just what I eat. When I'm consistently making sure I'm within my calorie goal and tracking, that is then a diet. What do you mean by macros? I have seen that term a lot.

    And I can't eat anything I want because I love salty foods LOL But I'm good with staying away from them for the most part.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    I cheat all the time,
  • Firestar98
    Firestar98 Posts: 30 Member
    If you think about a cheat day as a single day, and not part of a larger plan, then you might want to reconsider how you're representing your weight loss strategy to yourself.

    Your long-term goal should be to develop healthy eating habits to the point where you no longer need to "worry" or "think" about what's right and wrong. On cheat days you should go, "Yep, just eating enough to maintain today" then all other days you follow your normal routine. Don't consider the cheat day "how I used to eat" or "something capable of breaking a diet", it's all part of your long-term strategy.

    If you have 7 cheat days in a row that just means you maintained your weight for the week. If a "cheat day" means you pigged out and ate TDEE+2000 calories then that isn't a cheat day, IMO. For me a cheat day is eating my TDEE/maintenance requirements. I try not to eat over that, ever--that isn't cheating, that's damn near criminal! :) I do take a pretty hardcore stance on "cheat day" stuff so I understand if it isn't for you--everyone needs motivation in their own way! :)
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    For me this is a lifestyle change and while I try and incorporate healthier foods into my diet all the time, there is nothing off limits. I do the best I can to stay within my calorie goals while eating anything. If I know I'm gonna go to a party or have a special event I prepare by eating less in the morning and during the day. That is not to say I starve I still eat I just eat lower calorie selections and enjoy myself when I go to the event. I watch how much I eat when I'm there but still enjoy what I want. Everyone is right to use the word cheat implies you are doing something wrong you need to change your mindset on that one.
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    I eat and drink pretty much whatever I want over the weekend (within reason) and eat really well during the week. So far it has been working for me. I gain water weight from the mass amount of sodium I consume over the weekend but by weigh in on Friday, I've usually lost weight.
  • autumnpath
    autumnpath Posts: 72 Member
    I never call it cheating. I just fit it into my calorie goals...for me it's moderation....moderation...moderation....I hate the word "cheat."
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I don't consider myself to be on a 'diet'. If I want something that's meant to satisfy a sweet tooth (or whatever), instead of nourishing my body, I make room for it. I'll get in more exercise or cut back on calories for that day.
    I find it easier to have a treat once a week, like on a Friday or Sat., just so I have something to look forward to and keep me in line the rest of the week. Sometimes it's a Blizzard, sometimes a piece of cake or some cookies, anything. It works for me and always helps me get through all of those parties, etc. (I have 3 kids & 4 grandchildren, plus over 80 nieces and nephews, so we have a LOT of birthdays, graduations, weddings and baby showers) lol
    I think that 'cheating' would be totally binging ALL day long or all weekend. I can't do that or I'll get off track, crave junk ALL the time and would be starting over every single Monday. I don't need that stress.
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    You can indulge in a cheat meal or two and still get back on track assuming it is not a full day of overeating all the things you normally wouldn't. As long as you are capable of getting right back on track, you're in good shape. Judging by your ability to do so, I'd say you're just fine :)
  • alyssabrown94
    Personally, I have gotten to a point where I do not feel the need or desire to cheat. I've learned to make my meals taste so good that I I prefer them to "cheat meals." When I eat out(usually at Chipotle), I get a meal that is healthy.I am satisfied and if I want something I don't usually eat, I find the healthiest version of that food I can find.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    I am not exactly sure what cheating is. If it means having a burger and fries and staying within my calorie goal then I cheat a lot. If I can work a slice of pizza into my day, dam straight I will. lol. I haven't had ice cream since my birthday and that was sugar free but to me that was cheating and yes, I went over my calorie goal that day. I always feel like I am getting a treat when my exercise gives me lots of extra calories. But I am really enjoying having a slimmer me and smaller sized clothes keep me from really cheating. I understand this is a life long new way of eating not a diet so I have to come to terms with the fact that somewhere I must work french fries into my diet ( i bake them not fry them) My shrinking tummy is my motivation to keep at this. I would think that your activity on the golf course would give you the extra calories for the day to eat extra. I'd say that is not cheating. MHO anyway. Every past "diet" I have been on has failed in the long run so I have become diligent with recording my meals and brutally honest with my diary. I don't want to be one of those people that go around saying "your eating that?" I just want to be slimmer and healthier.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I only cheat when I eat too much, and then go back and look at my maintenance cals and see that it's even over that. Then I try to correct by working out. Then i try to further correct by eating less in the following days. Then if all that doesn't work and I still see an overage I shrug and say "I guess I'll have to call it a cheat then".
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I've had many many weekends of eating tons o' everything during this weight loss. Going out for dinners with friends and family, nights out with lots of drinks, a couple of trips that were based around places we wanted to eat.

    In the long run it might have slowed down the loss a little bit, but it never threw me off track or set me back too badly (the worst was a weekend food conference followed by a week long trip.)

    Plus I really feel that without being able to eat out and have treats and go out for drinks I would have never stuck to it for this long. Realistically, I could keep doing what I'm doing for years and years (it's already been over a year).