Depression, weight loss, motivation

Hi everyone,

I desperately need to lose weight. I am very overweight and it it has crept on over a long period of time. I'm a busy mum with two jobs. I suffer from depression and anxiety and anti-depressants made me put on another two stone - no changes were made to my intake over this time, the tablets were all that changed. Since then it has continued to creep on and I am feeling pretty low at the moment.

I desperately need some motivation and support. I know I can do it as I lost 7 stone when I was younger and had time to go to the gym and so on but this time I just don't have that luxury.

Can anyone help?


  • shortmomma81
    Find the will within you. I'm sure you have a lot of strength. You can achieve anything once you don't give yourself the option to fail. I'm here, cheering for you:)
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I desperately need to lose weight. I am very overweight and it it has crept on over a long period of time. I'm a busy mum with two jobs. I suffer from depression and anxiety and anti-depressants made me put on another two stone - no changes were made to my intake over this time, the tablets were all that changed. Since then it has continued to creep on and I am feeling pretty low at the moment.

    I desperately need some motivation and support. I know I can do it as I lost 7 stone when I was younger and had time to go to the gym and so on but this time I just don't have that luxury.

    Can anyone help?

    Weight loss comes from a caloric deficit.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I've been on a slew of anti-depressants in the past. If the pills have caused a weight gain and you're not okay with it, make an appointment with your doctor and consider switching medications. The last med I was on was generic Zoloft, and despite 1200 cals and exercising like a fiend, I gained 5 more pounds. o.O It kills some peoples' metabolisms, and it took (for me) going off the meds and talking to someone. Since then, I've coped with my anxiety and depression through exercise, balanced diet, and therapy.

    The pills weren't the best option for me. If they are your best option, consider talking to your Dr about changing brands.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    Just curious, are you seeing a counselor or therapist along with taking the medications? I suffer from depression and anxiety myself for many years and when I was taking anti-depressants it made me all out of whack. I had to take my anxiety medicine twice as much when on anti-depressants. When I was in counseling and stopped taking the anti-depressants I really improved a lot. I would consider speaking with a therapist/doctor about this, if this is not something you are already doing. I don't think anti-depressants are a very good thing to take (my personal opinion) and it is much better to find ways to cope with depression/anxiety and to develop tools to help you do this that a therapist can give to you. And if you need a friend or someone to talk to I am here and I am a good listener!!
  • elpurple
    elpurple Posts: 46 Member
    I am and am making progress but it is only a recent thing. I'm making small steps and I do hope to come of the tablets in the next 6 months.
  • lonestarsanta2003
    your a mom with 2 jobs which means you have the will power in you to accomplish whatever you need to.. with that your motivation is your kids...
    you have to find the one thing that will give you that same motivation and determination to loose this weight
    you can do it
  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    I swear some are totally not below the surface people. You defintely need to look into changing meds and then make sure your taking time to rest fully. You have alot on your plate and stress is a killer. You may need therapy or a really good objective friend.