I've Reached Failure Status.

~I'm basically just whining about my idiotic moves, so please, don't complain about it or attack me for it. I've gotten enough hate for doing it already ;-;~

I've gained a kilo and a half from all my binges. I'm nearing my absolute highest weight which was 97 kilos. I've been bingeing and I've lost all control over it. I've called my doctor and dietitian but like I've said everything we've tried has failed.

I've considered just giving up on this whole journey, I can't do it right.


  • DaveyJ343
    DaveyJ343 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't give up. Just keep going at it or maybe change your approach, you might be trying to change too much too fast
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    well pull yourself together and get some willpower and strength
    DO IT!
  • smileyaddiction_x3
    Unless losing half a kilo (or 1 pound) every one-two weeks is too fast, I'm just kinda done.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    The only failure would be not getting up and trying again.
  • vickyplum
    vickyplum Posts: 192 Member
    The only failure would be not getting up and trying again.

  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    'Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm' - Winston Churchill
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    Just start again with your journey. You can do it!
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    The way I look at it is this, now you have more information about yourself, what irritates you, what your pitfalls and temptations are. Now you can come back and be even more effective. Keep in mind this is a lifestyle change. There will be pitfalls.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    The hardest part of losing weight is patience,hands down.
    It sucks. Everyone here knows that. But if everyone gave up,there
    Wouldn't be success stories. Think about it this way,the past is over and there is NOTHING
    You can do to change the binges or the weight you've gained.
    Now think about this, one month from now will happen and time WILL,pass.
    Do you want to look back a month from now and say,"I gave up,I made no progress" and
    Not lose weight or potentially gain? Or a month from now say" I didn't give up,I got back up"
    And keep pressing forward and lose weight?
    Next month WILL come,and only you can dictate wether you're progressing or not.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    1 pound a week is great! You ARE doing it!
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    'Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm' - Winston Churchill

    Just so you know, I stole this for my profile. It sums up my life right now and I need to not forget to keep my enthusiasm. LOL
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Open up your diary. I'm going to wager a guess that you've set your numbers too low for what you're eating and you end up binging because of it. The binging sends you into a depression and you eat emotionally, which sends you into a sad food spiral.

    The answer would be to open up your diary and let people help you out by providing suggestions on how to improve your intake in a way that won't cause you to binge.

    Oh, and hit the gym. Diet is only half the equation.
  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Failure is a just another way to learn how to do something right~ Maion Wright Edelman

    I defintely can relate to your thoughts here. Don't allow the shame of binging get in the way of moving forward.
  • Korkor90
    Korkor90 Posts: 13 Member
    First of all you are not a failure. You just maybe need to first get your priorities and motivation in check. What is the reason why you want to lose weight? Why do you in essence sabotage yourself by binge eating? Are you stressing? What else is hindering you? What kind of food do you eat? DO you like veggies and fruits or are you more for processed and fried? Once you figure these questions out then you will be able to succeed better....

    For example. I want to lose weight because Im not healthy and i want to set a better example for my children. I am really not stressing about much. I feel that if i stress over things i cant control it will overwhelm me. I love fresh things that i make at home, like fish and chicken, brocolli and greens and fruits! Then thats basically it. So that was the first step for me. Getting my mental state in check.
  • sarahkay2007
    sarahkay2007 Posts: 42 Member
    Don't give up! You can do it, not everyone gets it the first few times but you've got to keep trying until you do :-)
  • xthexlanternx
    The important thing to remember is that there is no "end" to your lifestyle, so there really is no point of failure, only success. Failure is merely an extension of your trial, a trial placed in front of you to test the limits of your conviction.

    I have been there. I feel your pain. I only recently got over some of this. Here is what I do: when you get the urge to binge, ask yourself this simple question: will eating this food (for me it is pizza and soda) feel better than being skinny, sexy, and healthy? When I ask myself this question, the urge to binge doesn't disappear, but I do gain a little inner strength. As long as you want to be successful with this lifestyle change, you can. Give yourself a chance, and don't be so hard on yourself.
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member

    I've considered just giving up on this whole journey, I can't do it right.

    You're only a failure if you quit. If you've had some setbacks, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and take another run at it. It's only over if you say it's over.
  • rockerbaby2003
    rockerbaby2003 Posts: 42 Member
    Its a lifelong journey. There will be ups and downs, both emotionally and physically. As long as you don't give up you can win. Focus on the every day victories, such as packing a healthier lunch, or taking a 20 min walk after dinner, or even drinking enough water for the day. If you have a slip up, don't call it quits on the whole day, keep going. Plan ahead, such as preparing for the next meal or making a healthier choice for a snack. There's an ap on my phone called mydietcoach that I have reminders set to drink water every 2 hours, or when I should stop at work to take a break and have a snack so I'm not ravished when I get out of work and hunt down the closest fast food. I also don't carry cash often, which makes the vending machine impossible to get junk food from in the break room. That ap also has a panic button, which you can click whenever that will show you reminders why you want to be healthier.
  • Michelleh118
    Michelleh118 Posts: 42 Member
    The only failure would be not getting up and trying again.

    You can do it.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Open up your diary. I'm going to wager a guess that you've set your numbers too low for what you're eating and you end up binging because of it. The binging sends you into a depression and you eat emotionally, which sends you into a sad food spiral.

    The answer would be to open up your diary and let people help you out by providing suggestions on how to improve your intake in a way that won't cause you to binge.

    Oh, and hit the gym. Diet is only half the equation.

    Absolutely agree with this.
