EXTREMELY picky eater



  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I'm 26 and have been like this since I was 3, so I think I'm stuck for life! lol...I've added a few foods throughout the years, but most just don't work for me. :/

    You not stuck like this for life, I was the same way, but around 30, I started liking some vegetables, and other things that would just make me gag if they were in my mouth. The biggest part is to eat them a couple of times even if you don't like them at first.
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    I have the EXACT same problem I am so jealous of my husband who can have this big ol gigantic plate of food and when I ask how many calories is that he is like oh 234 and then I look at my tiny plate of food and its 400 calories

    Let me tell you a story once I was making hushpuppies from scratch with my uncle we were choppin onions to put in it I literally helped him make it by the time we were done cooking i forgot they were in there and chowed down on 6 of them and as i was biting into the 7th one i saw an onion and all of a sudden my gag reflex kicked in - Mine is all in my head if i dont know its in there i will eat it and love it for most things anyways there are something i truly dont like just because i dont like them like lamb but whats funny is i wont gag with lamb - but any sort of veggie and i will gag gag gag - its so bad i have gotten to the point i dont trust people to cook things for me because they always joke about they will hide something in my food and i will love it so now i try and discretely pick thru my foods other people cook for me

    I want to get past this I hate this my husband cooks stuff and i smell it and its like mmm that smells so good until i look at it then i cant even think about it

    i got myself all prepped up and motivated i was like im gonna eat some veggies and was pumped about it and then i looked at them and could not do it

    I wont even eat yogurt

    anyways i do eat cereal with almond milk
    i eat alot of wraps usually with cheese, protein (sandwich meat, eggs, chicken)
    I also use them flatouts to make my own 322 calorie pizza little sauce and cheese with toppings of your choice

    i eat tons and i mean tons of chicken chopped up and i sprinkle cheese on it and let it melt down then i put taco mild sauce on it (the restraunt style one you can get from walmart ) <- I think this is my fave meal
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    My husband has texture issues, and it looks like our son has inherited them. I am hoping the boy will eventually outgrow it, because it's not a lifestyle that's chosen; it's incredibly difficult from the inside. How many times has my husband gotten a restaurant dish that looked and smelled great, but after a couple bites realized he couldn't eat it because of the gag reflex due to texture? Quite a few times! He generally sticks with meat and potato dishes, which really we could do at home for less money, plus he'll be more likely to eat the veggies at home when we cook them right.

    My son refused homemade babyfood when he was only 6 months old. It wasn't sweetness or anything, he refused many types. Eventually I realized that my blender didn't get the food as smooth as the bottled stuff. My son is two now and he'll suck on a piece of corn/a grape/a pea, suck out and eat the gooey inside and spit out the "shell". It's frustrating to me because I know he's missing out on nutrients, but also I'm ecstatic because he's eating part of it, and it's something healthy. The couple times I've noticed him try to eat whole corn, or beans still slightly firm, he gags. Poor kid puked up yogurt once when he got to the fruit in the bottom.

    Definitely try the smoothies. We have a local fresh juice bar that juices out fruits and veg and makes great tasting combos. It may look green and disgusting, but it tastes great.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    My husband has texture issues, and it looks like our son has inherited them. I am hoping the boy will eventually outgrow it, because it's not a lifestyle that's chosen; it's incredibly difficult from the inside. How many times has my husband gotten a restaurant dish that looked and smelled great, but after a couple bites realized he couldn't eat it because of the gag reflex due to texture? Quite a few times! He generally sticks with meat and potato dishes, which really we could do at home for less money, plus he'll be more likely to eat the veggies at home when we cook them right.

    My son refused homemade babyfood when he was only 6 months old. It wasn't sweetness or anything, he refused many types. Eventually I realized that my blender didn't get the food as smooth as the bottled stuff. My son is two now and he'll suck on a piece of corn/a grape/a pea, suck out and eat the gooey inside and spit out the "shell". It's frustrating to me because I know he's missing out on nutrients, but also I'm ecstatic because he's eating part of it, and it's something healthy. The couple times I've noticed him try to eat whole corn, or beans still slightly firm, he gags. Poor kid puked up yogurt once when he got to the fruit in the bottom.

    Definitely try the smoothies. We have a local fresh juice bar that juices out fruits and veg and makes great tasting combos. It may look green and disgusting, but it tastes great.

    Has your son ever been evaluated by a speech therapist for swallowing disorders?
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I don't think it's a swallowing disorder. He doesn't have a problem with eating things like crackers, bread, pasta, eggs, and small pieces of meat. Since DH has texture issues, a swallowing disorder hadn't occurred to me, just figured it was the same texture issue. His pediatrician wasn't concerned during the last visit, if there's absolutely no improvement I'll bring it up at the next visit but for now we're just taking it one day at a time.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Change... sounds harsh, but it's true nonetheless.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Can you do smoothies? You can put lots of fruits and veggies with some yogurt in a blender and blend until smooth. You can get a good amount of nutrition that way.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    I'm good with people eating most foods around me unless they have really strong smells (like fish or asian food that smells like peanuts). MFP gave me 1220 for my daily calories and I've been staying under it all week, it's just really hard! I exercise everyday so I can earn some calories back in case I screw up. I want to lose 40lbs and I'm down 2 since last Wednesday which is encouraging. I don't drink any alcohol since I can't with my dysautonomia...it just makes it way worse. But, I do plan on having rice today because I am REALLY craving it. I agree with you on knowing I won't taste something based on how it smells or how it feels...as soon as something has a strong smell or a weird texture I'm just done. If I can get it into my mouth I usually end up gagging. I can also make dinners I don't eat, lol.

    Then you aren't sedentary and don't have 2lbs per week to lose. The folks telling you to abandon the 1200 calorie limits are trying to do you a favor...especially if you haven't even been eating that much.
  • auria17
    auria17 Posts: 94 Member
    To get your protein I would look at whey (from dairy) maybe you could find a way to sneak in some fruits or vegetables the juicing way since you can control the texture. My brother was like you before, never ate anything especially fruit, but he was determined to become healthy and eventually now he eats more kinds of fruit and veggies than even I will. Just try even a small bite, if you don't like it and can't get it down then never eat it again. Or if you can't get it from food then take greens (by pill form) not getting good nutrients in your body means you could be at risk for malnutrition and vitamin dificientcy now and later in life..
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Anyone have any suggestions for a very picky eater? I've had issues with textures, tastes and smells of food since I was a kid so I have a very small list of things I will eat. I won't eat any veggies, most fruits, nuts, peanut butter, red sauce, seafood, fish, dark meat chicken or turkey, sweet potatoes, anything spicy, most candy, brown rice and probably a ton more stuff I can't think of.

    I've pretty much been living on cereal, ultra skim milk, yogurt and eggs since I started doing this because 1200 calories a day doesn't leave me much room for the foods I will eat. (Noodles, white rice, beef, gyro meat, pita). I'm just not sure what to eat otherwise because everything I like to eat is definitely off limits with 1200 calories!

    Any suggestions?

    As others have said, you don't HAVE to do a 1200 calorie diet. You can still lose weight on more calories. That being said, noodles, rice, beef, gyro, and pita can all fit into a 1200 cal diet pretty well. Also, you really should at least try different food instead of dismissing it all out of hand. Try foods you think you don't like prepared in different ways.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I might suggest making a shke and using some fruit and vegetables in it....Great way to get them in and the texture might not bother you that way. I have also been a very picky eater most of my life, but when I decided I was going to get healthier I decided that I was going to try new things. I am amazed at what I will eat now vs. what I said I would never eat. I have also found ways to cook things that I am not really fond of so that I can eat them and like them.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm going to take a page out of one of my 4 year old's PBS cartoons.

    "You gotta try new foods cause they might taste gooOOoood!"

    Hopefully you sang it out as you read it.

    Seriously though, learn to try new things. It's fine if you don't like it, but don't say you don't like it UNTIL you've eaten it. Try cooking things in ways you normally wouldn't.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I was a picky eater. Eggs being the biggest offender. It turns out I have tons of food intolerance. I noticed a trend with that and picky eaters.