Feeling like there is no hope



  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
    I have totally been there but good news...You are here....step 1 accomplished! WIN!

    Step 2: Log in and log your food every. single. day. You need to see the consequences of your poor decision in real time.

    Step 3: Come up with a plan to cut out the fast food cold turkey. It is a slippery slope for you right now. You need time and solid foundation before you can treat yourself again. For me, after a week of not eating fast food, the cravings are completely gone.

    Ideas: you say you leave work to get McD's? Make it so it is more trouble than it is worth to leave. Park as far away from the office door as you can, try to get a shady spot that you would not want to give up, or even give your keys to someone until the end of the work day.

    Change your route from work to home so you do not pass your favorite haunts. (This was a BIG one for me!)

    Make smoothies, pack healthy snacks to keep in your desk, make a whole weeks worth of lunches at once. You would not want to waste all that food and money right? When I plan and bring in a weeks worth of food to work on Mondays, I always do better and make better choices.

    Find exercises that you enjoy doing, you do not need a gym to get fit. Walk, hike, bike ride, try a dance class or martial art. Have fun trying new things until you find something that you love.

    You can do this!!! Good luck!!!
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    I had a habit of stopping at getting a McDouble at least 2-3 days per week on my way home for dinner, figuring it's no big deal. I didn't gain a lot of weight, but I felt so sluggish and drained. Now if I know I'm getting fast food (a recent trip to Ohio left me with little choice when my planned lunch that I packed got spoiled), I choose healthier options, and also watch the quantity.

    Choosing better healthier foods that are similar to what you've enjoyed at McD's is a great start. If you go from a diet of fast food to a diet of nothing but fruits, veggies, and lean meats, you're bound to fail. Take steps gradually.

    If you need additional support, feel free to friend me.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    It's not a matter of losing hope, it's a matter of reminding yourself why you started on MFP. Re-evaluate your goals, write them down. Think of how and what you are eating, if they are worth it, and if it will get you closer to your goal or take you one step back. Food shouldn't be your enemy. Learn to compromise with the healthy and and fast foods you love so much, it can be done.
  • jdayer
    jdayer Posts: 23 Member
    My daughter went through a similar experience. Her weight went up to 350lbs. Something clicked in her and she began focusing on eating healthy. She typically eats between 800 and 1000 calories a day and she has lost 150lbs in 9 months. Personally I would never have suggested eating so little,, but, the volume she eats is actually pretty high because she eats so much fresh fruit and vegetables. She is muching all day. When she hits a goal weight, like she did the other day, she reweards herself. We had pulled pork BBQ the other day.

    My grand daughter likes pizza and I usually buy some when she is over. When my daughter is around that means she eats a half a piece of pizza (about 100 calories) and she will split a piece of crazy bread with the dog (50 calories, no sauce). If I make fruit smoothies (no sugar, just ice, fruit and fruit juice) she might drink a quarter of one. (about another 50 calories).

    The only thing I really put my foot down (and try telling a 23 year old what to do) is that she had to take two multi-vitamins and two calcium vitamins a day. A set in the morning and a set in the evening.

    We work out together, although she also works out with her girl friends, and she goes 4-5 times a week spending 1.5-2 hours in the gym doing cardio and lifting.

    As long as you don't have a medical condition the biggest issues in losing weight are commitment and self disapline. Just focus on being committed and developing the self discipline.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    And, don't be afraid to let people know how you are doing. We will celebrate your success with you and that will give you motivation to have more success.
  • lilyaqha
    lilyaqha Posts: 26 Member
    It's called food addiction. You are addicted to the salt, sugar and "taste" of the McDonald's. A lot of people are, because the company makes their food so people crave it and want/buy more. They only want your "food dollars" (their term, not mine). I had/have the same problem. I LOVE fast, or fried food. You need to get off the FF first before worrying about losing the weight, because it's a lot to deal with . One step at a time! It's hard, because it's an addiction. Your brain is telling your body to crave the McDonald's. Just typing this post, my mouth is watering for a cheese burger. People don't realize, how horrible of a hold these companies have on people. It's criminal. Also, you might want to look into seeing a psychiatrist or naturopath for a few sessions. I'm telling you, the addiction never goes away, but you will eventually teach your brain to hate that company, because it's not "food". Only then, will you be able to go on and lose weight.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    It isn't a food addiction.

    People like fast food because it is easy, cheap, quick and tastes good.

    There is so much fear mongering on this site - that I get pretty irritated. Telling her she is addicted to fast food, or that she must quit all fast food immediately and "cold turkey" is just promoting fear and making food into something taboo.

    OP - I would focus on motivation - think of and write down what motivates you to lose weight. Think about it often. I also have found it helpful to have big long term goals (outside of weight loss) as well.

    As for the fast food - the key will be to cut down...and when you do indulge make sure it fits into your calories/macros. There isn't anything evil about fast food. it might not be optimally nutritious, but you can definitely lose weight while still having fast food from time to time.

    At the end of the day calories in and calories out - if fast food fits that (and it can be hard since it is often calorically dense) you will still lose weight.
  • lisa77marie
    lisa77marie Posts: 46 Member
    I think you need to dig down deep inside and figure out why you don't really want to be thin. That is a reality I had to get myself to. I was sabotaging myself for years and yo-yo dieted for 16 years. Truth was, I was afraid to be thin. I was afraid of the attention it would bring. I did not love myself enough to know that it was ok if I lost weight.

    I think you need to search your soul and see why you are doing this, there has to be a reason. You may want to reach out to a counselor, there could be a lot of factors.

    I hope no one gets offended by this response. This is just coming from my own experience.