Missing my period (but no really "missing it")

Hi friends (ladies),
I have not had my period in some time and there is an explanation below ;)
I know this is TMI but it is something I am a little "worried" about, maybe concerned is the better word. Last August I lost about 5 lbs pretty rapidly putting me at 120 lbs. rather than 125 lbs. it was due to just a quick move and adjusting to my life. I kept it off and in December I lost another 5 lbs. putting me at 115 lbs. From December to February (3 months), my period was very regular. I would have it for 4 days every 4 weeks, but since January I have not had it. I am not pregnant, etc. (not at all possible). I have not been sexually active either. In the last 2-3 months I have gained back 10 lbs. putting me at 125 lbs. STILL... no periods. I am not wanting to use birth control is there a way to regulate it?

Thoughts, opinions, etc.


  • preslyann50
    preslyann50 Posts: 114 Member
    I asked my doctor about regulating without birth control and she said all they would call it is a "hormone" pill but it would still be the same thing as BC.

    If you haven't had your period in 6 months you really need to be at a doctor. There could be lots of different things going on from hormone imbalance to cancer. And depending on your age, unless you are at "The Change Age" you shouldn't really be missing your period that long especially if it's been regular before January.
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    Hm, how tall are you? You could possibly be underweight, which could hinder or halt periods altogether. Or maybe you changed your diet? I'd give the lady doctor a call and ask if you should be concerned (though keep in mind, you might need to schedule an appointment).
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Have you been visited by an angel with news that you are highly favored among women?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    How old are you?

    But, yeah, see a doctor.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Have you considered seeing a doctor? They know about this sort of thing.
  • JuiceBars
    JuiceBars Posts: 78 Member
    It is not so much about the number of pounds you weigh, but a matter of how much body fat you have I thought.
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    Go and see your doctor for a check up. Ultrasound and blood test results are good indicators of what the next steps are for regulating your periods again.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    How is your sleep? I can diagnose you with parasomnia.
    you are more than likely engaging in unknown acts wile you are sleeping.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    skipping 3 or more is an issue- skipping one or two isn't a crisis.

    So since you haven't had one since January- I'd suggest now might be a time to go to the doctor.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    Some thoughts in no random order.
    1. If you exercise too hard/frequently it could muck with your hormones (I say this based on your profile pic)
    2. Radical changes of diet -- not getting enough nutrition , including fat.
    3. Your name is Mary and it's that time.

    See the doc!
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    No, there is no way to regulate your period without using hormones (birth control).

    You are not ovulating. If you were ovulating, you'd be having your period. How old are you? How long have you been having regular periods before this? How tall are you? Are you extremely underweight?

    You should see a doctor to figure out why you aren't ovulating. You can look into charting your cycle (temp & some other things), which will give you more insight as to when ovulation is approaching, when it eventually happens.
  • Getting_Lean
    Hm, how tall are you? You could possibly be underweight, which could hinder or halt periods altogether. Or maybe you changed your diet? I'd give the lady doctor a call and ask if you should be concerned (though keep in mind, you might need to schedule an appointment).

    I am 5'3 currently 125 lbs. and 25% body fat.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    My 1st thought to ask is have you had your thyroid checked?
    Thyroid issues are also possible in thin people - you may have HYPERthyroidism.
    I only ask because I have issues w/ the missing/irregular periods and it was a combination of being HYPOthyroid as well as PCOS....
    so might check with the doc about those 2 things if ya haven't yet?
    hope things improve :)
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    If your otherwise regular period has stopped and you haven't seen it since January.... I would get off the forums and see my doctor
  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    I am 52. When I was in HS and college, I competed in Track and Field. I weighed 127 - 130 lbs, and had very infrequent periods.

    The theory is that my body weight was too low to support a pregnancy, but no doctors told me that then.

    When I was 27, a doc told me I was in menopause. I started taking Basal body temp to see if I was ovulating. I was. 3 kids later, I say the doc was wrong.

    I suspect you are just fine, and the absence of info on women's health will keep you doubting.
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    Hm, how tall are you? You could possibly be underweight, which could hinder or halt periods altogether. Or maybe you changed your diet? I'd give the lady doctor a call and ask if you should be concerned (though keep in mind, you might need to schedule an appointment).

    I am 5'3 currently 125 lbs. and 25% body fat.

    You need to talk to your doctor about this.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I highly doubt it was from that very minimal weight loss, and you aren't anywhere close to underweight as far as I can tell. I think you are incorrectly jumping to the conclusion that weight (or pregnancy) is the only factor in a missed period. If you have not seen a doctor, you should go see a doctor. Talk to your doctor before you decide what they will tell you to do. If you don't want to go on birth control, then don't. You can even get a better doctor if needed (unless you already have a great doctor).
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I am 52. When I was in HS and college, I competed in Track and Field. I weighed 127 - 130 lbs, and had very infrequent periods.

    The theory is that my body weight was too low to support a pregnancy, but no doctors told me that then.

    When I was 27, a doc told me I was in menopause. I started taking Basal body temp to see if I was ovulating. I was. 3 kids later, I say the doc was wrong.

    I suspect you are just fine, and the absence of info on women's health will keep you doubting.

    why are you trying to diagnose her and basically telling her she has nothing to worry about based purely on your experiences ? This is not a place to come for medical advice. She has stopped menstruating for 6 months. She needs to see her doctor to find out why.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Yup, you need to go see your doc. While you might not miss having a period, not having one for extended periods of time increases your chances of uterine cancer. It's not the same as not having one due to pregnancy.

    Anyway, you might have a cyst that's screwing things up or it could be more serious - only a doctor can tell you. If it turns out to be a hormonal issue and you don't want to take BCP, google bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and see if there's a doctor in your area who knows their stuff. But see your regular gyn first to figure out what's happening. GL.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    For someone who's 5'3" you are not underweight, but you could be malnurishing yourself. BUT - You really need to see a doctor. Like, right now. You shouldn't just be missing your cycle and it should never just stop unless you're pregnant or going through the change - it could be any of a few things, worst of all it could indicate something like polycystic ovarian syndrome or cervical cancer. :/ Are you experiencing any other symptoms?