
What's everyone's take on carbs? My plan says I can have 120 g a day but I find that's not enough lol I eat a lot of veggies which still have carbs in them, and fruit too. I'm being told that's a no no and to not go over. I'm finding it extremely hard to be below 120g a day. Any ideas?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    What is your plan? Calories? Protein? Fat? Carbs?
  • CyanOwl
    CyanOwl Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Megan, I've had some difficulty staying under my carb limit too. I found a lot of my fav vegetables & beans have a truck ton of carbs in them.

    Are you getting enough protein in?
    Fish like salmon has no carbs and between 300 - 400 calories in it, so if you have a 1200 - 1600 calorie goal/day, that will take up a big chunk without using up your carbs. :)

    Protein will help keep you full longer too. My doctor warned me that carbs that aren't bound to fiber should be thought of as just sticking a spoonful of table sugar in my mouth! I do feel that I have a lot more energy since I up'd my protein and limited the carbs.
  • Hi guys, thanks for replying. My plan is to have a deficit for weight loss, Im lifting weights to gain muscle, tighten up/tone and burn more calories, I have a decent amount of protein too. So I guess I'm looking for all 4 to answer the first reply.

    I only eat whole grains if I do eat grains. I don't eat bread or anything like that but unfortunately carbs are in EVERYTHING
  • CyanOwl
    CyanOwl Posts: 8 Member
    Here's some really good low to no carb ideas for you to make up your calories:

    Pork/Turkey Bacon
    Ground Beef
    Turkey Burger
    Morning Star Meal Starter (tastes fantastic, just like I remember ground beef tasting)
    Red Bell Peppers
    Brussel Sprouts
    Okra (YUM)
    Cheddar/Colby Jack/Mozzarella Cheese
    Almond or Soy Milk (unsweetened)
    Sunflower Seeds

    * Source : Jorge Cruise: The 10 - Count Only Sugar Calories & Lose Up to 18 lbs in 2 weeks
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    What's everyone's take on carbs? My plan says I can have 120 g a day but I find that's not enough lol I eat a lot of veggies which still have carbs in them, and fruit too. I'm being told that's a no no and to not go over. I'm finding it extremely hard to be below 120g a day. Any ideas?

    Unless you're a diabetic, carbs are ok and you shouldn't be scared of them. Consider your source of information.
  • I've been eating most of those things. I had cauliflower and some cheese for my afternoon snack. That's where I'm struggling, my afternoon snack. Thanks, ill have to figure it out!
  • dallen66
    dallen66 Posts: 1 Member
    Please don't be scared of carbs, its excess calories that will hinder weight loss.

    I am unable to survive on any less than 200g if I do I get very grumpy!

    Keep to the lower end of the Gi Index such as Brown rice, pasta & oatmeal.

    Have a high GI carb straight after a resistance workout (Banana & 8 Dates works for me approx. 40g) these are Hi Gi simple sugars your muscles need to refuel along with a protein shake.

    Just avoid carbs 5 hours before bed as you don't want to spike your blood sugar and hinder fat burn over night.

    Dont be scared of carbs really!
  • What's everyone's take on carbs? My plan says I can have 120 g a day but I find that's not enough lol I eat a lot of veggies which still have carbs in them, and fruit too. I'm being told that's a no no and to not go over. I'm finding it extremely hard to be below 120g a day. Any ideas?

    Unless you're a diabetic, carbs are ok and you shouldn't be scared of them. Consider your source of information.

    I'm not scared of carbs. I'm asking because I'm curious to finally find the answer and trying to limit carbs because they make me bloat really bad regardless of all the water and exercise i do. i find your reply pretty rude, it was fine until i read "you shouldn't be scared of them" and how did you know i didnt have some sort of disease and that i need to limit my carbs? like i said, im not scared of them, im trying to find the answer since everyone gives me a different answer. Not that i owe you an explanation but there it is! thanks for your comment.
  • Please don't be scared of carbs, its excess calories that will hinder weight loss.

    I am unable to survive on any less than 200g if I do I get very grumpy!

    Keep to the lower end of the Gi Index such as Brown rice, pasta & oatmeal.

    Have a high GI carb straight after a resistance workout (Banana & 8 Dates works for me approx. 40g) these are Hi Gi simple sugars your muscles need to refuel along with a protein shake.

    Just avoid carbs 5 hours before bed as you don't want to spike your blood sugar and hinder fat burn over night.

    Dont be scared of carbs really!

    I thank you for your reply but why are you saying I'm scared of carbs? I'm not! Jesus! I know you meant well but that comes across judgemental and rude to assume I am scared of carbs. I love carbs but they make me bloat excessively.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    My thoughts on carbs is that unless you have a medical reason to avoid them (i.e. diabetes), there isn't a reason to limit them - ESPECIALLY when they are coming from fruits, veggies and whole grains.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    My personal choice:

  • What's everyone's take on carbs? My plan says I can have 120 g a day but I find that's not enough lol I eat a lot of veggies which still have carbs in them, and fruit too. I'm being told that's a no no and to not go over. I'm finding it extremely hard to be below 120g a day. Any ideas?

    Unless you're a diabetic, carbs are ok and you shouldn't be scared of them. Consider your source of information.

    I'm not scared of carbs. I'm asking because I'm curious to finally find the answer and trying to limit carbs because they make me bloat really bad regardless of all the water and exercise i do. i find your reply pretty rude, it was fine until i read "you shouldn't be scared of them" and how did you know i didnt have some sort of disease and that i need to limit my carbs? like i said, im not scared of them, im trying to find the answer since everyone gives me a different answer. Not that i owe you an explanation but there it is! thanks for your comment.

    How was he being rude? You asked for peoples take on carbs and he gave his. People are so sensitive around here.
  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    you need to figure out what "carbs" are making you bloat. This is common for most people. Not all carbs are created the same. Find out what is making you bloat and don't eat that particular carb(s) if you don't want to bloat.
  • Because he is judging me. Lol every time I eat any bread carbs they make me bloat insanely. I hate it! Even whole grain or 100% whole wheat.
  • Carbs are bad, man.


    ELVISDEAN Posts: 77
  • Ok thanks everyone.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    I usually eat the same amount of carbs as protein and maybe a bit more on workout days. So, roughly 160-175g carbs 150g protein and 60g fat
  • Because he is judging me. Lol every time I eat any bread carbs they make me bloat insanely. I hate it! Even whole grain or 100% whole wheat.

    I get the same way. I am insulin resistant though so I have to keep mine low, not because I want to. If I didn't have medical issues I'd eat a loaf of bread a day. The whole grain kind OF COURSE! ;) Just do whatever makes your body feel right.
  • Because he is judging me. Lol every time I eat any bread carbs they make me bloat insanely. I hate it! Even whole grain or 100% whole wheat.

    I get the same way. I am insulin resistant though so I have to keep mine low, not because I want to. If I didn't have medical issues I'd eat a loaf of bread a day. The whole grain kind OF COURSE! ;) Just do whatever makes your body feel right.

    Okay, thanks. I think I'll keep the bread from my diet because it makes me feel like crap, bloaty all day ugh! I also have a 50% chance of developing diabetes it runs in my family. Yikes