Fast Weight Loss???

I have only been on the site for about a week now and I've lost 7 lbs. I wouldn't normally be one to complain about this, lol, but I've lost weight quickly before and know it's not healthy and damages your body. I'm only looking to lose 1.5 lbs a week and I've been on this journey for 2 yrs. now. I was previously losing about a pound every 1-2 weeks and I haven't made drastic changes that would equal more than a pound a day. Help! This is making me nervous! It's not dehydration either, because I've been drinking plenty and my scale measures hydration and it's at a good percentage and hasn't changed from normal. I've only cut back a little on my calories, naturally just because I've been tracking them now. Anyone have any advice as to what could be happening??


  • Indimenticabile1
    Don't worry!

    Weight loss at the very beginning of any diet/exercise program is always dramatic. I lost 7 pounds my first week too. A week later, it slowed dramatically and I'm on track at this point.

    If you continue to lose weight quickly after two or three weeks, then you can adjust the program you're using. Otherwise, just enjoy the quick loss as a bonus to starting a healthier eating regime :)
  • ❤B☩❤
    ENJOY IT!!

    I am willing to bet you that your portions are measured more correctly/precisely. I have become so much more aware of what a serving size is and I'm sure that's my saving grace in all of this!

    Congrats and keep up the good work! :drinker:
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    ..but that's just it... I'm not just starting. I've been doing this for 2 yrs and have lost 70 lbs, but now that I started tracking my food this week, I'm losing over a pound a day... seems odd since I haven't made drastic changes.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Typically when they say losing weight too fast can be damaging to the body it is because of the way one is losing the weight. If you are following a healthy plan, eating and exercising right, then I think you'll be just fine. Congrats on the weight loss!!!!
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    I agree with ODONNA, I bet you were over estimating your calories before and now you know exactly what you are eating. Have you increased your exercising? You will probably slow down soon and then you won't have to worry any more, you 'll be looking for ways to jazz it up and make it come off faster again hehehehe:happy:

    This is a crazy journey and you never know from week to week where it is going to take you (emotionally, I mean) One week things are great and yay look at me then the next it's like crap why isn't the scale moving...

    good luck to ya!
  • jac2lyn
    I lost 3 pounds my first week (alot for me in a week) and kept it off - I was skeptical. Now it has slowed and I plateau. I am currently in one.
    What might have happened is you are more aware of what you are eating now and measuring more precise. Cutting back just slightly on the calories can make a big difference. Have you amped up yoru workout at all? That can make a difference too!

    I would go with it for now and see how it turns out. Your body might have responded this week to a small change.

    Good luck!
  • lindalloo
    ..but that's just it... I'm not just starting. I've been doing this for 2 yrs and have lost 70 lbs, but now that I started tracking my food this week, I'm losing over a pound a day... seems odd since I haven't made drastic changes.

    But you HAVE made changes. You're tracking your food now. You say you've been "doing this" for two years, so I'm curious... what were you doing before MFP?
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    be happy i agree before you were eating more than you thought
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Thanks for your input everyone! :) ..It least doesn't sound like anything I have to worry about unless it keeps up.

    @lindalloo: Basically I was doing the same as what I am now, just not writing it down. My workouts have remained the same and I've eaten the same foods, no more or less splurges or anything... I think it has to be the portions then. I don't feel like I'm eating less, but with those results, I must be. I just really don't want it to keep up because as I stated, I've lost weight fast before and it's not a good thing.
  • blackbsm
    blackbsm Posts: 32 Member
    I started making changes last October, mainly I stopped drinking soda and only drink water now. In the first 3 months I lost 30 pounds, and then things stabilized. Three weeks today I said enough is enough...I am ready for a change. I joined this site & started tracking my calories and walking 30-45 min. each evening. The first week I lost 11 pounds, and I was shocked. However I was drinking more water and told myself that it was probably just water weight I lost. I knew this wasn't normal, nor to expect it every week. Week 2, I only lost 4 pounds, which was still more than I expected. I weigh-in tomorrow and am expecting a much smaller lose, but I will take anything.

    The point of my story is that maybe you have made other subtle changes in your lifestyle that you aren't highly aware of since you have been counting your calories, which would explain the 7 pounds. I would watch it for another 3-4 weeks, and if you are still losing at that rate, I would then consider contacting my physician and asking for some blood work just to check on things.

    *And I know it's easier said that done, but try not to stress yourself too much about the issue, because we all know stress itself can cause depression, loss of appetite, and a host of other issues which could impact your weight loss journey.
  • NSPaul
    I agree with everyone above. Don't sweat it unless it becomes a pattern. The body is unpredictable, and weight loss is never a straight-line process.

    One thought however: What method are you using to weigh yourself? If you're using a digital scale, they can be surprisingly inconsistent. To counteract the problem, when you weigh in, weigh yourself 5 times. You may get five slightly (or even radically) different results. Eliminate the top and bottom numbers, and take the average of the middle three. Consider this your weight for the week.

    Also, make sure your weigh-in conditions match from week to week. First thing in the morning is best, after you've used the washroom but before you've eaten.

    Keep up the great work.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I have only been on the site for about a week now and I've lost 7 lbs. I wouldn't normally be one to complain about this, lol, but I've lost weight quickly before and know it's not healthy and damages your body. I'm only looking to lose 1.5 lbs a week and I've been on this journey for 2 yrs. now. I was previously losing about a pound every 1-2 weeks and I haven't made drastic changes that would equal more than a pound a day. Help! This is making me nervous! It's not dehydration either, because I've been drinking plenty and my scale measures hydration and it's at a good percentage and hasn't changed from normal. I've only cut back a little on my calories, naturally just because I've been tracking them now. Anyone have any advice as to what could be happening??

    Weight often shifts very quickly at first, a lot of it is excess fluid see. It slows down to approximately 1lb to 2lb per week after about three weeks. Some people lose less than that, others sometimes have a week here and a week there where more comes off.

    I've lost 7lb in one week myself before, right at the beginning of this weight loss plan I lost 7lbs, the second week it was 3lb and then 2lb the week after that. I now sometimes lose 1lb in a week, sometimes 2lb.

    What did you mean when you said you had been on this journey for two years now? Have you been like a yo-yo with weight going up and down?

    I think that you have joined this site and because you are keeping track of your food, you are sticking to your calorie count and this is making your weight fall off, make the most of it, the loss will slow down :flowerforyou: