kick nicotine's BUTT



  • wideeyedla
    wideeyedla Posts: 138 Member
    I smoked for 10 years. About 4 months ago I purchased a Vapology e-cig. Started with 18 mg liquid and have worked my way down to 0 as well as only using it when I drink. Yesterday at the car wash the guy sitting next to me lit up and I thought I was going to be sick. The smell totally bothers me now, being able to use the e-cig when the craving struck is what helped me. I'm doing a boot camp with one of my friends who also quit and we've looked at each other several times to say how we're not sure we could have made it through if we still smoked.

    Used one for the first time today. It actually made me cough, so perhaps a little too strong, but it kept me sane because I could not smoke a real cigarette all day due to fire hazard conditions at Cub Scout camp. This is probably how I am going to quit. I have two packs left, and then e cigs only.
  • Sam_Africa
    Sam_Africa Posts: 16
    WOW there are sooo many who ahve this hurdle to jump and have done it. its supporting to know that it can be done.
    i think i smoke out of habit, as odd as this may sound. i smoke to relax and sleep. i feel i need my ciggi's to unwind and then i will have a good nights rest...
    i go ona 20 day vacation with my children. I do not smoke around them. 20 days should be good enough to kick in a routine...
    its when i am back home, when the "STRESS" gets to me and i feel i need to light up.
    but from what i ahve read below it can be done and i will give it my BEST shot.
  • Sam_Africa
    Sam_Africa Posts: 16
    Quit on December 25, 2012 after smoking for 30 years (on & off). Traded smoking for the treadmill and so far am down 23 lbs as well. It can be as hard or as easy as you choose. I focus on my mantra: Cravings are hard, chemo is harder. I quit cold turkey but everyone's quit is different, so you need to find what works for you.

    this is very profound: . I focus on my mantra: Cravings are hard, chemo is harder.
    its true. i will chant this.
    i ahve given myself a Deadline too....
  • Sam_Africa
    Sam_Africa Posts: 16
    do you think smoking helps in weight loss? i mean its curbs the appetite but i do think its myth...that smoking helps in weight loss.
  • GhostinthePC
    GhostinthePC Posts: 29 Member
    Yes and no. Smoking actually speeds up your metabolism, heart rate, breathing rate, increased sputum production, and overall speeds things up. Yes it does deaden the desire to eat or snack some, but not completely. Smoking dehydrates you and overall it's just plain not good, specific to bodily functions and bodily resources. So there is the yes and no of it.

    Now there are 2 reasons people gain weight when they quit smoking., One is the obvious hand to mouth action, and the body is repairing itself so the brain is tricking you to ingest items the body might need (salt, sugar, etc). The second reason is because everything slows back down again. The body doesn't have to work as hard when you stop smoking (heart rate falls, breathing rate normalizes, etc).

    I am on Day 2. Honestly, I'm doing everything I can to not think about it and think about healthier items such as carrots, peppers, hard candy, etc to satisfy the hand to mouth think. Chewing on coffee stirrers, toothpicks, & cinnamon sticks helps tremendously. Also taking Turmeric in capsule form is helping stave off the cravings, and it has been proven to help repair the damage as well.

    Hope this helps
  • bellabug84
    I smoked for 10 years. About 4 months ago I purchased a Vapology e-cig. Started with 18 mg liquid and have worked my way down to 0 as well as only using it when I drink. Yesterday at the car wash the guy sitting next to me lit up and I thought I was going to be sick. The smell totally bothers me now, being able to use the e-cig when the craving struck is what helped me. I'm doing a boot camp with one of my friends who also quit and we've looked at each other several times to say how we're not sure we could have made it through if we still smoked.

    Used one for the first time today. It actually made me cough, so perhaps a little too strong, but it kept me sane because I could not smoke a real cigarette all day due to fire hazard conditions at Cub Scout camp. This is probably how I am going to quit. I have two packs left, and then e cigs only.

    It might be that the liquid you have is too highly concentrated with nicotine- switch to a lower level :)

    Also- I tried other e-cigs and vapology was the only one that actually worked for me :)
  • jenniepartlow
    jenniepartlow Posts: 2 Member
    [Used one for the first time today. It actually made me cough, so perhaps a little too strong, but it kept me sane because I could not smoke a real cigarette all day due to fire hazard conditions at Cub Scout camp. This is probably how I am going to quit. I have two packs left, and then e cigs only.

    You may have coughed because the vapor can actually burn your throat.