Don't Know Where To Start Help :(



  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    I have the same, but a little different advice.

    The same... Start simple and baby steps. Changing everything at once for some people can lead to system overload and they shut down and revert back to where they started.

    The different... For me, I took a walk. I didn't change anything other than on a pretty day I went for a leisurely walk. I liked the way it made me felt, so the next day I went for another walk, and so on. I started putting more effort and energy into it as the days went on. The walks made me feel better and as a natural progression my body wanted me to eat better, so that led to a healthier BALANCE of what I put into my mouth and that led me to here/MFP to help with portion control.

    We are all different so find what works best for you and it'll be easier to stick with. Good luck! You'll do great! :happy:
  • pacsqueen
    pacsqueen Posts: 88
    I'm new too. I've come to realize over the past few weeks that i am a really impatient person! i want to have this weight off NOW! however, it is a waiting game (or as i like to think, a weighting game LOL). everytime i get discouraged, ive decided to go for a walk instead of eat or drink water, go play a card game, anything to get my mind off the fact that yes, im losing but i'm not done yet.

    keep up with it! every day you manage to keep with it is one day closer to your goal!
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    First off, feel free to add me (any of you)...the first step I took was the decision to get healthy. Then I cut out all sodas, or any drinks that had "calories", at this point I drink coffee and water with lemon. Yes, I do have the occassional treat at Caribou but without the soda...big difference. Add in any kind of physical activity...walking has been HUGE for me. Lastly, I would say that you are definitely in the right place here at MFP, find people that you connect with, whom motivate and inspire you.

    Good luck to you!
  • AnotherTryLiz
    AnotherTryLiz Posts: 77 Member
    Congratulations! You already started. First, by realizing you need to change and second by wanting to change. As everyone stated, start small baby steps with everything so you don't burn out. Change one thing a week. Read, read, read the blogs! Don't compare yourself to others as everyone is different. What works for one might not work for you. Drink the water, cut out soda's, start thinking healthy and exercise even if its 15 minutes every other day. Before you know it, your on your way to the new you!
  • tiffanypacino
    tiffanypacino Posts: 57 Member
    Support is number 1! Also, start small. I know that I have been back and forth and yo-yo dieting for years. The point is to not stress yourself out or start big. Take small steps and those will lead to bigger steps. If you have not worked out start with 10-20 minutes per day with cardio and strength and work your way up. Or, start with walking. My first step was to take out soda and fast food!
  • jdayer
    jdayer Posts: 23 Member
    You can do it.

    Start with doing some activity, anything and then add feeling good about being hungry. Later add more activity and healthier food.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Sounds lame but YOU have to REALLY want it. That being said MFP has been my best tool. Another lame statement is that if I did it (or am doing it) so can you.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I have been on and off MFP for over a year I would keep track of my food for a few days and check out all the amazing photos of everyone's weight loss and that would be about it. I feel so overwhelmed because I have about 150 lbs to lose and have no clue where to start all I know is that I dont want to be fat and depressed any more. Any advice for a beginner trying to lose some serious weight would be greatly appreciated as well as some motivators this seems like I very supportive motivating group.
    Where to start is figuring out how much to eat, and then eating that much every day. :)
  • JonesM7801
    JonesM7801 Posts: 10 Member
    Definitely look at things in terms of smaller objectives and goals. Thinking "I have XXXlbs to lose" can be very overwhelming so break it down into smaller goals that are easier to obtain like cutting down on soda, eating at least 1 or 2 servings of fruit or veggies a day, walking for half an hour 3 times a week, etc. Take it slow! Soon, things will start coming together and you will see yourself choosing healthier options, being more active, and feeling great!

    Feel free to add me! I've lost a total of 123 pounds so far and have an open food journal. Good luck and keep your chin up!
  • mrossi1730
    People have already given you some great advice - one more thing I would suggest for you to do...
    set little mile stones I.E. a pound or 2 per week and celebrate every time you reach that goal, pat yourself on the back... When you lose 4 pounds 1 week don't think that you can give 2 back - stay on course - move on to your next milestone. Have fun and keep focused on where you are going....

  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. And take baby steps. Add one healthy food, habit, or whatever into your life and just keep at it for a week or so before adding something else. I find that by adding the healthier things, I naturally gravitate towards healthier things and the more unhealthy things sort of just slip away to the back of my mind. Best of luck!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    People have already given you some great advice - one more thing I would suggest for you to do...
    set little mile stones I.E. a pound or 2 per week and celebrate every time you reach that goal, pat yourself on the back... When you lose 4 pounds 1 week don't think that you can give 2 back - stay on course - move on to your next milestone. Have fun and keep focused on where you are going....


    ^^ I agree with this. I have 5 pound goals on my profile. I don't give a date to reach them because i'm sort of just enjoying the journey, but it makes me happy to pass one!
  • _useyourwords_
    My biggest piece of advice is to take measurements of your body when you start. The scale isn't always your friend, especially if you're starting an exercise program. You will start to look and feel better even if the number on the scale doesn't move for a bit. I've lost about 11 pounds, but have lost 2 belt holes worth of fat around my belly. That is more motivating to me than the numbers on the scale. Congrats on taking the first step!!
  • mlrodgers381
    mlrodgers381 Posts: 71 Member
    I joined MFP in wasn't until 3 days ago that I was finally "ready" to start my new healthy living. Sometimes it takes just visiting the forums, making friends who will support you, then suddenly you are so inspired to start!! That was my secret!!
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    Without reading all of the responses, here is what I have done and what has kept me on track for *soon to be* 100 days already!

    My goals, besides weight:

    I'm here to learn HOW to eat normally. I have a bad relationship with food, I LOVE IT! I don't know when to say enough.
    I don't want to eat only salads and grilled chicken breasts for the rest of my life. I want to eat "normally".


    I have decided to enjoy my "normal" food with a serious eye on portion control and what is a portion. I eat salads occasionally, but not daily or even weekly. I eat CAKE, cookies, etc also. I watch how much I eat and don't over indulge or make a habit of eating it just to eat it.

    I stopped drinking my calories, this was a big one. I was drinking MANY soda's, lots of sweet tea, etc. Those drinks taste great, but are full of empty calories, they are not an asset to your diet.

    I do double up on vegetables at dinner in place of more mashed potatoes.... :) You can eat more broccoli for some much less calories!

    I work out daily (or close to). My exercise of choice is walking. I also run now, I'm on Week 9 Day 2 now. I highly suggest finding an exercise that you like and start slowly.

    If you mess up, eat a higher calorie meal than you expected, just regroup and push forward. Don't let one bad day turn into a week, month or year.

    You CAN do this!!! I'm looking at the long road also, I'm already 66lbs into now and still have about 100lbs to go still. It isn't impossible. It will be a slow, long road, but you *we* can do this!!!!
  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    You can add me as a friend.
    I will give you all of the support and motivation that I can.

    I was like you when I started, everybody else was losing a lot more weight than I was, and did a lot more exercise.

    I started by logging every morsel of food that I put in my mouth.
    I made sure that I drank at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    I could only walk 30 mins a day.

    But slowly it did come off, my loss was 11/2 pounds a week, sometimes less, sometimes not at all.
    Don't get frustrated because it will come off.
  • DeeCathy
    DeeCathy Posts: 5
    I just want to add my encouragment to everyone else's! I've been on a weight loss journey for years, sometimes with more success than others. Key is being honest with yourself. Many people have encouraged you to track your food, and that's essential. When I don't track, I don't lose and I do gain.

    Good luck to you, dear! Keep going.....
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    And also remember this:

    Whatever your milestones are, even if you do everything "perfectly" it doesn't mean they will always come exactly on schedule. Don't lose sight of the big picture and remember to see your success in aggregate as well as enjoying the little victories.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Worry about yourself. When you do that the pounds just melt off.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Just keep logging on EVERY DAY. Be consistent (that's what I struggle with). Dedicate yourself to this. Make time in your schedule to make healthy meals and workout (and by working out, if you aren't ready to start REALLY exercising then just be active. Take a walk or go swimming. Something.) Add friends on here and keep coming to the forums. You got this! If you mess up, its a fresh start tomorrow.