Trouble staying under daily sugar goal

I have been staying well under my calorie limit every day and so far I have been losing weight steadily (2-3 lbs/week) since starting with myfitnesspal, so I would think that's pretty good. However, just recently I noticed that my daily goal for sugar is usually being exceeded. In large part this is due to eating fruit. I was pretty shocked to see that a single medium/small apple is 17g sugar, which is a whopping 63% of my daily sugar allowance in my food tracker. So naturally due to the rest of the food I eat, I usually go over that goal on days when I eat the apple or banana. I am under my goal in every other category except sugar. So my question is, do I have to cut out the fruit? And is this something that is actually bad or is it not really a big deal? So far my weight loss doesn't seem to be affected but I don't want to lose my forward momentum, especially as it gets harder to lose pounds later. Thanks.


  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104
    If the sugar is from fruit, I wouldn't worry about it.

    I eat 4-6 fruits a day (sometimes way more) and it isn't a problem. I know there are many who avoid fruit like the plague but there is no reason to do so. What I don't eat is stuff like cakes, candy, soda etc. That is the sugar you need to watch out for.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    The MFP sugar goal is based on the recommendations for added sugars. I do not know why it is set up this way. Unless you have a medical condition requiring you to watch sugars, it is not an issue.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I've said this to so many people, that if I had a dollar for every one etc etc etc
    Don't sweat the fruit! Fruit is GOOD. Fructose is NOT refined sucrose. You process it differently (unless you are diabetic). You eat fruit with skins etc, fiber! Fiber is GOOD.
    I dont count sugars from fruit - never have, never will do. Fruit is my best friend!
  • cwilliams080676
    cwilliams080676 Posts: 118 Member
    I am always over for sugar too. Mine is from fruits as well. I don't sweat it.
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    I go over on sugar almost every day because of fruit. I don't count that sugar, only refined sugar.
  • Thanks for this topic! I've just started and was wondering exactly the same thing! Although I have had a small chocolate bar and a cupcake today... :blushing:
  • Thanks for the replies everyone. Sounds like I don't have anything to worry about then. I just hate having that big red negative mark on my food tracker every day, haha.
  • gotgumption
    gotgumption Posts: 2 Member
    I've been wondering the same thing, I wish they would replace the sugar recommendation tracker with a fibre tracker as that would be a lot more useful I feel. I'd say 80- 90% of the sugar I consume is naturally found in fruit and veg. I have the odd sweet, biscuit or cupcake every so often otherwise I'd just binge on them whenever I've had a 'bad' day. I started using Splenda in my tea about 6 months ago instead of sugar and it's one of the smartest choices I've made because I absolutely love sweet tea and wouldn't have been able to give it up. If you're struggling with sugar intake from things like adding it to your tea or coffee then something like Splenda, or stevia is a great alternative.
  • sdraganac
    sdraganac Posts: 1 Member
    if you go to the setting tab when you are in the food tracker you can change what foods/nutrition you are tracking :-)
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I've said this to so many people, that if I had a dollar for every one etc etc etc
    Don't sweat the fruit! Fruit is GOOD. Fructose is NOT refined sucrose. You process it differently (unless you are diabetic). You eat fruit with skins etc, fiber! Fiber is GOOD.
    I dont count sugars from fruit - never have, never will do. Fruit is my best friend!

    There is still a defined maximum limit for fructose before it is dangerous, it's anywhere from 50-100 grams. Although it is unlikely you'd hit that much from just fruits and the mfp sugar is way too low.
  • Aliviuum
    Aliviuum Posts: 67
    I go over on my sugar every day but it's because it comes from my morning oatmeal and 2-3 pieces of fruit a day. No worries :)
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Going over on sugar, or anything else for that matter, isn't going to keep you from losing weight as long as you are in a calorie deficit. The only thing I would really pay any attention to, for weight loss, is calories, protein, carbs, and fat. But even with that being said the only thing that is going to keep you from losing weight is not being in a calorie deficit.