new to this site....need friends to help me stay on track

I think ive finally reached a point in my life where I am ready to make a change. I have 2 young kids, and want to be able to keep up with them as they get older and are into more activities. In work in an office setting and am pretty much always at my desk. And when I get home I feel like theres no time to exercise, or I just dont have any energy. I need some friends on here that can relate to my situation, give me tips on exercises and healthy snacks and meals to eat....someone who will keep me going when I feel like giving up. I will be there for you as well. I'm tired of being miserable because of my weight and want to feel and look like I did before I had kids. I'm not getting any younger and the older you get the harder it is to lose weight. Ideally I would like to lose at least 70lbs over the next year. By december though it would be nice to lose at least 30. Basically...I dont know how to go about this because I never had these issues ten years ago help please....and thank you :)


  • KellyPatino
    KellyPatino Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I have two kids as well. Nothing is harder than keeping the same amount of energy as them. When we go to the park, I would love to run around with them, but all I do is sit on the bench or in the shade.
  • I cant really help you with the how because I too am overweight so obviously I don't know what I am doing. but I can cheer you on and I can lend an ear if you need it. Congrats on deciding to make a change. Good luck on your journey.
  • addy3177
    addy3177 Posts: 2 Member
    Well....we can give each other tips and motivate each other. I want to prove to my hubby that I can do this and am serious about it.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I have 4 kids and work full time and have lost 40 pounds of the 83 total that I want to lose. You can do this. Lose weight for yourself though not someone else.
  • nrjackson84
    nrjackson84 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I have been a member since last year and although I went through a rough patch last year after losing my grandmother (whom I was taking care of) I am back at it and have lost 44 lbs so far. I have about 70 lbs left to lose, so still a long journey ahead of me!! I have 3 kids (a 5 yr old boy and twin girls who are 3) so they are way busy lol. Good luck on your journey :)