Why lift weights when losing weight if not to build muscles?



  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    if your muscles aren't sufficiently challenged while you're losing weight then they will atrophy. it's possible to lose lean body mass at the same ratio that you lose fat mass so a 30 pound loss will be 15 pounds of fat and 15 pounds of LBM. a proper lifting routine will help you spare the muscle and keep the losses primarily to fat. that would be the point


    First reply wins :)
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    You can gain mucle in a deficit. I'm quite noticeably larger but much leaner.
    sure you are...

    For those reading this. It _may_ be possible. but ONLY under 4 conditions

    1) you're very fat.
    2) you're utterly untrained.
    3) You used to be trained, but are now untrained for long period of time. muscle memory
    4) You're on gear

    And even then if these conditions are true, there is no guarantee. The simple fact is for most people losing fat requires a calorie deficit and gained muscle mass requires a calorie surplus. these are very opposing conditions.
    O rly?

    I weigh more in the first picture
    whats the tape measure difference?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    if your muscles aren't sufficiently challenged while you're losing weight then they will atrophy. it's possible to lose lean body mass at the same ratio that you lose fat mass so a 30 pound loss will be 15 pounds of fat and 15 pounds of LBM. a proper lifting routine will help you spare the muscle and keep the losses primarily to fat. that would be the point

  • DonnieFoozball
    DonnieFoozball Posts: 12 Member
    I guess I'm gonna answer the question with one of my own... (And again, I am NOT a medical, exercise, or nutrition specialist):

    What is your goal? (Ie Is your goal simply a number that indicates the earth's gravitational pull on your mass -OR- Fitness?) I for one am interested in being fit. Hence I exercise to: maintain (not that I would mind building) muscle, improved cardio/stamina/etc., increased flexibility, improved brain chemistry (I love the buzz), and I want to be able to DO things not just be 'less fat'.

    But, I'm just a guy. What do I know?
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    You can gain mucle in a deficit. I'm quite noticeably larger but much leaner.
    sure you are...

    For those reading this. It _may_ be possible. but ONLY under 4 conditions

    1) you're very fat.
    2) you're utterly untrained.
    3) You used to be trained, but are now untrained for long period of time. muscle memory
    4) You're on gear

    And even then if these conditions are true, there is no guarantee. The simple fact is for most people losing fat requires a calorie deficit and gained muscle mass requires a calorie surplus. these are very opposing conditions.
    O rly?

    I weigh more in the first picture
    whats the tape measure difference?
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    You can gain mucle in a deficit. I'm quite noticeably larger but much leaner.
    Are you sure your muscle mass is larger, or that the bodyfat dissipation has made them larger? I am pretty lean now and people say that I'm huge. But it's the bodyfat diminishment that has made the muscle look big. Not that the muscle is actually getting bigger.

    If your muscle mass is larger, than you're pretty much the exception to the rule. And congrats on your awesome genetics and tremendous work ethic!
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    You can gain mucle in a deficit. I'm quite noticeably larger but much leaner.
    sure you are...

    For those reading this. It _may_ be possible. but ONLY under 4 conditions

    1) you're very fat.
    2) you're utterly untrained.
    3) You used to be trained, but are now untrained for long period of time. muscle memory
    4) You're on gear

    And even then if these conditions are true, there is no guarantee. The simple fact is for most people losing fat requires a calorie deficit and gained muscle mass requires a calorie surplus. these are very opposing conditions.
    O rly?

    I weigh more in the first picture

    Being able to see your muscle more doesnt mean you're gaining muscle, it just means your losing fat and you're able to see whats underneath.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    You can gain mucle in a deficit. I'm quite noticeably larger but much leaner.
    Are you sure your muscle mass is larger, or that the bodyfat dissipation has made them larger? I am pretty lean now and people say that I'm huge. But it's the bodyfat diminishment that has made the muscle look big. Not that the muscle is actually getting bigger.

    If your muscle mass is larger, than you're pretty much the exception to the rule. And congrats on your awesome genetics and tremendous work ethic!
    In the past 10 months:
    Chest +1.75"
    Upper arms +2"
    Foreams +1"
    Thighs +4"

    Maybe I just have god tier bulking genetics, but I've seen other people gain muscle in a deficit as well. You defintely need to work your butt off and stay pretty spot on with your macros, but it's definitely possible.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Ok I've read a lot of threads about it and I know it's important to lift weights while losing weight so we don't lose muscles... but I've also read that you can't build muscles on a calorie deficit (although the nurse calculated that I gained 2lbs of muscles in 3.5 months, but I was obese then and 2 lbs is really not much out of 118 lbs).

    So, what's the point? Wouldn't a protein rich diet be enough to maintain our muscles then? Can someone explain to me the logic behind it?

    That would be the worst mistake possible. Your muscles are taxing on the body and require calories to exist, the body always attempts to burn them when in a calorie deficit. Eating protein but not applying frequent and adequate stress to your muscles will result in atrophy. Have you ever broken and arm or leg? You will notice that the limb that wasn't in use is noticeably smaller than the other that was free, same concept.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Wouldn't a protein rich diet be enough to maintain our muscles then?

    No, it's not.

  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    You can gain mucle in a deficit. I'm quite noticeably larger but much leaner.
    sure you are...

    For those reading this. It _may_ be possible. but ONLY under 4 conditions

    1) you're very fat.
    2) you're utterly untrained.
    3) You used to be trained, but are now untrained for long period of time. muscle memory
    4) You're on gear

    And even then if these conditions are true, there is no guarantee. The simple fact is for most people losing fat requires a calorie deficit and gained muscle mass requires a calorie surplus. these are very opposing conditions.
    O rly?

    I weigh more in the first picture

    Few explanations

    1. You're leaner so you'll give the illusion of being larger
    2. Although those could be noob gainz and you could have very well gained mass while simultaneously losing fat

    or you hopped on gear which I doubt, but is usually the other explanation when someone gains mass and sheds fat.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    In addition to muscle retention.

    Strength. You can get stronger without increasing muscle mass. Pretty useful in day to day life.

    Bones and joints both get stronger with resistance training. My posture improved and I no longer have sciatica problems.

    Some people hate cardio.

    It makes you a badass. :tongue:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Preserve muscle,
    Get stronger,
    Be awesome.
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    Ok that "fact" is purely dependent on the person and where you are at weight wise. Ive lost 100lbs and gained 14 pounds of lean muscle mass at the same time the past year and a half.

    For example when i started at 310lbs my average intake of calories and what I needed to eat to stay at 310lbs was around 3500-4000 a day. My cutting calories by 1000+ a day made for massive loss and still mroe then enough call to make gains. My muscle gains have slowed now as I get leaner but the fat keeps melting off.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Not to perpetuate the hijack, but will anyone concede that people can gain muscle in a deficit if u define gain as increased size & mass. BUT also that gain is due to the muscles being continuously swollen w/fluid. There are enough people here w/measured increases while eating a deficit. How can you tell someone who got bigger and weighs more that they didn't gain muscle when you know muscle swells with fluid? So who cares if in the strictest definition that no new muscle fibers were created, when a person measures bigger & weighs more how can they not say they gained?
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Not to perpetuate the hijack, but will anyone concede that people can gain muscle in a deficit if u define gain as increased size & mass. BUT also that gain is due to the muscles being continuously swollen w/fluid. There are enough people here w/measured increases while eating a deficit. How can you tell someone who got bigger and weighs more that they didn't gain muscle when you know muscle swells with fluid? So who cares if in the strictest definition that no new muscle fibers were created, when a person measures bigger & weighs more how can they not say they gained?

    If they said they retained water while lifting on a deficit that would be true.

    Would these same people be willing to admit they lost muscle when they took a week off and peed out all their gainz?
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Not to perpetuate the hijack, but will anyone concede that people can gain muscle in a deficit if u define gain as increased size & mass. BUT also that gain is due to the muscles being continuously swollen w/fluid. There are enough people here w/measured increases while eating a deficit. How can you tell someone who got bigger and weighs more that they didn't gain muscle when you know muscle swells with fluid? So who cares if in the strictest definition that no new muscle fibers were created, when a person measures bigger & weighs more how can they not say they gained?
    Eh, I don't think my legs are retaining 4" of fluid. That seems excessive.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I guess I'm gonna answer the question with one of my own... (And again, I am NOT a medical, exercise, or nutrition specialist):

    What is your goal? (Ie Is your goal simply a number that indicates the earth's gravitational pull on your mass -OR- Fitness?) I for one am interested in being fit. Hence I exercise to: maintain (not that I would mind building) muscle, improved cardio/stamina/etc., increased flexibility, improved brain chemistry (I love the buzz), and I want to be able to DO things not just be 'less fat'.

    But, I'm just a guy. What do I know?

    Pretty much this. Don't get too hung up in the science. Just do it because less fat, doesn't always mean "fit".
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    This again?

    Somehow, there all these humans that defy science. Someone should call a physician and study these groups of people that gain muscle in a calorie deficit. Because, it should be studied, since it cannot happen. But, since they insist, it should be carefully studied and documented for the unexplainable science that is happening in such large volumes.

    The study was already done... http://forum.bodybuilding.com/attach...1&d=1310193169

    Now, this was performed with highly trained athletes under strict controls, but it IS possible to lose weight and gain lean body mass and strength. The study is amazing though, because trained and elite athletes would have the hardest time to lose weight and gain muscle without the aid of exongenous drugs.

    To speak to an earlier comment : an untrained, very overweight person, or even someone who is severly obese, will find that building muscle while losing weight in a caloric deficit is very likely and possible. With the right protein intake and focus on diet, this individual is recruiting muscle fibers that have been underused. Caloric restriction using diet, combined with further reduction of calories through weight training will simultaneously burn excessive fat and build muscle.

    It's very easy to just give an answer that "sounds" right. With a little research, it's better to give an answer that is correct. Gotta love science!!