HELP..No Time or Money for the Gym...



  • AnaCoffee
    AnaCoffee Posts: 95 Member
    I do the Walk Away the Pounds videos. Low impact short workouts that don't hurt my back (arthritis & sciatica) or knees (sprained so many times in my teens & 20's I lost count.) HTH. :smile:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    you do not need a gym to lose the weight and get fit
    do it on your own and save your money.
  • AJinBirmingham
    Pop Pilates on youtube . . . FREE
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    Body weight exercises and calisthenics. Run from class to class. Play tag with your kid. If you have lots of homework to do on the computer, make your desk a standing desk. Do 10 air squats every 10 minutes, half hour, hour, whatever. Just be active. Exercise doesn't have to consist of a "workout".
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    how far is your school from home? if you have a bike, you can ride there. it sounds like you'll be attending class during the day, so safety should be less of an issue. also, hey, saving money on gas.

    mom is watching the kiddo? take advantage and go hit the fitness center at the school. just tell her you're staying late or going early to study.

    wake up earlier to go work out. learn to sleep faster.

    i know a lot of people say they don't have time to work out, and it's because they erroneously believe that it's not worth working out unless you are doing it for hours. it's not true. some of my most effective work outs have been under an hour, or even less than 40 minutes.
  • JustDeena
    JustDeena Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you ALL so very much. I do have access to my Universitys fitness room but I do not think they want my three year old in there. LOL that is the only problem with that as my mom will be my babysitter, but she works nights so she cant watch him more for me to work out.

    Does the university have a daycare? I am in school full time, as well as a mom to 4. I plan on hitting the gym before or after class at school. Yes if I go before that will mean I will be sitting there all nasty in workout clothes, but who cares I will be fit! :) Thankfully my kids are all in school full time so I have a little more wiggle room with my schedule.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Thank you ALL so very much. I do have access to my Universitys fitness room but I do not think they want my three year old in there. LOL that is the only problem with that as my mom will be my babysitter, but she works nights so she cant watch him more for me to work out.

    Does the university have a daycare? I am in school full time, as well as a mom to 4. I plan on hitting the gym before or after class at school. Yes if I go before that will mean I will be sitting there all nasty in workout clothes, but who cares I will be fit! :) Thankfully my kids are all in school full time so I have a little more wiggle room with my schedule.

    no, that is gross and disrespectful to the teacher and the other students. don't sit in class sweaty and smelly. bring a gym bag, and use the school locker rooms to shower and change.
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    You can get alot of jillian michaels on you tube and they help.

    I love insanity but you would have to buy that. I understand about the kids I have a 4 year old and a 18 month old and it can be difficult to find time.
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    If you want it you will make time for it. I'm with others here....I have a very busy life! Full time job, part time business, three small kids and I find the time to workout and do so much more!! The question is not really 'Do I have the time?' but rather 'How bad do I want this?'
  • johnelwell
    johnelwell Posts: 38 Member
    Please feel free to add me and I will help if I can, personally I believe you have to start with nutrition. No amount of exercise will get rid of bad nutrition.
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    Quit my gym membership 2 years ago and I'm in better shape now that I was 10 years ago.

    Running (which I know you can't do)
    DVDs in the basement
    Situps/Pushups when watching TV
    Outdoor activities on the weekends/in my free time.
  • anndisme2
    anndisme2 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I'm a mom of twin 3 y.o. and a 9 month old. It has been very hard to find time to exercise (also no time, $ or babysitter for gym), BUT it has forced me to be creative with workouts. I just do what I can, whenever I can, and often I don't know how the workout will go, or what interruption will challenge me. Today I exercised on the floor, and just let my twins join in however they felt inclined. (try leg lifts with a 35 lb toddler laying across your leg!! - I may be sore tomorrow!!l ;-) And lately, I have put music on we all dance around - much more fun than lifting weights at a gym!
    Sometimes I stretch and do floor exercises after the kids go to bed, unwinding with a favorite show. It's a treat, not a chore! (Shouldn't it be?? When we were kids, we simply "played" and got exercise without thinking about it. We adults probably need to "play" more!!)

    I have faith that you'll be creative and find time to do something you enjoy. Best of luck to you on your weight loss and also your academic goals!!!