Does anyone have tips for ditching the sugary drinks?

I've recently been drinking more Coke,sprite etc & I know it's really not good for me.I usually have two cups of tea a day with one sugar but my coke intake is getting ridiculous.Problem is I'm struggling to give it up,It gives me headaches,it's clearly not good for my teeth etc so it needs to go but It's addicting.I need to drink more water but it tastes so horrible,So has anyone got any tips for drinking more water and getting rid of the soda please?


  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I know it sounds like stupid advice, but just drink the water. You'll soon find that you'll NEED the water, over anything else. If you have the will power to ditch the soda, there's not magic trick except to just chose water. It becomes a good habit soon enough.
  • milano33
    milano33 Posts: 3
    Try replacing the soda with diet soda and the sugar in your tea with sweetener. For the water there are flavour drops (like MIO Energy).
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I turned it into a habit ... and force myself to think of how **** it is and how much it pulls me back from my goals... Really, I'd rather drink nothing than a sugary drink that takes toll on my goals
  • BeardedMike
    BeardedMike Posts: 52 Member
    Yeah i agree. I never used to able to drink water on its own, and would drink a lot of soda type drinks. There is no magic way other than just doing it. These days I NEED the water and don't drink any kind of soda drink. Water, water, maybe the occasional juice and more water.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm not a person who can quit cold turkey, so I might phase them out by starting to drink them every other day for a few days/weeks or perhaps try to drink 1 cup a day and then go it that way. But if you can do it cold turkey, more power to you.
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    Try chilled water with mint and lime or lemon. Or you can make ice cubes with anything you like like berries, cucumber, herbs etc.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I still struggle with this since I am a coca cola addict. I had one today and it was divine! But here's what I have been doing to keep my cravings at bay. Drink iced tea instead. I know it sounds strange, but it really does help the cravings. A lot of people I know have done this too and agree it works. Just unsweetened ice tea. Add lemon or even orange if you want. Another thing that's helped. Go to the store and buy a Soda Stream. It's the best thing I've ever bought. I just reduce some juice (any kind really) until the mix has thickened and the flavor has intensified or I just make a homemade syrup from fresh fruit. Then you'll take 1/2 of you concentrated juice and 1/2 soda stream fizzy water and you have a homemade soda! The possibilities for flavors are endless. I've even made my own cola syrup before. I also use my soda stream for batter. You get this great fish and chips like batter if you use fizzy water to make a batter and you usually can forgo the flour and eggs.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    can you tolerate fizzy water with no sugar? it comes with flavors. it might take some time to get over the lack of sweet but for me anyway, it's really about the fizz more than the sugary part.

    you could try adding a splash of lime or cranberry (unsweetened) to some water for a little flavor.
  • battyg13
    battyg13 Posts: 508 Member
    Will power :-)
    If you want to do something then do it. its the best way.
  • Jennyflies
    Jennyflies Posts: 94 Member
    I started drinking diet soda's then phased them out with crystal lights. Now whenever I have juice or a reg soda I think it tastes gross. Ive never been a fan or reg water...Im trying to phase myself out of the crystal lights too...its hard! :)
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I find that by using an occasional Crystal Light single in a 32 oz bottle of water - it breaks up the monotony of water. Some people use fresh squeezed lemon or lime to jazz up their water also. Along with what others have already said, think about all of the unknowns that go into those types of beverages. It's a transition, but you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • agzdaredz
    agzdaredz Posts: 1
    Sugar free drinks!!!! I buy the cheap ones love em!
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 172 Member
    I absolutely couldn't stand water until I filled up my canelback with it and made sure it was the only drink I had at work. The sippy on it helped me to drink more... No idea how that works, haha. Stopped buying sodas at the house too and now water is my obsession. Occasionally I do need to mix it up though either with alittle powerade, orange tea or some herbal tea. As long as the main drink is water you will be good with an occassional juice drink
  • Kath1391
    Kath1391 Posts: 138
    Thank you to everyone for the advice! Definitely give them all a try :)
  • OtakuMusician
    OtakuMusician Posts: 66 Member
    Every time you crave a soda, or any type of sugary drink, drink water. After a while when your body has those cravings, you'll want water instead.
  • nashiyashi
    nashiyashi Posts: 17
    This is one of those things that I think you just have to quit "cold turkey" style, I truly believe that sugar is an addiction and the more you become accustomed to eating sweet things the more you crave sweet things! I never drank soda but I grew up drinking juice a lot and I always needed some kind of sweet drink. When I got to college I started only drinking water as a way to save money and now when I drink juice/fruit punch at parties etc. I can only have a few sips before I feel like it is too sweet, I have even been known to pour myself half a cup of juice and fill the rest with tap water to "dilute it" which causes people to look at me oddly :P

    I would recommend giving up all drinks but water as well as limiting other sweet treats for a while, you will probably go through withdrawel symptoms from the lack of sugar and feel very sluggish for the first week or so but after that you should start to feel more normal and like you don't even need those things any more! Good luck!
  • nashiyashi
    nashiyashi Posts: 17
    I would also avoid artifically sweeted drinks, as there has been research showing these actually stimulate the appetite to crave sugars in their own way, better to just give it up altogether imho, but it's up to you!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    water. lots of it.
    also when u log and see how many cals in drinks u will be so pissed u wasted valuable calories on drinks!
  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    Try something flavoured, or diluting juice, or herbal tea?

    I love the Mizzumint mint flavoured water when I'm doing a fast day, it's something that's lovely and refreshing on it's own but doesn't really "go" with food.

    Plain water is much nicer chilled or with ice.
  • Gmtribble90
    Gmtribble90 Posts: 463 Member
    I really like the Metromint waters. They come in a variety of flavors and have a hint of mint in them to jazz things up. Just make sure you drink them cold.

    They really helped me kick my habit, along with the occasional Crystal Light :)