Jillian Michael's 90 day body revolution

Hey guys! I just started on Monday JM's Body Revolution, I am looking for folks who have done this program or other JM programs and want to share there experiences! I am finding it pretty good so far, no complaints other than I AM SO SORE. Has anyone completed this program? What are your results like? Any tips? Comments

Just looking for fellow JM fans! Add me and I'll try to encourage you, if you return the favour ;)


  • bjlovesjb
    bjlovesjb Posts: 21 Member
    I have done her 30 day shred before I got pregnant and saw great results! I have more to work with after having a baby, so i bought her Body Revolution! My husband and I are on week 2 and love it so far! Good luck to you and I look forward to seeing and hearing about your progress!
  • clare4b
    clare4b Posts: 9
    Good luck to you guys too! Do you know how to calculate how many calories you burn in the workouts?
  • fourleafclover17
    I am in my first week of Body Revolution as well . I have been trying to figure out the calories burned but haven't found any great information. A friend is giving me their old bodymedia next week so I should be getting a better answer on calories burned. I know it varies by person but it could at least give you an idea.
  • JennyNotSoSkinny
    JennyNotSoSkinny Posts: 97 Member
    hi, I completed it in 2012 and lost close to 40 lbs. it's really effective!!!! I did make the mistake of adding strength outside of her program. she says strength is a no no but cardio is ok. I'm redoing the program again just adding cardio and I lost 9 lbs in my first week. I did the 30ds a few times and I loved the results also. Jillian is a high recommendation on my list.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Here are my results:


    After completing BR I did various Jillian DVD's for about a month and lost more weight. So, pretty much she has built my body, lol. In my profile pics is a more recent photo that shows my abs, if you click on it it will blow up to a full body pic. I cropped out my mess of a house so it stretched out a bit weird and makes me look wider. I have to reload the original pic becuase it's crazy!
  • dtroia
    dtroia Posts: 4
    Hey all! How are you logging this?? I've been just doing cardiovascular high impact
    For 30 minutes. Suggestions!?
  • Betzymyfitnesspal
    Betzymyfitnesspal Posts: 1 Member
    I started workout #7 yesterday. I'm so pumped and looking forward to see the results after the 90 days. I'm half way through!!! I'm not worrying about the scale right now because I have 80 pounds to lose but the results in front of the mirror are outstanding. My husband is amazed at all the changes in my body. My arms are smaller and I had huge arms! My legs are smaller and they were huge! Everyday I look forward to workout with Jillian because she makes it fun, she is very encouraging and doesn't let you quit. I noticed that exercises that I couldn't even do at all I'm doing with perfect form sometimes advanced. I'm noticing my core being stronger, arms, legs, you name it...every part of your body gets a workout. Don't skip or quit any workout, do them all in the order she suggests and don't miss any, you won't regret it. It took me over a month to finally notice the changes in my body when I looked in the mirror but it is so worth it!!! Keep on keeping on!!! I'm also planning on doing the whole 90 days again but advanced version (not modifying the moves)...to more workouts to come....yeah!!! ♥♥♥ I'm so pumped that I'm thinking about adding jogging on the treadmil for 30 minutes every day....
  • pepgab
    pepgab Posts: 80 Member
    I started phase two yesterday. To got groups and search Jillian michaels body revolution. There is a group formed you can join. Feel free to friend me.
  • LindsayLL30
    LindsayLL30 Posts: 154 Member
    I got the DVD from a friend, and would love to start ASAP, but I dpont have anything that goes along with it like the schedule, would anyone be willing to MSG or email it to me?
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    WEEK 1
    Mon - Workout 1
    Tues- Workout 2
    Wed - Cardio 1
    Thurs- Workout 1
    Fri- Workout 2
    Sat- Cardio 1
    Sun- REST

    WEEK 2
    repeat week 1

    WEEK 3 &4
    Cardio 1
    Cardio 1

    WEEK 5&6
    Cardio 2
    Cardio 2

    WEEK 7&8
    Cardio 2
    Cardio 2

    WEEK 9&10
    Cardio 3
    Cardio 3

    WEEK 11&12
    Cardio 3
    Cardio 3

    Apparently, there is actually an extra week in there somewhere to get to 90 days but I messed that up! Anyone care to clarify, I am starting it again in a couple of weeks.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I just finished the 30DS and have started Ripped in 30. Jillian drives me nuts but I love her at the same time.
  • ajrandall82
    I completed it last year and I loved it plus the results were amazing! Even though I lost about 5lbs, I was tone and lost several inches. Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I've done 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, Kickbox FastFix, 6 Week 6 Pack, and Killer Abs. I also have her Yoga Meltdown DVD and will do one of those workouts from time to time. I'm doing Body Revolution with a revised schedule. I'm in maintenance, not trying to lose any more weight, but maintain the muscle I've gained & not put on more fat, so I work out 3-4 times per week. My Body Revolution began in January and will last through June, so basically 6 months rather than 3. I've not blogged about JMBR, but I did blog about several of the other DVDs I've done. My blog is here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/mariposa224

    ETA: I've just started Phase 3 this week, so it's workouts 9, 10 & cardio 3. 9 & 10 are pretty intense, but I think that, by the time you get there, you should be ready for it. lol Not fun, but worth it.
  • Annie83uk
    Annie83uk Posts: 128
    i am half way through, just started workout 7 yesterday and doing workout 8 today, it does get harder but your body will also get stronger, i am amazed at the change in my body and how flexible i have become. the stiff legs when i get up or breathlessness when i go up stairs is now a thing of the past, her food is delicious to, i do sneak in my own meals sometimes but still try to stick to the calories. i would reccomend it to everyone, i get some many comments at work telling me i have lost loads of weight, i have lost just over a stone but i guess cause i'm toned it looks alot more :bigsmile:
  • chicaescocesa
    chicaescocesa Posts: 1 Member
    I have completed the 30 day shred and lost 12lbs (doing weightwatchers as well). I kind of fell of the wagon for a few weeks after a family holiday (!) but I'm now going to order the body revolution to give myself another kick-start! Can anyone give an example of the kind of meals/snacks in the meal plan? How many calories a day is it and would it fit in with WW?
  • mcouturezz
    mcouturezz Posts: 145
    So cool to see ppl doing the same program, feel free to add me if you like :)
    I am on day 3 / 90 .. I really like it so far, Jillian's a beast!
    I log as circuit training I think the calories burned look pretty fair

    For those who are further in the program how do you like the cardio routines ?
    I just did 2 rounds of Les Mills Combat I am a bit scared I will get bored with her cardio any suggestions ?

    Talk to you soon and good luck to you ladies !
  • daynaranae
    daynaranae Posts: 9 Member
    I have not completed the whole program, but am on Phase 1, Week 3. I am following the schedule and loving it! I too, am very sore, but am already seeing changes. My friend is on Phase 3. She is in really good shape, already, and says she feels very challenged, but also feels that the program allows you to build your strength. I'm really excited about this work out. Good luck!
  • sgaindx
    sgaindx Posts: 19 Member
    I just finished week 4 and feel great and feel like I notice a difference. I initially lost about 4lbs within the first few days but that went back up and I am at my starting weight. Did anyone expeirence this also? I have read so many reviews and seen pictures of the results and was hoping I would have lost a little bit within the first 4 weeks.

    Another question, I am travelling for a week and taking the workouts with me on my IPAD. I wont have readily access to weights but thought it would be a good idea to just do the workouts without weights and then repeat the week. Would people recommend repeating week 4 now or starting out week 5 and then repeating it with weights next week.

    help and motivation, thanks everyone!
  • trawji
    trawji Posts: 3 Member
    I have a quick question - what other equipment do you need to do this 90 day body revolution? In terms of weights? etc?? I know it comes with the resistance bands, but what other equipment is necessary??