Protein powder

Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
edited January 29 in Food and Nutrition
Im looking into buying a low carb protein powder and was wondering what one you use and suggest.


  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Do you know how much protein is too much when trying to lose weight?
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    no such thing as too much protein to lose weight (well ok, if you drink 20 protein shakes per day that could be bad) but you can have up to twice your body weight in grams of protein (ei: if you weigh 150 lbs, you can have up to 300 grams of protein, which is a crazy amount!)

    Protein helps build muscle, building muscle burns fat.

    Women should aim for 80% of their body weight in grams

    You weight x 0.8 = how many grams of protein you need
    ex: 150 x 0.8 = 120 grams

    also, you wont bulk up unless you have the testosterone levels of a man.
  • ClarisRN
    ClarisRN Posts: 5 Member
    The only thing I can say about "too much protein" is watch out if -- again IF -- you have kidney issues. Your kidneys may not be able to metabolize the large amount of protein and can cause you to be dehydrated as it tries to get rid of the ketones your body produces from protein. I use whey protein. "A scoop of whey protein isolate contains 90 percent or more protein and only trace amounts of carbohydrates." Hope that helps!
  • angloaz
    angloaz Posts: 5
    I've been using it for a month or so but then I stopped because I became afraid that it might make one of my organs dynsfunctional. I have been reading about healthy people developing kidney diseases and what not... I know I shouldn't be beliving everything I read, but it just sounded a bit risky so I prefered not to take the risk.

    For those of you who uses it on a daily basis, are there really risks or is it possible to develop a disease by consuming protein powder to build muscles?
  • PamShebamm
    PamShebamm Posts: 54
    Eat the Bear has no carbs and tastes great.
  • ClarisRN
    ClarisRN Posts: 5 Member
    With any medicines, herbs, supplements (protein included) there are risks and benefits. Checking with your doctor is recommended, especially if you have a family history of any kind of heart disease and/or kidney or liver problems.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    Right now I am using RAW Meal , it keeps me full, its organic and full of actual nutrients.
  • fcevallos
    fcevallos Posts: 44 Member
    Another vote for Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey. TONS of flavors and it tastes great!
  • ska41
    ska41 Posts: 15 Member
    ....and yet another vote for Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey. The Double Chocolate is yummy and it mixes really well.
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