Anyone with low potassium?



  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,650 Member
    I have had low potassium for a while now but, doctor called and told me that it was severely low and and upped the dosage from one pill (Rx) to FOUR! :noway:

    If you have low potassium, what do you eat that helps up it? I am on a Keto diet so preferably nothing with a lot of carbs. I would appreciate any thoughts though.

    Unfortunately for you, two foods which are excellent for Potassium are high in carbs - bananas and potatoes.

    Potassium is an essential mineral, it is extremely difficult to not get enough in the day, if you are that low and the doctor has put you on that high a dosage, you are seriously lacking in Potassium in your diet.

    Potassium is the mineral that regulates the heartrate and lack of it has been the cause of some deaths due to certain diets.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,650 Member
    I assume you changed your MFP settings so you can track your potassium levels? Low carb diets can throw your electrolytes out of balance, so it is a good idea to track them.

    It would do little good, as potassium content is optional on food labels :(

    I find that annoying that it isn't labelled on food, for something so important it is a mystery why it is not shown :(
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    I assume you changed your MFP settings so you can track your potassium levels? Low carb diets can throw your electrolytes out of balance, so it is a good idea to track them.

    It would do little good, as potassium content is optional on food labels :(

    Im tracking potassium. It just takes a little more effort to get started. I often google for potassium content in the foods I eat.

    OP feel free to check my & my friend's diaries - (she is knowledgeable and helpful)
  • js3013
    js3013 Posts: 7 Member
    Neither of these contain tons of potassium, you'll still need other sources, but MFP says that I get 170 mg from a variation of bulletproof coffee that I make. 8 oz unsweetened almond milk, 6 oz coffee, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, and chocolate stevia to taste. Make sure the coffee is hot and blend it. This has 1 net carb. It is rather high calorie (290) but this is my breakfast.

    I also get 22 mg of potassium according to MFP from an apple cider vinegar drink. Make sure to use the raw apple cider vinegar with the "mother" in it and shake it well. I drink two tablespoons in a sixteen ounce glass of water with berry flavored stevia to taste. This contains no carbs at all.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    bananas are the best!
  • acemanx
    Honestly, from the research I've been able to find, we need anywhere from 3500 to 4500mg of potassium a day on our keto diet. I've been using our myfitnesspal app to keep track, basically in the morning with my breakfast I pour 3 servings of salt substitute I found at Kroger that rocks 630mg each serving into 12 oz water and down it, the repeat at night, voila 3700mg potassium. We also need sodium, and a lot of it, 5000mg, and magnesium, 400mg. I do the same with salt, and only do 2 servings for a total of 1100mg, plus the 3500 I ingest with foods, drinks, and salt on my food during the day, and a single magnesium pill for my 400mg.. That's how i get my electrolytes ;)
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Tomato paste and tomato sauces are especially high in Potassium. And, throw away your regular table salt (Sodium Chloride), and buy a Sodium-free substitute (Potassium Chloride) for use at home.

    Also, just do a Google search on Potassium foods.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,650 Member
    I have had low potassium for a while now but, doctor called and told me that it was severely low and and upped the dosage from one pill (Rx) to FOUR! :noway:

    If you have low potassium, what do you eat that helps up it? I am on a Keto diet so preferably nothing with a lot of carbs. I would appreciate any thoughts though.

    Potassium is for the regulation of heartbeat, it is extremely dangerous to have low Potassium in one's body.

    Bananas, potatoes, eggs and salmon are good sources of potassium.

    I appreciate the diet you are on but ask youself this, if that same diet has caused you to be low on Potassium, then is it a good diet?