do i force myself to eat?

Recently going through a break up and i find myself not hungry at all to the point of even forgetting food all together... usually im having one meal in the evening and maybe a fruit to snack during the day. Ive dropped nearly 10lbs in the matter of 10days.
Ive started making myself eat and i become full fast then nausea kicks in soon after.
If. not hungry do i force myself to eat? it feels wrong but also wrong not to be eating :-/
need advise!!! thank you

please excuse any spelling or grammer error


  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    First sorry about what you are going through. Break ups are icky :sad:

    Second, I don't know if I'd force myself to eat, but I might try and see if I could keep down a nutritional shake like "ensure" to at least make sure your body is getting what it needs to function each day. Don't let this behavior go much longer than 2-3 weeks, if does I think you might consider talking to someone about it because it's really not healthy for a long term thing!
  • weightlifter01
    weightlifter01 Posts: 564 Member
    Yes. Otherwise your body is just catabolizing itself - meaning that it is eating your muscles. You need to eat please
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm sorry for what you are going through--that is hard.

    Please take care of yourself though. If eating too much at once is hard, try to nibble food all day here and there. Nuts, fruits and maybe a little jerky to give your body something to work with. You don't want to be losing muscle. Take care.
  • theepervette
    theepervette Posts: 638 Member
    You guys are so right i sont want to lose muscle!!! :(
    im still lifting weights and squating will this help keep them ?!
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    Eat. You don't have to eat until you're full and feel sick, but just eat something. Set a time for yourself to have a small breakfast/lunch/dinner.
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    I have two suggestions - drink shakes or find snacks that are high in calories but very small, like those dried fruit & nut mixtures. They have loads of calories in just a small serving, but also lots of healthy fats and sugars, so you can snack on a handful and make up calories fast, without feeling terribly full.

    The shakes - do some research online or go to your local health store, you don't want the ones that help you lose weight, you want protein and nutrition ones.

    Good luck and be sure to think only of "me me me" - I've just gone through a breakup myself and every day is better! Since I got dumped I lost 16 lbs and I cannot even tell you how much it helped me feel better :) *hugs*
    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    #1 I am like you, when upset, food holds no interest for me. You are lucky that you are not the type to overeat when unhappy. Otherwise you'd put on 30 lbs before you knew it had happened.

    Having said that, i suggest you concentrate on just 2 food groups, adequate protein and healthy fats.

    You can enjoy avocado, full fat peanut butter and as have been mentioned--nutritiuos shakes. Put yourself on an eating schedule and force yourself to follow it.

    Good Luck, when i am nauseated, it is difficult to swallow food but somehow you must. Wishing You all the best ????????????
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    You guys are so right i sont want to lose muscle!!! :(
    im still lifting weights and squating will this help keep them ?!

    Try and make sure you're getting adequate protein. Perhaps have a couple of shakes during the day if you don't feel like eating. This should help prevent much muscle wastage.

    Hopefully your appetite will start getting back to normal on its own soon.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    You do not want to lose muscle! Actually weight lifting on such a low cal diet will prove catabolic.Just drink protein shakes or smoothies if nothing else.I am sure you know how difficult it is to build muscles.Also remember that such periods of no hunger are usually followed by mad hunger pangs when you eventually start feeling better.Any weight lost in an unhealthy manner will find its way back so its better you eat now and get control.I am sorry you are going through this :flowerforyou:
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I get like you when I am super stressed and tend to not eat. I know exactly that nausea that you are talking about when you try to eat. Maybe you can pick up some protein shakes just to get something in you.

    I am sorry you are going through this.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    You guys are so right i sont want to lose muscle!!! :(
    im still lifting weights and squating will this help keep them ?!
    not as much as food.

    best of luck with it. grief sucks, but the body still needs fuel to run... if you're working out, you're just making that deficit larger.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Ok, your doing it all wrong. OP. really.

    FIRST, no one wants to hear your break up pity party with some lame guy that we don't care about at all.

    SECOND, yes force yourself to eat more. try this.


    THIRD, what we DO want to hear about is your awesome ink there. About your squats, what else are you doing. it really wouldn't hurt to be a little more flirty too. I mean why not, you have an entire internet hanging on your every word.
  • phw426
    phw426 Posts: 92 Member
    you should eat and make sure you are at least drinking..10 pounds in 10 days has to be you are not getting enough fluids...try something like cottage cheese and peaches that is not heavy...break-ups are tough so be sure to do something for yourself and be around other people....this will help you get your mind off of it and time does heal...
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I have had similar happen. Instead of stress eating, I stop eating at times of high stress. It is like my body cuts out the want of food so I can focus on other things more. However, you DO need to eat!

    1) Eat smaller meals more often for a time until you can increase your portions. As you do this, you should stop feeling nauseated as often.

    2) If you really don't want to eat, then drink those calories! Smoothies, chocolate milk, and the like can at least get something into your system.

    3) If your body suddenly says "I want cheese" then listen to it. If you want it, then you will more likely be able to eat it without the nausea.

    4) Some of the nausea could be from being too hungry. I get this if I skip a meal.

    Remember though... much of this is only until your body gets back to "normal" and you can eat like you "should". It is to try and get yourself to be able to stomach food again and get past the current issues.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I don't eat when I'm stressed or miserable, so I totally understand what you're going through. During my last breakup, it took a few weeks and that was with my friends bringing me food every day and stuff.

    Honestly, I wouldn't focus so much on the food issue. Try to eat little things throughout the day if you can because if you are hungry or sluggish it will be that much harder to feel better. But, instead of beating yourself up over food, figure out what you need to do to feel better emotionally. Go out with friends, try something new, take on a new things that are distracting and make you feel better at the same time. Eventually, you'll get your appetite back.
  • theepervette
    theepervette Posts: 638 Member
    Thank you all soo much for the helpful replies!! what is. good protein shake to drunk? anyone tried the ones from trader joes?
  • RNelson46
    RNelson46 Posts: 5
    I found a pretty good high protein shake. Premier Protein, they sell it at Sams club and Costco.
  • theepervette
    theepervette Posts: 638 Member
    thanks girl, but i dont go to costco or sams ..
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thank you all soo much for the helpful replies!! what is. good protein shake to drunk? anyone tried the ones from trader joes?
    never tried any from TJ, but I can recommend anything from Optimum Nutrition. GNC/Vitamin Shoppe should have it.
  • favhrnstr
    favhrnstr Posts: 55
    I think the shake idea is a good one, but if that's pretty much all you're eating, make sure it's a meal replacements kind (like Ensure or other brands at the grocery store). Some of these even have more protein in them. A protein-based drink that's for recovery/bulking isn't complete enough for longer term meal replacements. Good luck!