Um first time questioner person...ish :)

So I was curious if any one knows or has tried this....I heard that if you wrap your stomach or legs or whatever part of your body has fat on it , it will help burn weight quicker?(by pushing the fat against the muscle or something???) ive never attempted it but im curious because they have like the stomach wrap things for working out or what not...Sorry if this sounds stupid ive tried looking it up online but not having too much luck....thanks!


  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    If this is true the first thing i'm going to wrap is my big fat head.. heh
  • bowofcupid
    I'm no expert, but I don't think they help burn fat any quicker. I think that clay wraps only help you lose inches by removing toxins from your body and making the fat cells move closer together, but they don't help you lose weight.

    Perhaps they would be good to use in conjunction with healthy eating and exercise in order to give you a kickstart in terms of loss in inches, but they are quite expensive.

    Hope this helps :)
  • Maggie1960
    From a medical view point, it's rubbish. Wrapping only condenses the flesh temporarily, there's no permanent loss. It's an expensive method with no long term result - stick with healthy eating and exercise!
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I would recommend a clay wrap only if you have a special occasion coming up and maybe wanted to look a bit leaner for the day but they don't last and they only remove inches by removing toxins. They are quite good for your skin though! The belts that people wear at the gym are normally more for lumbar support when lifting, but you can get the ones that heat up - again these work by making you sweat and heating up the area - couldn't tell you whether the heating helps or not, but anything that increases blood flow would again help the body get rid of toxins.
    You could always go for a massage as that increases blood flow (and would feel really nice after your workout), but then I'm biased, because I'm a masseuse! :wink:
  • somethingvague
    but then I'm biased, because I'm a masseuse! :wink:

    I demand you move next door to me and be my best friend! Haha
  • Purpleglowingsmurf
    Jtsmou: haha...hey might be a great idea for me as well! :P:
  • Purpleglowingsmurf
    What exactly is a clay wrap?? and im actually trying to tone more then loose weight i have lost several inches but i honeslty have only a little bit of knowlege of toning and losing weight...i have a great friend who is helping me with learning and what not...but im trying to find ways to tone better...(since i have had 3 kids!) I have been eating healthier and working out!!!! But! im stuck at a weight i always have a problem with getting past! im trying to get get that little extra boost to get me going again....any suggestions?
  • Purpleglowingsmurf
    Haha sorry if i seem too much like a *noob* truth is...i still am! hah....but hey we all need to learn to know how to succeed (and go to bed at normal times so their not talking jibberish and not spelling correctly lol!!! im going on 3 am and cannot sleep!!! i hate infomercials!!! im tired of seeing skinny people! lol)
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Years ago there was a big fad of using a lotion with herbs then the wrapping in celophane but it was part of a spa treatment - don't know if this is in practice any longer. It did nothing but help to give a similar effect of a wet sauna. It did feel good but no long term effects or weight reduction just felt good to pamper. :flowerforyou:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    What exactly is a clay wrap?? and im actually trying to tone more then loose weight i have lost several inches but i honeslty have only a little bit of knowlege of toning and losing weight...i have a great friend who is helping me with learning and what not...but im trying to find ways to tone better...(since i have had 3 kids!) I have been eating healthier and working out!!!! But! im stuck at a weight i always have a problem with getting past! im trying to get get that little extra boost to get me going again....any suggestions?

    A clay wrap is literally being wrapped in clay. Like a face mask over your body, then you're wrapped in plastic and blankets to keep warm. They use it at spa's/beauty salons to detox and shrink you. The result is only temporary. So great for an occasion when you want to lose an inch to look better in that dress for the wedding. But once you start sozzling wine etc, it goes back on :bigsmile:

    If you want to tone your muscles, then you need to weight train.

    If you want ot lose fat, you need to eat less and exercise more.

    That's a very simplified version, but those 2 things work quite separately. This site is full of information, but I suggest you start with this post which is very informative about muscles and fat. Get your reading glasses on, its a long one!! :smokin: :wink:

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • jflynch45
    Its a total scam.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    If this is true the first thing i'm going to wrap is my big fat head.. heh

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout DVD is awesome (really unbelievable) for toning and losing inches...and it works quickly if you stick with it. I thought I would NEVER see my abs again after having a baby....this DVD made it happen :)
  • nicoledc
    Been there, done that, doesn't work !:love:
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Oh seriously, clay wrap "removes toxins". Um, no, unless you mean blackheads from your pores.

    If anything, it dehydrates you and makes you lose weight that way. Temporarily.

    Really, it's a great big muddy placebo, but if it makes you feel good....

    If you want to go to that fancy charity ball your money would be better spent on a good quality girdle, or, better yet, on the charity :wink:
