Wondering about people who eat the same foods

Hi I was wondering who out there tends to eat the same foods every day. It would seem like a really easy way to lose weight. Let me rephrase that lol. It seems like it would be easier not easy. Anyone who does this? What is your mindset? I wonder if I could do this. I know people dont eat the "exact" same foods everyday but what about same lunches or dinners etc....curious :)


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It's actually been proven that eating the same foods everyday can be helpful to weight loss because it takes away the temptation to over eat when offered lots of choices. That said you have to make those repetitive foods good nutritional choices in order to get the nutrients you need.
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
    I do fairly often, at least for breakfast and lunch. Earlier this week was all banana's and almond milk for breakfast. I does make it easier to track. Not as much hunting and searching for accurate calorie counts :)
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    I eat almost the exact same basic meals for breakfast and lunch every day.

    Breakfast - 6 egg whites, one whole egg, one piece of toast with sugar-free jelly

    Lunch - 1 cup whole grain pasta or brown rice, 4-6 oz lean protein, 1-2 cups vegetables

    To change it up, I add in different spices such as red pepper flakes, garlic, etc. to make the meals seem different week to week and day to day. Also, I vary the types of fats I get such as adding sesame oil to my lunch to make it seem more like Chinese food.

    Dinner changes day to day since my wife and I split the cooking duties but it always has vegetables and lean protein.
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
    It's actually been proven that eating the same foods everyday can be helpful to weight loss because it takes away the temptation to over eat when offered lots of choices. That said you have to make those repetitive foods good nutritional choices in order to get the nutrients you need.

    This too!
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    It's my world. Welcome to it. Most of my days are pretty much the same. PB sandwich first thing, oatmeal next, sammie with turkey next. No variation til dinner and I try to design dinners that are close macro wise. I prelog everything so I know what to expect. Then when I get a bit hungry (like I did this morning) I know if I have room for a little snack and can stay within my allotment. I know where and how I can treat myself (can I splurge on the hot fudge sundae at McD's or will an ice cream cone suffice).

    Having boring taste buds helps immensely. Slow and steady may win the raise, but dull and boring never hurt either. :)
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    During the weekdays my breakfasts, snacks and lunch look more or less the same. It's not until dinner/dessert that there's any variety. I noticed I tend to "eat to live" more during these days than "live to eat." Unfortunately, it's more or less the opposite during the weekends . . .
  • Class_Act
    Class_Act Posts: 18 Member
    i am so sick of brown rice it isn't even funny -_-
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    I normally eat the same snacks, lunches, and breakfasts...I have a set of 3 or 4 different ones that I use interchangeably though. That way I still get variety without breaking the bank. I do it more for the convenience.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    M-F 6am-4pm is usually the same thing everyday if I went to the store and prepared my foods. Dinner is always different. I do it for convenience.
  • RubyRunner14
    RubyRunner14 Posts: 148 Member
    I eat the same things practically every day. I go to those foods because they are most "useful" to me and I have memorized their nutritional facts/calories. I sometimes get sick of the same thing every day, but when I go out to eat or something (usually 1x a month), I appreciate what a treat it is that much more.
  • Irontri7
    Irontri7 Posts: 143 Member
    I prep most of my food for the week in advance. My breakfast and snacks are pretty much the same every week day. It's really easy way for me to know what I'm going to be eating without having to rely on MFP to calculate the numbers for me, since I know them all.
  • Kaymegan90
    Kaymegan90 Posts: 35
    I rotate through some basic lunches - generally 3-4 options. And for breakfast, I'm always going between oatmeal, cereal, and avocado toast (with or without some salsa and eggs). Mine is more for budgeting purposes - it's more affordable to buy one bag of oatmeal and just eat it every morning instead of buying 2-3 breakfast items and rotating and always buying more of something to complement it. I'm also generally a picky eater, so when I find something that works, I stick to it.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    I eat almost the exact same basic meals for breakfast and lunch every day.

    Breakfast - 6 egg whites, one whole egg, one piece of toast with sugar-free jelly

    Lunch - 1 cup whole grain pasta or brown rice, 4-6 oz lean protein, 1-2 cups vegetables

    ^^that's a good idea. You can at least swap out your fruits, veggies and proteins to make sure you maintain balance and variety to get all of your nutrients, and then you have dinner to play with.
    I almost always eat the same breakfast, but my lunches and dinners vary.
  • go_iris
    go_iris Posts: 23 Member
    yup this has proven to be super helpful for me...I take Sundays to go food shopping and cook my meals for the week and put in tupperware. This way I am setting myself up for success and don't have to think on the spot about what to eat because it's all set ahead of time. Deff recommending to try the approach!!!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I do fairly often, at least for breakfast and lunch. Earlier this week was all banana's and almond milk for breakfast. I does make it easier to track. Not as much hunting and searching for accurate calorie counts :)

    Agreed. I batch cook lunches, and so I just freeze it in portions and then heat one up each day. Some people hate eating the same thing and get bored. I also tend to go out to eat with friends a few times a week, so I don't always have the same thing for dinner or on the weekends. Plus, eating mostly the same thing every day means that I have a pretty good idea of how many will be left for dinner on a given night when I'm going out, and I can try to plan ahead for it.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I plan my meals the day before and it just makes it so easy to just copy my breakfast and lunch from one day to the next. I makes it easier to grocery shop as I know I just need a few things. Dinner is generally different as my wife and kids like variety.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Because I do not like preparing food, I eat practically the same thing. I change up on the weekends. I prepare my food, put them in baggies and pop in freezer. I even order practically the same thing when I eat out.
  • JessiesGirls520
    I eat the same food almost every day. If I go out to eat with friends, go out on a date, etc. I'll eat something different but 9 times out of 10 if I'm making it myself it is the same food. I really like what I eat so I don't mind eating it every day. I never feel hungry and I throw away less food. I'm very picky so it is easier for me to this.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Pretty much I eat the same thing for breakfast, snack, lunch. Dinner is always a little different.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Breakfast, morning, afternoon and evening snacks tend to be almost identical day-in and day-out for me. Morning snack gets changed up every once in a while, but its not a daily change, it's a once-a-week type of change. Lunch and dinner get changed up (usually dinner is something different then lunch is dinner leftovers :laugh:).

    I do this for a couple reasons:
    1. I know what I like and I like to eat things that I like.
    2. It makes it hella easy to plan out my day. And even easier to keep the routine of packing my food for the workday.
    3. It keeps the grocery list relatively short.