Not New, but looking for New Friends. :)

kbtommi Posts: 45 Member
Hi All,

I've been on MFP for over a year now and have lost over 30 lbs. since I started using it. I added a few people before, but they always seemed to go *poof* on me. :sad: :brokenheart: I'm on here daily and doing this for the long-haul, so I'm looking for friends who are committed to doing this long-term. I'm over-40, but I don't feel like it. :noway: :bigsmile: I'm married & the mom of a 13 year old daughter & I travel when I can.

I look forward to meeting new friends & giving & getting support to stay on track! :bigsmile:


  • twosixeight
    I just started but I promise I won't "Poof", because I'm in this for the long haul!!! I'll send you a friends request. :)
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    sending request
    im 37 in sept
    have a 6 year old daughter
    ive lost 32 pounds in 6 months
    ive lost 4 inches of f waist
    over 10 percent of body weight
    ihav e like 22 more pounds to be at goal weight then maintain......
    2 more pounds and ill be out of obesity categoey an d into over weight
  • eandbmom
    eandbmom Posts: 51 Member
    I just started about a week ago, but I'm in it for the long haul. Sending friend request.
  • afoz1990
    afoz1990 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in it for the long haul as well! Feel free to add me, I'm 22 trying to help myself and my parents (also on here) get back on track!!
  • MrsCampbell_21
    MrsCampbell_21 Posts: 17 Member
    I've been on for about 4 months now. I disappeared for a little while due to some life changes, but I'm back in full force and i'm here to stay! I need all the motivation and support I can get! Let's all help each other :)
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 546 Member
    I've been on here for over a year and a half, and I have never gone *poof! :) I just turned 40 last year, have two young sons, and the heart disease in my family (lost my dad when he was 38) made me want to get healthy for them. I managed to lose 30 lbs, but it's crept back up, so I'm struggling to get back down. I love to exercise now, and I'm vowing today to start tracking my food regularly again. Feel free to add me!
  • Slulik
    Slulik Posts: 79 Member
    Would love to have some friends on here to help hold me accountable!!!!

    Adding some folks as well!
  • kbtommi
    kbtommi Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for the all the FR's! It's nice to make new friends who are active on here. :bigsmile:
  • misti3176
    misti3176 Posts: 15 Member
    I too am new (I had been a member before & lost 30+ pounds but life happened). I'm definitely in it for the long haul. I just turned 37 a little over a week ago, am married and have a 6 y/o son.

    I'd love some new friends to help keep me motivated & that I can do the same for.

    Send me a request!
  • Char_225
    Char_225 Posts: 8 Member
    hello all ,

    I have been on MFP for a few months and looking for new friends. From Tacoma Wa! 34 years old with 3 kids. My weight loss goal is 250 pds. I started at 346.5. look forward to going on this journey with you! :wink:
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    I'm in it for the long haul too - anyone can add me.
  • myndieet
    myndieet Posts: 70 Member
    I’m not totally new to MFP, but tired of struggling on my own. Could use friends for support and happy to support to you. I’m Dutch so English is not my ‘Mother Tongue’…. :glasses: I'm 42, aiming to be on here daily and also doing this for the long-haul. Certainly not going *poof* on you or anyone else here.:smile:
  • starartist
    starartist Posts: 24 Member
    Also not new. I have been on here a year, but always looking for new friends! Add me if you like! :)
  • tizzypic
    tizzypic Posts: 27 Member
    I've been a MFP member since 2010 but started taking this seriously this June. I'm now on here daily and log daily. I've sent many on this thread a friend request. If I missed you, please feel free to send me a request. :)
  • CarolineeeCassidy
    CarolineeeCassidy Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Caroline! and I'm fairly new to My Fitness Pal but I plan on being in it for the long haul for sure! I am only 19 years old but, I am determined to loosing weight and helping others do the same. I believe that having friends on here is and would be a great way to continue to loose weight and just be over-all healthier. I'll add you! I look forward to keeping up with your fitness journey!
  • claire23rd
    claire23rd Posts: 11 Member
    I'm new, literally started this week, definitely in it for the long haul though., lost 2lb already in 2 days, i probably shouldnt weigh myself every day, but im too excited. i weighted 14st 5 pounds and am now at 14st 3 pounds. Im only 5ft2 so i am really quite big, and have a long way to go.
    Im also looking to make some friends on here and to gain encouragement from others :)
  • Peachee_6
    Peachee_6 Posts: 14
    I won't poof on you!! Feel free to add me :)
    I have about 100 to lose yet
  • SansyPansy
    SansyPansy Posts: 17
    I'm new! Started yesterday! I'm married also.. but no kids yet. I havent lost any weight yet.. as a matter of fact I started off with some slip ups.. but im not quitting! im in this for the long haul too! got about 30 pounds to lose.. possibly more. and i neeed accountability which is why im on this site! :tongue:

    Feel free to add me! I dont have any friends on here yet :sad:
  • Katdyluv
    Katdyluv Posts: 14 Member
    Count me in!
  • wannabhealthy50
    wannabhealthy50 Posts: 67 Member

    I've been using MFP now for a while. I've also had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy in May of this year. Please feel free to add me, if you'd like.

    I'm 51 years old, married 27 years this November, no children, two dogs and I'm an RN